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Subject: Mai Po toy kite hurt Avocet 米埔有風箏傷及反嘴鷸 [Print This Page]

Author: Hendrix    Time: 29/01/2007 02:05     Subject: Mai Po toy kite hurt Avocet 米埔有風箏傷及反嘴鷸

主角:努力覓食的 female 游隼  Peregrine Falcon
Main character: A foraging female Peregrine Falcon

It began when the gulls and waders were flushed – didn’t know what happened,
but birdwatchers next to me said the Falcon caught an Avocet but slipped, the prey fell into the water.
The Falcon was on the ground when I found it, and the birds were flushed again.

Spotted a big raptor in the air, turned out to be a raptor-like kite through the camera.
Couldn’t locate the end of the string – very mysterious.

滿天飛鳥,游隼按耐不住,再四竄追鳥。本來大家討論以為游隼會舍難取易,重拾那反嘴鷸 ,但不是,游隼沒去拾,是否也被上空的"大猛禽“鎮嚇到了?
The falcon started chasing birds in the air.  We commented that it should pick up the easy Avocet already in the water.
But it didn’t – was it afraid of the kite?

It missed a Black-capped KF by just inches.
The Kingfisher slipped into the mangrove, which was too dense for the falcon.

當游隼追鳥失敗遠去後,才靜下來找那受傷的反嘴鷸 ,發現它在水面掙扎,初時只當它是被抓傷,
We scanned for the Avocet after the falcon has abandoned its effort and left.
The Avocet was struggling in the water, thought it was just scratched.
However, we realised that it was entangled in the kite string when it was dragged over water after a few minutes.
It disappeared at the edge of the mangrove.



Can’t sort out the cause and effect: Did the Avocet brought the kite along after having been entangled in the string?
Or was the kite drifted by itself and entangled the Avocet?
Did the string slow down the Avocet so that it was caught by the Peregrine Falcon?
Or did the Falcon lose its grip because of the string so that the prey fell to the water?

Initially we wondered if the kite was deployed to scare the birds – last week nets were set up near the mudflat to trap birds.

D2X , AFS600 +1.4X

MP 後海灣, 28/1/07
28/1/07 Deep Bay, Mai Po
Author: 深藍-Owen    Time: 31/01/2007 22:45

Anybody report to WWF, AFCD or Police ?
Author: Hendrix    Time: 31/01/2007 22:53

2 WWF stuff is beside me counting bird , one is a young white man ( forget the name ) , one is MaiLing . they know it .
Author: 深藍-Owen    Time: 31/01/2007 22:55

u mean Bena? Thanks.
Author: Hendrix    Time: 31/01/2007 23:01

also see 2 small boat quite near the bird drag the fishing net  :evil:

Image Attachment: 012.jpg (31/01/2007 23:01, 0 Bytes) / Download count 2827

Author: Hendrix    Time: 31/01/2007 23:07

[quote:b0ebbed0d7="cowen"]u mean Bena? Thanks.[/quote]

may be , 有短鬚

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