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Subject: Gull ID please [Print This Page]

Author: ckn    Time: 23/03/2011 10:15     Subject: Gull ID please

Please help to identify this gull which was seen in Hokkaido on 27 February 2011. Thanks.

Is it a jenvenile Slaty-backed Gull?

[ Last edited by ckn at 23/03/2011 20:21 ]
Author: brendank    Time: 23/03/2011 13:51

Yes, it is a rather dark first winter Slaty-backed Gull,
Author: ckn    Time: 23/03/2011 17:56

Thanks Brendan.

[ Last edited by ckn at 23/03/2011 20:17 ]
Author: cgeoff    Time: 23/03/2011 22:31

The pale iris is unusual for first-winter birds, though I've not seen that many so late in the winter.

Do you have any more shots of this bird?

Author: Beetle    Time: 23/03/2011 22:38

Geoff the photo is not taken in Hong Kong. May be useful for the identification?
Author: cgeoff    Time: 23/03/2011 23:03

I realise it was taken in northern Japan. Any other photos of the bird, particularly perched, would be useful.

Author: ckn    Time: 24/03/2011 11:17

Original posted by cgeoff at 23/03/2011 23:03
I realise it was taken in northern Japan. Any other photos of the bird, particularly perched, would be useful.


I totally took 6 shots of this gull, at 06:20:07 Japan local time, the pictures of which are reproduced herebelow for your reference -
Sorry for the noisy background due to high ISO @5,000.








Author: JanJ    Time: 28/03/2011 21:19

Rounded primary tips together with the pale iris suggest a 2nd cycle (3cy) bird.
Some nice pic but as Geoff mentioned a standing bird would have been nice to see.


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