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Subject: [Oversea] India, Gujarat Nov 2010 [Print This Page]

Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 27/03/2011 14:39     Subject: India, Gujarat Nov 2010

I will post a series of pictures from India Gujarat,  taken during the Global Bird Watchers' conference (25 to 27th of november 2010) organyzed in Jamnagar city to promote Gujarat as a birding destination. They've invited for this events over 100 foreign birdwatchers, photographers,nature travel agency, with full accomodations arranged. Was a really nice opportunity to be there and this is a fantastic place for birding.
The Spotted Owlet pic was taken on the conference center Car park,  using 12000 iso and the public lighting.

Image Attachment: [Purple Sunbird (Nectarinia asiatica)] PurpleSunbirdIndiaGujaratJamnagar26112010CT2I6457.jpg (27/03/2011 14:39, 128.95 KB) / Download count 404

Image Attachment: [Spotted Owlet (Athene brama)] SpottedOwletIndiaGujaratJamnagar25112010CT2I6432.jpg (27/03/2011 14:39, 144.72 KB) / Download count 384

Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 28/03/2011 22:35

Common Babbler and Laughing Dove taken on 26/11/2010 near Jamnagar using Canon Eos 1D markIV and 100-400

Image Attachment: [Common Babbler (Turdoides caudatus)] CommonBabblerIndiaGujaratJamnagar26112010CT2I6629.jpg (28/03/2011 22:35, 69.34 KB) / Download count 377

Image Attachment: [Common Babbler (Turdoides caudatus)] CommonBabblerIndiaGujaratJamnagar26112010CT2I6700.jpg (28/03/2011 22:35, 68.75 KB) / Download count 415

Image Attachment: [Laughing Dove (Streptopelia senegalensis)] LaughingDoveIndiaGujaratJamnagar26112010CT2I6470.jpg (28/03/2011 22:35, 60.34 KB) / Download count 411

Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 29/03/2011 21:45

Photo taken at a birds feeding place in Jamnagar. The terns was catching small fishes attracted by the bred was given to the ducks and other gulls.It's really amazing the quantity of food that local population there give to the birds... Every ten minutes was a new guy coming with hands full of bags to feed the birds.
Bank Myna, House Crow, River Tern and Gull-billed Tern, all using canon eos 1D mark IV and 100-400.

Image Attachment: [Bank Myna (Acridotheres ginginianus)] BankMynaIndiaGujaratJamnagar26112010CT2I6929.jpg (29/03/2011 21:45, 103.46 KB) / Download count 417

Image Attachment: [House Crow (Corvus splendens)] HouseCrowIndiaGujaratJamnagar26112010CT2I7055.jpg (29/03/2011 21:45, 116.29 KB) / Download count 438

Image Attachment: [River Tern (Sterna aurantia)] RiverTernIndiaGujaratJamnagar26112010CT2I7360.jpg (29/03/2011 21:45, 145 KB) / Download count 410

Image Attachment: [Gull-billed Tern (Gelochelidon nilotica)] GullBilledTernIndiaGujaratJamnagar26112010CT2I7012.jpg (29/03/2011 21:45, 113.04 KB) / Download count 434

Author: Gumbei    Time: 29/03/2011 23:01

Thanks for sharing. The species are different from ours. Good shots!
Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 30/03/2011 22:03

Thanks Gumbei.
Some other shot from Jamnagar, same place as the Tern with same material.
Slender-billed Gull, Black and Brown-headed Gull

Image Attachment: [Slender-billed Gull (Larus genei)] SlenderbilledGullIndiaGujaratJamnagar26112010CT2I7141.jpg (30/03/2011 22:03, 121.39 KB) / Download count 388

Image Attachment: [Black-headed Gull (Larus ridibundus) adult] BlackheadedGullIndiaGujaratJamnagarCT2I7229.jpg (30/03/2011 22:03, 116.95 KB) / Download count 414

Image Attachment: [Brown-headed Gull (Larus brunnicephalus) 1st Winter] BrownheadedGullIndiaGujaratJamnagarCT2I7292.jpg (30/03/2011 22:03, 96.64 KB) / Download count 387

Image Attachment: [Brown-headed Gull (Larus brunnicephalus) 1st Winte] BrownHeadedGullIndiaGujaratJamnagar26112010CT2I7307.jpg (30/03/2011 22:03, 175.37 KB) / Download count 424

Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 2/04/2011 13:01

Rosy Starling as well as Common and Bank Myna came alo numerous at this feeding place.
In Jamnagar on 26/11/2010 using Canon Eos 1D markIV and 100-400.

Image Attachment: [Common Myna ( Acridotheres tristis)] CommonMynaIndiaGujaratJamnagar26112010CT2I7559.jpg (2/04/2011 13:01, 185.8 KB) / Download count 388

Image Attachment: [Bank Myna (Acridotheres ginginianus)] BankMynaIndiaGujaratJamnagar26112010CT2I7511.jpg (2/04/2011 13:01, 138.04 KB) / Download count 414

Image Attachment: [Rosy Starling (Pastor roseus)] RosyStarlingIndiaGujaratJamnagar26112010CT2I7462.jpg (2/04/2011 13:01, 130.67 KB) / Download count 417

Image Attachment: [Rosy Starling (Pastor roseus)] RosyStarlingIndiaGujaratJamnagar26112010CT2I7537.jpg (2/04/2011 13:01, 164.77 KB) / Download count 395

Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 3/04/2011 14:47

a few birds in the Starling and Myna flock shows some malformation or injuries. Below some of them... If anybody have some explanations, i'm interesting on.
Sensitive souls abstain…

Image Attachment: [Common Myna ( Acridotheres tristis)] CommonMynabeakdeformationIndiaGujaratJamnagar26112010CT2I7445.jpg (3/04/2011 14:47, 119.59 KB) / Download count 387

Image Attachment: [Rosy Starling (Pastor roseus)] RosyStarlingBeakIndiaGujaratJamnagar26112010CT2I7503.jpg (3/04/2011 14:47, 94.74 KB) / Download count 363

Image Attachment: [Rosy Starling (Pastor roseus)] RosyStarlingBeakmalformationINdiaGujaratJamnagar26112010CT2I7592.jpg (3/04/2011 14:47, 169.64 KB) / Download count 341

Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 22/04/2011 23:25

a new set of picture from India Gujarat, Black Kite are fairly common in town and village, this one was shot in Sasan near Gir National Park, the Coppersmith Barbet as well as the Brahminy Starling pics were taken in Gir National Park. And a pic of a Greater Short-toed Lark taken in Nayara Marine reserve near Jamnagar city.

Image Attachment: [Black Kyte (Milvus migrans)] BlackKyteIndiaGujaratSasan28112010CT2I8035.jpg (22/04/2011 23:25, 141.69 KB) / Download count 404

Image Attachment: [Coppersmith Barbet (Megalaima haemacephala)] CoppersmithBarbetIndiaGujaratGirNationalPark01122010CT2I8739.jpg (22/04/2011 23:25, 107.27 KB) / Download count 373

Image Attachment: [Greater Short-toed Lark (Calandrella brachydactyla)] GreaterShortToedLarkIndiaGujaratNayaraMarineReserve27112010CT2I7845.jpg (22/04/2011 23:25, 132.65 KB) / Download count 393

Image Attachment: [Brahminy Starling (Sturnus pagodarum)] BrahminyStarlingIndiaGujaratGirationalPark30112010CT2I8642.jpg (22/04/2011 23:25, 99.77 KB) / Download count 398

Author: Stonechat    Time: 23/04/2011 18:44

Great photos...thanks for sharing
Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 24/04/2011 17:03

Thanks Stonechat.

Green Bee-eater, Indian Lapwing and Red-vented Bulbul all from Gir National Park, and Sand Lark from Nayara Marine reserve.

Image Attachment: [Green Bee-eater ( Merops orientalis )] GreenBeeEaterIndiaGujaratGirNationalPark29112010CT2I8457.jpg (24/04/2011 17:03, 127.72 KB) / Download count 386

Image Attachment: [Indian Lapwing (Vanellus indicus )] IndianLapwingIndiaGujaratSasan28112010CT2I8111.jpg (24/04/2011 17:03, 132.4 KB) / Download count 359

Image Attachment: [Red-vented Bulbul ( Pycnonotus cafer )] RedVentedBulbulIndiaGujaratGirNationalPark30112010CT2I8603.jpg (24/04/2011 17:03, 132.48 KB) / Download count 411

Image Attachment: [Sand Lark ( Calandrella raytal )] SandLarkIndiaGujaratNayaraMarinereserve27112010CT2I7679.jpg (24/04/2011 17:03, 126.24 KB) / Download count 388

Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 26/04/2011 14:48

A special post for this very cooperative Oriental Honey buzzard, that spend a good hour searching for honeycomb in bushes, just ignoring my presence even i simply stand in a few meter, following it in its moving in the different bushes. I saw her entering inside deep bushes for few minute, and then flying to a other one, that probably explain the wear on its tail feathers.
I still can not understand the confident behaviour of this bird, even birds in India are usually not too shy comparing with Chinese birds, this one was particuraly pleasant especially for raptor.
Photo taken on 28th of november in Gir National Park.

Image Attachment: [Oriental Honey Buzzard ( Pernis ptilorhyncus )] OrientalHoneyBuzzardIndiaGujaratGirNationalPark28112010CT2I8251MD.jpg (26/04/2011 14:48, 76.67 KB) / Download count 374

Image Attachment: OrientalHoneyBuzzardIndiaGujaratGirNationalPark28112010CT2I8353MD.jpg (26/04/2011 14:48, 106.53 KB) / Download count 323

Image Attachment: OrientalHoneyBuzzardIndiaGujaratGirNationalPark28112010CT2I8365MD.jpg (26/04/2011 14:48, 87.29 KB) / Download count 365

Image Attachment: OrientalHoneyBuzzardIndiaGujaratGirNationalPark28112010CT2I8432MD.jpg (26/04/2011 14:48, 119.61 KB) / Download count 372

Image Attachment: OrientalHoneyBuzzardIndiaGujaratGirNationalPark28112010CT2I8439MD.jpg (26/04/2011 14:48, 65.95 KB) / Download count 308

Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 30/04/2011 23:45

Indian Pond Heron, Indian Peafowl, Bay-backed Shrike and Ashy-crowned Sparrow Lark all of them digiscoped in or near Gir National Park by end of november.

Image Attachment: [Indian Pond Heron ( Ardeola grayii )] IndianPondHeronIndiaGujaratGirNationalPark28112010DSCN2861MD.jpg (30/04/2011 23:45, 129.31 KB) / Download count 354

Image Attachment: [Indian Peafowl ( Pavo cristatus )] IndianPeafowlIndiaGujaratGirNationalPark30112010DSCN2883MD.jpg (30/04/2011 23:45, 130.52 KB) / Download count 345

Image Attachment: [Bay-backed Shrike ( Lanius vittatus )] BayBackedShrikeIndiaGujaratSasan28112010DSCN2856MD.jpg (30/04/2011 23:45, 92.9 KB) / Download count 315

Image Attachment: [Ashy-crowned Sparrow Lark ( Eremopterix grisea )] AshyCrownedSparrowLarkIndiaGujaratGirNationalPark30112010DSCN2888MD.jpg (30/04/2011 23:45, 144.5 KB) / Download count 345

Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 4/05/2011 12:07

White-shouldered Ibis, Tickell's Blue FLycatcher, Tawny Pipit and Large Grey Babbler, all from Gir National Park on 29 and 30 of november

Image Attachment: [White-shouldered Ibis ( Pseudibis papillosa )] White-shoulderedIbisIndiaGujaratGirNationalPark29112010CT2I8528.jpg (4/05/2011 12:07, 116.11 KB) / Download count 408

Image Attachment: [Tickell's Blue Flycatcher ( Cyornis tickelliae )] TickellsBlueFlycatcherIndiaGujaratGirNationalPark30112010CT2I8689.jpg (4/05/2011 12:07, 91.66 KB) / Download count 342

Image Attachment: [Tawny Pipit ( Anthus campestris )] TawnyPipitIndiaGujaratGirNationalPark30112010DSCN2899MD.jpg (4/05/2011 12:07, 131.48 KB) / Download count 330

Image Attachment: [Large Grey Babbler ( Turdoides malcolmi )] LargeGreyBabblerIndiaGujaratGirNationalPark30112010DSCN2880MD.jpg (4/05/2011 12:07, 106.25 KB) / Download count 324

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