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Subject: 琉球鶲 Ryukyu Flycatcher (F. owstoni) [Print This Page]

Author: kyshum    Time: 23/03/2011 22:10     Subject: 琉球鶲 Ryukyu Flycatcher (F. owstoni)

Please correct id if I'm wrong.
20 Mar 2011
Yuen Long



Author: yyattung    Time: 24/03/2011 00:11

三張相都未能看出背部的顏色,有沒有其他相可以參考? 不過耳羽(即眼後的位置)是由綠色漸變到黑色, 是黃眉姬鶲琉球亞種的一個特徵.

順帶一提, 這個類群(taxon)的分類學上的地位還未完全証實, 即是話是獨立一個種, 抑或是亞種, 還未完全有研究去証實(或否定).肯定的是'黃眉姬鶲琉球亞種'這種說法或稱號已經用上幾十年, 以及這是香港及東亞其中一種稀有的taxon.
Author: kyshum    Time: 24/03/2011 21:01

So bad that I have deleted most of the raw file.
Lucky that still have one jpg can shows the back. It is dark green.

Author: dcrombie    Time: 25/03/2011 10:06

I cannot read Cantonese and understand response to pictures, but this looks like narcissus to me.
Author: lrichard    Time: 10/04/2011 20:17

A male Owston's Flycatcher Ficedula narcissina owstoni (also known as Olive-backed Flycatcher and Ryukyu Flycatcher - seems likely to be recognised as a full species at some time, though is lumped for now in Narcissus Flycatcher) was found this morning (10 April 2011) at Airfield Road, Sek Kong by Yu Yat Tung and was subsequently seen again in the afternoon and photographed.

Directions. Go along Airfield Road (ie the road on the airfield side of the nullah) until you see a pair of double gates (not closed) and a (widely disregarded) sign telling people to proceed no further. The road forks into two shortly afterwards. Take the right hand fork and go on about 50 metres. The bird was in the trees and dense cover here and was reported to be very active in the afternoon.
Author: lyatming    Time: 10/04/2011 20:26

Hi Richard
The following photo was taken in this afternoon.
I think some better picture will be post soon.

Author: Stonechat    Time: 10/04/2011 21:30

The same bird's photo was taken in the evening. Just an record as the resolution is bad.

Image Attachment: Ryukyu Flycatcher.jpg (10/04/2011 21:30, 69.53 KB) / Download count 475

Author: iherman    Time: 10/04/2011 23:50

Same day and same place

Author: Stonechat    Time: 11/04/2011 08:41

iherman & Iyatming,  good photos.
Author: lrichard    Time: 11/04/2011 10:19

The Owston's Flycatcher (Ryukyu Flycatcher) was showing very well in the same area at Airfield Road this morning (Monday 11 April), favouring the larger trees and a little further down the road than the previous day, perhaps 100 metres beyond the fork of the road.
Author: John Holmes    Time: 11/04/2011 15:55     Subject: Ficedula owstoni

11th April 2011    Airfield Road

ID MKIV + 800mm

This bird seems to have got some damage to it's left eyebrow and right shoulder overnight.

Image Attachment: Owstoni_1.jpg (11/04/2011 15:55, 87.62 KB) / Download count 439

Image Attachment: Owstoni_2.jpg (11/04/2011 15:55, 66.38 KB) / Download count 359

Image Attachment: Owstoni_3.jpg (11/04/2011 15:55, 79.05 KB) / Download count 369

Author: cywong    Time: 11/04/2011 22:43

Hope it will recover soon.
Author: ckuifai    Time: 12/04/2011 17:58


Thanks Jemi & John told me this stunning bird.




[ Last edited by ckuifai at 13/04/2011 00:12 ]

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