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Subject: Fuji F31fd [Print This Page]

Author: cwchan    Time: 27/01/2007 23:36     Subject: Fuji F31fd

In response to Neil's previous forum re the same subject, the Fuji F31 is very good under dim light condition. The following,  Grey Heron, was taken on 23.1.2007 at Tsim Bui  Tsui when the sun went down (5.45pm), dc setting was  ISO800.


Image Attachment: dscf0177crop4_666.jpg (27/01/2007 23:36, 0 Bytes) / Download count 7258

Author: puppymic    Time: 28/01/2007 12:02

I think a sub-topic forum for 'digiscoping' could be setup because more and more discussion are posted.
Author: tbob    Time: 28/01/2007 17:53

I agree Mandy,
Author: cwchan    Time: 28/01/2007 18:21

Can anyone tell me why I can not attach a photo in the forum?  I could do it previously.


Solved problem.  File attached. Thanks Forrest.
Author: fforrest    Time: 28/01/2007 21:51

The setting of this forum has been revised.

Please try it again.

Author: cwchan    Time: 25/02/2007 19:20     Subject: Red-whiskered Bulbul

Another sample taken by using the same gear.

Some setting
1/180 second;
f 5.6:

Image Attachment: DSCF0525crop.jpg (25/02/2007 19:20, 0 Bytes) / Download count 6999

Author: cwchan    Time: 7/03/2007 19:47     Subject: Fuji F31 +30X scope+ SRB swing-up adapter

Another example taken by using the same gear.

Fuji F31 +30X scope+ SRB swing-out adapter

Spotted Dove (珠頸班鳩)

Setting : 16.1mm,  F5.6,  ISO100, 1/5.1second

The first one is full frame and the second is cropped.

Image Attachment: DSCF0555crop.jpg (7/03/2007 19:47, 0 Bytes) / Download count 6838

Image Attachment: DSCF0555full frame downsize2.jpg (7/03/2007 19:47, 0 Bytes) / Download count 6793

Author: cwchan    Time: 15/03/2007 22:47     Subject: Great Cormorant (鸕鷀)

Great Cormorant (鸕鷀)

Mai Po

Fuji F31  + 30X scope

1/340 sec;
ISO 100

Image Attachment: DSCF0672crop.jpg (15/03/2007 22:47, 0 Bytes) / Download count 6660

Author: ckacheung    Time: 18/03/2007 20:46     Subject: my first digiscoping without bracket and mount

Pentax 80ED + fuiji 31D
no mount or bracket

Long Valley 18/3/2007

Image Attachment: DSCF0306.JPG (18/03/2007 20:46, 0 Bytes) / Download count 6557

Image Attachment: DSCF0288.JPG (18/03/2007 20:46, 0 Bytes) / Download count 6487

Image Attachment: DSCF0283.JPG (18/03/2007 20:46, 0 Bytes) / Download count 6525

Author: wrobert    Time: 21/03/2007 00:07     Subject: Hand held


You did it just handheld ? Pentax is very good taking into consideration its price.

Author: ckacheung    Time: 22/03/2007 01:23


Yes, I did it handheld mount or bracket to use
hope it's ok la

Author: cwchan    Time: 19/04/2007 19:46     Subject: Spotted Dove

Spotted Dove
a lovely blue sky today
at Lin Fa Shan, Tsuen Wan.

Digiscope : Fuji F31 +30X scope

Author: calexander    Time: 22/04/2007 21:36

Tried out custom made adaptor
Carl Zeiss 65T-FL
23X eye piece
Fuji F31Fd
All pictures taken toady on 22/4/07 in Long Valley before it rained heavily.
All cropped to 1600 x1200 than downsized to 800 x 600
Neat-image and Photoshop processed

I think the small 65mm scope really performs less well with the large 80 or 85mm scope

Image Attachment: Fantail snipe.jpg (22/04/2007 21:36, 0 Bytes) / Download count 5932

Image Attachment: Painted snipe.jpg (22/04/2007 21:36, 0 Bytes) / Download count 5894

Author: cwchan    Time: 23/04/2007 14:14


I agree the 65mm objective is the main reason that the picture quality is not as good as the scopes equipped with 80mm objectives. However, you can improve the sharpness if you step down the aperture to f5.6 or f8.  :  

Can you share with us how your adaptor looks like?

Author: fneil    Time: 23/04/2007 18:36

From my experience with Swarovski you would be better using a longer scope eyepiece and less zoom on the camera.  Most digicam lenses are'nt at their best near full zoom and the lack of light ( due to high f stop ) makes auto focusing difficult.  I don't like to zoom the camera lens over half way unless the light is very good and the subject is close. Neil.
Author: calexander    Time: 23/04/2007 20:39


I agree the 65mm objective is the main reason that the picture quality is not as good as the scopes equipped with 80mm objectives. However, you can improve the sharpness if you step down the aperture to f5.6 or f8.  :  

Can you share with us how your adaptor looks like?


My way to custom-made adaptor is to find adaptor rings with inner diameter that match the eyepiece and the camera lens, then linked them up

For Fuji31fd, the diameter of the lens is 30.5mm
I found out that 34mm male filter ring have inner diameter of 30.5mm, which after a bit more polishing, fit sluggly to the Fuji31fd lens

The outer diameter of the 23/30x eyepiece and the 30/40x Zeiss eyepiece is 49mm. Usually a 52mm male filter will fit.  And I am lucky to find an old lens hood that again fit sluggly to the rubber.

All the materials were found in 2nd hand camera shops near and around Chan Hung Camera in TST. It costs me less than $200 and these pieces are "modular"!

Image Attachment: DSC00885.JPG (23/04/2007 20:39, 0 Bytes) / Download count 5496

Image Attachment: DSC00887.JPG (23/04/2007 20:39, 0 Bytes) / Download count 5501

Image Attachment: DSC00888.JPG (23/04/2007 20:39, 0 Bytes) / Download count 5448

Author: calexander    Time: 23/04/2007 20:44

some more photos.

Image Attachment: DSC00890.JPG (23/04/2007 20:44, 0 Bytes) / Download count 5485

Author: cwchan    Time: 24/04/2007 21:28

Thanks Uncle Tall,

It is simple and effective : .
However, you can not zoom after placing the adaptor to your DC. Do you use cable release to activate the shutter which is very important to reduce vibration? If don't, think about it.

Author: fneil    Time: 28/04/2007 22:00

I stayed until after dusk last Wednesday and still wanted to keep digiscoping the Curlew Sandpipers so I switched from the Nikon 8400 to the Fuji F31fd and set kept shooting from iso 800 to 1600 to 3200. Here is the 1600 and 3200 images taken at 60x on the zoom eyepiece. Neil.

Mai Po Nature Reserve,
Hong Kong,


Fuji F31fd and Swarovski STS80HD scope and Sw 20-60x zoom and DCA adapter

Image Attachment: curlew sands.breed.iso3200 DSCF3843.jpg (28/04/2007 22:00, 0 Bytes) / Download count 5327

Image Attachment: curlew sands.breed.F30.iso1600 DSCF3820.jpg (28/04/2007 22:00, 0 Bytes) / Download count 5346

Author: cwchan    Time: 28/04/2007 22:13


Nice shot despite at such high ISO. :

I don't think  8400 can give such good result.

Author: cwchan    Time: 26/05/2007 23:58

Black-winged Stilt

Mai Po NR

Fuji F31 + 30X scope

[ Last edited by cwchan at 5/02/2009 11:16 ]
Author: cwchan    Time: 30/08/2007 00:39     Subject: Cattle Egret

Mai Po

30X scope + Fuji f31fd

[ Last edited by cwchan at 5/02/2009 11:15 ]
Author: cwchan    Time: 11/11/2007 01:03

The F31 is still my backup DC .  I use it occasionally, just like today. The picture quality is very good.

Long Valley

30X scope + Fuji F31

[ Last edited by cwchan at 5/02/2009 11:13 ]

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