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Subject: 冠羽 - 日本樹鶯珠針慘局之省思 [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 8/06/2011 11:29     Subject: 冠羽 - 日本樹鶯珠針慘局之省思

大家可能聽聞早前台灣發現有日本樹鶯誤吞珠針慘死一事,台北鳥會之會訊冠羽第207期其中有文章講及這件事。承蒙台北鳥會及其會訊冠羽編輯部應允轉載, 希望藉此讓各鳥友和攝影者反思餵蟲引鳥一事。
Some of you may heard that a pin was found inside a dead Japanese Bush Warbler in Taiwan a few months ago. An article in Yuhina No. 207, bulletin of Wild Bird Society of Taipei (WBST), talked about this. Thank you WBST and editorial of Yuhina for permitting to quoting this article here. Hope birders and photographers can think deeply on this issue.
All rights reserve to WBST and editorial of Yuhina.
(I am sorry the Yuhina is in Chinese only)

Image Attachment: 冠羽207期_頁面_02.jpg (8/06/2011 11:29, 238.6 KB) / Download count 858

Image Attachment: 冠羽207期_頁面_14.jpg (8/06/2011 11:29, 317.37 KB) / Download count 743

Image Attachment: 冠羽207期_頁面_15.jpg (8/06/2011 11:29, 325.5 KB) / Download count 745

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