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Subject: ID please (Spain) [Print This Page]

Author: ilovebird15    Time: 1/06/2011 22:26     Subject: ID please (Spain)

Went to Spain last week
took a few pictures on the way
Below are some sharing
and would like to ask for identification for a few birds

Thanks so much

Monk Parakeet

European Great Tit

Rose-ringed Parakeet

Spotless Staring


House Sparrow

Eurasian Collared Dove

White Flock

(1) ???

(2) ??

(3) ??

(4) ??

(5) ??

(6) ??



(9) yellow-legged gull??

Million thanksss

[ Last edited by ilovebird15 at 2/06/2011 19:50 ]
Author: EricB    Time: 2/06/2011 02:22

1.Crag Martin - note the streaked throat
2.Common Swift - big swift , only other possibility is Pallid which is more dark brown and not so black
3.Muscovy Duck - plastic
4.Rock Sparrow- good bird, distinctive white tips to the tail normally seen from above,distinctive vent markings,chunky conical bill,pale supercilium etc
6.Chaffinch - female
7.Chaffinch - male
8.Blackbird -female

The 'Yellow bellied Tit' is actually a 'European' Great Tit.

[ Last edited by EricB at 2/06/2011 03:24 ]
Author: ilovebird15    Time: 2/06/2011 19:49


Thank you very much for identifying them for me.
I got nothing after hours of searching on the internet.

Thanks again!


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