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Subject: bird identification [Print This Page]

Author: quaali    Time: 17/05/2011 17:27     Subject: bird identification

taken on 16th April at Long Valley

Image Attachment: DSC_9500.JPG (17/05/2011 17:27, 152.73 KB) / Download count 399

Author: Sze    Time: 17/05/2011 22:05

Author: quaali    Time: 17/05/2011 23:18


Image Attachment: DSC_9476.JPG (17/05/2011 23:18, 173.52 KB) / Download count 453

Author: thinfor    Time: 18/05/2011 08:54

啲毛有啲金金地feel, 可能係太平洋金斑鴴.
Author: ajohn    Time: 18/05/2011 13:06

This is a Pacific Golden Plover. Some yellower feathers are visible on the upperparts, ruling out Grey Plover. Also the structure (rather small, slim appearance) and obvious supercilium do not fit Grey Plover. Also, Grey Plover is very rare away from the intertidal areas and is unlikely at Long Valley.
Author: HFCheung    Time: 18/05/2011 17:41

If the two photos were posted together in the 1st round, then may Sze would not have made such a mistake.  So please help us all by posting all that is necessary to make an accurate judgement.

HF Cheung
Author: quaali    Time: 18/05/2011 23:13

Thanks for the information.
參考 香港及華南鳥類 ,書中的金斑鴴, 胸前飾羽是黑色的. 請問為何這隻不是黑色的呢?
Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 2/06/2011 14:11

這是因為牠正由非繁殖羽轉為繁殖羽, 因為不是一下子所有羽毛轉換, 所以你會見到牠的面至腹部會慢慢出些黑色羽毛, 一撻撻再變成黑色

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