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Subject: [Hong Kong] 請齊來救救香港後花園 DPA 西貢土瓜坪及北潭凹 [Print This Page]

Author: Sze    Time: 7/04/2011 02:34     Subject: 請齊來救救香港後花園 DPA 西貢土瓜坪及北潭凹

urgent- 請齊來救救香港後花園 DPA 西貢土瓜坪及北潭凹, 4月8日就是發表意見的最後限期!
Please share this with all your friends to save Sai Kung Country Park ... amp;extra#pid302309
Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 11/05/2011 15:40

Large Scale development in To Kwa Peng, involving 37 "So called NT Exempted Houses" for "indigenous villagers", some of them very close to the coast with mangroves:
土瓜坪的大型發展,包括37間"所謂丁屋",其中一些非常接近紅樹林: ... A_DPA_NE-TKP_3.html ... A_DPA_NE-TKP_4.html ... A_DPA_NE-TKP_5.html

Please give your comments before 20 May 2011!
Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 11/05/2011 15:46

土瓜坪的紅樹林及漂亮海灣  Mangroves in To Kwa Peng and its beautiful bay

涉及位置為荒廢農地 The captioned application site is abandoned farmland

47黑洞地帶未納規管 地政處照批建築申請
蜂擁起屋 毀郊野美景
2011年05月08日 ... amp;art_id=15235256

Image Attachment: IMG_0190.jpg (11/05/2011 15:46, 174.82 KB) / Download count 662

Image Attachment: IMG_0193.jpg (11/05/2011 15:46, 163.33 KB) / Download count 683

Author: Sze    Time: 16/05/2011 18:03

I have tried to insert those 3 development into the To Kwa Ping Map.

Image Attachment: [Developement at To Kwa Ping] TKP_Bldg_Map_small.jpg (16/05/2011 18:03, 179.94 KB) / Download count 714

Image Attachment: [Crop the map] TKP_Bldg_Map_crop.jpg (16/05/2011 18:03, 158.61 KB) / Download count 683

Author: Sze    Time: 16/05/2011 18:38

It seems 3 applications maybe under the same development project.

[ Last edited by Sze at 16/05/2011 19:16 ]

Image Attachment: TKP_Map_mangrove_s.jpg (16/05/2011 18:38, 193.31 KB) / Download count 665

Author: Sze    Time: 18/05/2011 01:23

仲有2日咋! 大家快D表達意見,救救我們的西貢郊野!

Image Attachment: ToKwaPing.jpg (18/05/2011 01:23, 190.62 KB) / Download count 656

Author: Sze    Time: 5/10/2011 21:17

Dear Sir /Madam,

              Thank you for your e-mail to the Secretary for Development and other government departments conveying objection to the processing and approval of land grants and planning applications in Country Park enclaves prior to the preparation of Outline Zoning Plans, with reference to three planning applications (i.e. Planning Applications No. A/DPA/NE-TKP/3, A/DPA/NE-TKP/4 and A/DPA/NE-TKP/5) for Small House development in To Kwa Peng.

        As announced by the Chief Executive in the 2010-11 Policy Address, the recent Tai Long Sai Wan incident has highlighted the need to take prompt action to regulate land use in the vicinity of country parks to forestall human damage.

        At present, amongst the 54 enclaves without statutory plans under the Town Planning Ordinance, 17 enclaves, namely Sai Wan, Pak Lap, Hoi Ha, So Lo Pun, To Kwa Peng, Pak Tam Au, Tin Fu Tsai, Lai Chi Wo, Siu Tan, Sam A Tsuen, Ko Lau Wan, Mau Ping, Tung A, Pak A, Ma Shi Chau, Ngou Kwo Tin and Luk Wu / Keung Shan have been designated as Development Permission Areas (DPAs) and are covered by 12 DPA plans.  The remaining enclaves will either be included into Country Parks, or have their proper uses determined through statutory planning.

        Under the prevailing mechanism, for sites not covered by any statutory town plans, Lands Department would approve an application for a Small House Grant provided that the eligibility of the applicant as an indigenous villager has been ascertained and the application site is considered suitable for Small House development under the prevailing Small House Policy and relevant legislations.   In processing an application, LandsD would post notices formally on the Small House site concerned, Notice Boards in the village(s), the relevant Rural Committee office and the relevant District Lands Office for 14 days, to see whether there are valid local objections to the application.  Only valid objections received within the notice period will be considered by LandsD, regardless of whether they are lodged by indigenous villagers or not. Other relevant Government departments will also be consulted as appropriate.

        As regards areas covered by new DPA plans, the development of Small Houses within the DPA plan area shall observe the provision of the relevant DPA plan in addition to undergoing the procedures described above.  For cases requiring planning permission, Lands Department will only proceed with the application subject to planning approval.  As a matter of principle, the Government strives to strike a balance between the rights for private developments and nature conservation.

               The three planning applications you mentioned have been  processed in accordance with the Town Planning Ordinance and relevant guidelines.  Your views together with other public comments on the above-mentioned applications have been noted and referred to the Town Planning Board (TPB) secretariat.  Please be informed that consideration of Applications No. A/DPA/TKP/3 and A/DPA/TKP/5 had been deferred subsequent to the RNTPC’s meeting on 17 June 2011 while Application No. A/DPA/TKP/4 for 16 Small Houses was rejected by the RNTPC on 22 July 2011.  You may rest assured that your views have been/will be duly considered by the TPB.

Planning Team
Development Bureau
October 2011

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