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Subject: [Sandpipers] Spoon-billed Sandpiper [Print This Page]

Author: John Holmes    Time: 4/04/2011 14:56     Subject: Spoon-billed Sandpiper

April 4, 2011
boardwalk hide, MPNR

800mm + 1DMKIV

[ Last edited by John Holmes at 4/04/2011 22:35 ]

Image Attachment: SBSand1-01.jpg (4/04/2011 14:56, 63.53 KB) / Download count 428

Image Attachment: SBSand2-01.jpg (4/04/2011 14:56, 50.26 KB) / Download count 418

Image Attachment: SBSand3-01.jpg (4/04/2011 14:56, 59.9 KB) / Download count 437

Author: twallace    Time: 4/04/2011 14:59

Author: Andy-li    Time: 4/04/2011 15:58

Author: brendank    Time: 4/04/2011 16:02

Great find! Hope more will follow.
Author: cywong    Time: 4/04/2011 20:11

Thanks for sharing the photos of this charismatic wader.
Author: wleepoin    Time: 4/04/2011 22:24

Spoonbill Sandpiper & Green-winged Teal, must be a wonderful day for you.
Congratulations J&J.

Author: John Holmes    Time: 4/04/2011 22:39

Thanks to all for their compliments, but we should thank Annika Forsten and the visiting Finnish birders who spotted the Spoon-billed Sandpiper first.

more pics here

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