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Subject: [China] Birding @ Northern Xinjiang 北疆觀鳥 [Print This Page]

Author: Paux    Time: 28/05/2011 14:53     Subject: Birding @ Northern Xinjiang 北疆觀鳥

Mid May, 2011
White-backed woodpecker 白背啄木鳥

Great Tit 大山雀

Eurasian Nightjar 歐夜鷹

Image Attachment: IMG_2315raa.jpg (28/05/2011 14:53, 98.1 KB) / Download count 415

Image Attachment: IMG_2480raa.jpg (28/05/2011 14:53, 53.62 KB) / Download count 452

Image Attachment: IMG_2974raa.jpg (28/05/2011 14:53, 44.3 KB) / Download count 424

Author: Paux    Time: 28/05/2011 14:56

Black Woodpecker 黑啄木鳥

Image Attachment: IMG_2003raa.jpg (28/05/2011 14:56, 98.95 KB) / Download count 430

Image Attachment: IMG_2006raa.jpg (28/05/2011 14:56, 97.3 KB) / Download count 386

Author: Paux    Time: 28/05/2011 15:12

Common Cuckoo 大杜鵑

Fieldfare 田鶇

Image Attachment: IMG_2426raa.jpg (28/05/2011 15:12, 93.82 KB) / Download count 423

Image Attachment: IMG_1586raa.jpg (28/05/2011 15:12, 95.91 KB) / Download count 422

Author: Paux    Time: 28/05/2011 15:21

Chaffinch 蒼頭燕雀

Image Attachment: IMG_2454raa.jpg (28/05/2011 15:21, 94.77 KB) / Download count 409

Author: Paux    Time: 3/06/2011 00:36

Bearded Parrotbill 文须雀

Image Attachment: IMG_1078raa.jpg (3/06/2011 00:36, 87.08 KB) / Download count 401

Image Attachment: IMG_1080raa.jpg (3/06/2011 00:36, 93.33 KB) / Download count 441

Author: Paux    Time: 3/06/2011 00:46

Rock Sparrow 石雀

Pied Wheatear  白頂[即鳥]

Image Attachment: IMG_0819raa.jpg (3/06/2011 00:46, 86.21 KB) / Download count 428

Image Attachment: IMG_0803ra.jpg (3/06/2011 00:46, 98.52 KB) / Download count 420

Author: Paux    Time: 3/06/2011 00:50

Saxual Sparrow 黑頂麻雀

Image Attachment: IMG_2820raa.jpg (3/06/2011 00:50, 82.48 KB) / Download count 424

Image Attachment: IMG_2825raa.jpg (3/06/2011 00:50, 84.96 KB) / Download count 413

Author: Paux    Time: 3/06/2011 01:03

House Sparrow  家麻雀

Common Starling  紫翅椋鳥

Image Attachment: IMG_2833raa.jpg (3/06/2011 01:03, 89.81 KB) / Download count 390

Image Attachment: IMG_0778raa.jpg (3/06/2011 01:03, 85.95 KB) / Download count 424

Author: Paux    Time: 4/06/2011 00:50

White-headed Duck 白頭硬尾鴨

Northern Lapwing 鳳頭麥雞

Image Attachment: IMG_0872raa.jpg (4/06/2011 00:50, 85.66 KB) / Download count 388

Image Attachment: IMG_1041rab.jpg (4/06/2011 00:50, 98.84 KB) / Download count 413

Author: Paux    Time: 4/06/2011 00:54

European Bee-eater 黃喉蜂虎

Image Attachment: IMG_0686ra.jpg (4/06/2011 00:54, 74.5 KB) / Download count 427

Image Attachment: IMG_0709rbb.jpg (4/06/2011 00:54, 94.08 KB) / Download count 482

Author: Paux    Time: 4/06/2011 01:01

Hume's Leaf Warbler 淡眉柳鶯

Common Nightingale 新疆歌鴝

Image Attachment: IMG_1103rbb.jpg (4/06/2011 01:01, 89.64 KB) / Download count 401

Image Attachment: IMG_0747raa.jpg (4/06/2011 01:01, 86.52 KB) / Download count 407

Author: Paux    Time: 4/06/2011 01:17

Rufous-tailed Shrike 棕尾伯勞

Northern Wheatear 穗鵖

Image Attachment: IMG_0919raa.jpg (4/06/2011 01:17, 90.29 KB) / Download count 397

Image Attachment: IMG_2699ra.jpg (4/06/2011 01:17, 72.56 KB) / Download count 407

Author: Paux    Time: 5/06/2011 15:07

Horned Grebe 角鷿鷉

Black-necked Grebe 黑頸鸊鷉

Yellow-legged Gull 黄腿鷗

Image Attachment: IMG_2405raa.jpg (5/06/2011 15:07, 100.45 KB) / Download count 414

Image Attachment: IMG_0884raa.jpg (5/06/2011 15:07, 52.18 KB) / Download count 416

Image Attachment: IMG_1755rraa.jpg (5/06/2011 15:07, 39.37 KB) / Download count 393

Author: Paux    Time: 5/06/2011 15:27

Stock Pigeon  歐鴿

Pallas's Sandgrouse 毛腿沙雞

Common Swift 普通樓燕

Turkestan Tit 西域山雀

Image Attachment: IMG_1219raa.jpg (5/06/2011 15:27, 30.27 KB) / Download count 397

Image Attachment: IMG_2884raa.jpg (5/06/2011 15:27, 42.74 KB) / Download count 447

Image Attachment: IMG_0811raa.jpg (5/06/2011 15:27, 25.75 KB) / Download count 459

Image Attachment: IMG_1188raa.jpg (5/06/2011 15:27, 93.64 KB) / Download count 441

Author: Paux    Time: 5/06/2011 15:55

A flock of Demoiselle Cranes 蓑羽鶴

Red-headed Bunting 褐頭鵐

Image Attachment: IMG_1508raa.jpg (5/06/2011 15:55, 38.43 KB) / Download count 456

Image Attachment: IMG_2771raa.jpg (5/06/2011 15:55, 60.71 KB) / Download count 419

Image Attachment: IMG_1622raa.jpg (5/06/2011 15:55, 95.27 KB) / Download count 381

Author: Paux    Time: 5/06/2011 16:19

Desert Wheatear 漠鵖

Finally, photos of a hare & a gerbil to end this report. Thanks for viewing.

Image Attachment: IMG_2865raa.jpg (5/06/2011 16:19, 44.38 KB) / Download count 385

Image Attachment: IMG_2848raa.jpg (5/06/2011 16:19, 83.65 KB) / Download count 419

Image Attachment: IMG_2934raa.jpg (5/06/2011 16:19, 65.99 KB) / Download count 433

Author: EricB    Time: 5/06/2011 16:20

Hi Paul,
Thanks for posting your many great bird photos. Looks like quite a destination!
Can you shed a little more light on the logistics? Like where you fly to,how you travelled about,the length of your stay,problems you had and how to avoid them, whether  you had a bird  guide etc?
Many thanks,
Author: Paux    Time: 6/06/2011 17:02

Hi Eric,thank you for your nice comments.
Actually, I just joined a group of birders from Beijing for this 7-day N. Xinjiang birding trip. Our trip started at Urumqi & went north as far as Habahe (close to the border of Republic Kazakhstan). As this was the 2nd year our leader led the group to Xinjiang in a similar route, he was familiar with the birding spots there. And all our accommodations & traffic arrangement were handled by an experienced & specialized local travel agent, so everything went very smooth.
As I wanted to go birding for more places in my trip, I didn't fly direct from Shenzhen to Urumqi. Indeed I took a train from Guangzhou to Yangxian (Qingling) at Shaanxi first. After birding for 3 days, I took a flight from Xian to Urumqi to join the fellow birders. After the trip ended, I stayed for one more day in Urumqi for local birds & then flied back to Shenzhen.
For birders to go birding in Xinjiang on their own,I think it will not be easy. Xinjiang is such a large place, you definitely need a good bird guide who knows the distribution of different bird species in different parts of Xinjiang. And also you need a good driver who understands the needs of birders. Meanwhile, car hiring expense in Xinjiang is also very high compared with the rest of China. For foreign birders, communication with the locals will be a problem as well but it can be handled by your bird guide.
Even though it will not be easy for a foreign birder to go birding in Xinjiang, it definitely will be a great trip. The birds, the people & the scenery are so different from other parts of China!

Author: msamuel    Time: 6/06/2011 20:42

Author: Paux    Time: 7/06/2011 21:55

Samuel, 謝謝!


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