Subject: [Hong Kong] 丙崗低密度住宅發展 Low-density Residential Development in Ping Kong [Print This Page] Author: HKBWS Chuan Time: 3/05/2011 11:11 Subject: 丙崗低密度住宅發展 Low-density Residential Development in Ping Kong
註: 報導中塱原的雀鳥品種數字(210)為塱原未有生境管理前記錄到的數目。
Note: the number of species of Long Valley (210) shown in the report refer to the number before any Habitat Management was carried out.
The Study Brief for Ping Kong development is issued by the EPD. It specifically requires to study the feeding, breeding and roosting requirements of birds including the Malayan Night Heron, Wetland and Woodland dependent migrants and some Raptors (like Besra and Black Baza). HKBWS Chuan Time: 30/05/2012 17:36
申請人撤回城規會申請, 但不清楚環評研究等等是否尚在進行中。
The Applicant has withdrawn the Town Planning Board application, but we are not sure whether the EIA studies are still ongoing. Author: HKBWS Chuan Time: 1/06/2012 10:48