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Subject: [Hong Kong] 長實豐樂圍 申建1958住宅 - Fung Lok Wai Project [Print This Page]

Author: Sze    Time: 5/09/2011 00:15     Subject: 長實豐樂圍 申建1958住宅 - Fung Lok Wai Project

經濟日報 03-09-2011



90年代 多次申請被拒絕








A/YL-LFS/224 (流浮山及尖鼻咀)
屆滿日期 : 23/09/2011

項目摘要: ... -LFS_224_0_gist.pdf

Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 9/09/2011 19:02

Previous Discussion thread on this forum 過往本論壇上的討論帖! ... &extra=page%3D5
Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 14/09/2011 10:04

2011年09月14日 - 蘋果日報
長實建屏風樓 損候鳥生態 ... amp;art_id=15612062

2011年9月14日 - 明報
魚塘拆壆騰地起樓 長實被指取巧

2011年9月14日 - 星島日報
環團憂濕地屏風樓影響候鳥 ... 3%A5-220940176.html

2011年09月14日 - 東方日報

14 Sep 2011 -  South China Morning Post
Author: cthomas    Time: 19/09/2011 23:24

(1) 此地區毗鄰「拉姆薩爾濕地」, 這是極具自然保育價值,將漁塘填平、建樓,造成不可逆轉的環境;
(2) 這一發展區為一長形的屏障,將會形響鳥類的飛行;
(3) 此地區是極具自然保育價值,不應由沒有自然保育經驗的發展商建造、管理和營運,應該永久交由富有自然
(4) 由地產商連這5%的地段不放過,可知它們不是有心做好自然保育,而是發展整個地段。

Author: Sze    Time: 23/09/2011 03:08


1.        擬建住宅用地的北面全是平坦的魚塘,而南面則是3條村落,樓高最高約3層,但擬建的住宅群卻是6組共19座樓高19層的大廈,不難想像對當地的景觀將會帶來何等嚴重的破壞,情況應可比美大圍鐵路站上蓋新建的屏風樓。
2.        發展項目東面毗鄰南生圍,北面毗鄰米埔自然保護區及后海灣,西面毗鄰香港濕地公園。上述3個地方均是有大量雀鳥(尤其是水鳥及涉禽)棲息覓食的地方。水鳥及涉禽的棲息及覓食均會因應潮汐漲退而改變位置,此外,牠們亦會因食物的供應量而不時在區內作短距離飛行移動,故此如在這3地之間興建一組數量如此龐大而且最高高度達64.9米的建築群,這將對於在區內生活的水鳥及涉禽的飛行造成不能估計的影響。
3.        住宅群的大量玻璃窗有機會增加區內雀鳥因誤撞玻璃而死亡的風險。
4.        由於南生圍,米埔自然保護區及香港濕地公園均為不少雀鳥夜棲的地方,再加上鄰近都是開闊的平地,故此數量這樣龐大而且遠較鄰近地方為高的建築群,無論在興建中,或完成後對周邊環境所帶來的光害及噪音問題,將會比一般在城市裡或有山丘阻隔的情況下更為嚴重。
5.        香港擁有成功建造及管理濕地經驗的公司/機構並不多,成功例子主要只有由世界自然基金會(香港分會)管理的米埔自然保護區及漁農自然護理署管理的香港濕地公園。一片成功的濕地往往需要長時間的經運及管理,而且成效的高低並不容易在條款上以黑字白紙詳列,故此本人非常憂慮由發展商建造、營運及管理的濕地自然保育區的成效究竟可會有多少?
6.        濕地管理需要金額不少的營運費用,發展商投放的金額是否真的足夠自然保育區長遠營運,本人深表憂慮。

Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 23/09/2011 16:15

HKBWS's official comments submitted to the Town Planning Board on the comprehensive development at Fung Lok Wai:

HKBWS_objection_A_YL-LFS_224.pdf (311.53 KB)

Attachment: HKBWS_objection_A_YL-LFS_224.pdf (23/09/2011 16:15, 311.53 KB) / Download count 996
Author: Sze    Time: 2/03/2013 14:34

Author: gary    Time: 3/03/2013 21:22

For those whom want to express your view over this issue, here is one more point for your reference.

The site Fung Lok Wai, has long been identified as a stronghold of night roosting ardeid in Hong Kong. In 2002, there was record of almost 400(see reference below); and a few years ago I personally sighted more than 1,000 in winter.
The location totally fall within the project site; so there would be some implication to the ardeid roosting there, the Ramsar Site. Yet, this roosting site issue has never been addressed in the Development Plan Proposed, neither EIA nor Planning Submission.

Anyone whom would like to raise out bird related opinion on this planning may take consideration of this point.

Night roost survey in 2002 ... hkbonewsletter6.pdf

Author: Sze    Time: 3/03/2013 23:24

Dear Gary,

Thanks for your sharing.
But the above link is incorrect.
I think it may be the follwoing one (start from P.9 and refer to Shing Uk Tsuen): ... bonewsletter1_3.pdf

[ Last edited by Sze at 3/03/2013 23:25 ]
Author: gary    Time: 4/03/2013 01:40

Hi sze,
My link is correct, please check page 10 of the newsletter.
I mean night roosting site, not egretry.
Author: Sze    Time: 5/03/2013 00:08

Original posted by gary at 4/03/2013 01:40
Hi sze,
My link is correct, please check page 10 of the newsletter.
I mean night roosting site, not egretry.
Oh! Sorry Gary!
Since you say Night roost survey in 2002 and the title of the article in your link is 2003, I overlooked the content.
Sorry and Thanks for sharing again.

[ Last edited by Sze at 5/03/2013 00:25 ]
Author: Sze    Time: 14/05/2013 18:55


世界自然基金會香港分會宣佈:擱置參與豐樂圍項目 ... ung-Lok-Wai-Project

世界自然基金會香港分會(WWF)今日宣布,基於豐樂圍項目尚存疑慮,本會經審慎考慮後,擔心此項目難以成為日後公私營界別合作模式(PPP)的典範,決定即時擱置與豐樂圍項目倡議者(Mutual Luck Investment Limited)合作。









Author: Sze    Time: 14/05/2013 18:58

Good News!

WWF-Hong Kong Announces its Withdrawal from the Fung Lok Wai Project

After careful consideration of several unresolved issues that are critical to the Fung Lok Wai project’s success as an exemplary Public-Private Partnership (PPP) project in the Inner Deep Bay region, WWF-Hong Kong is today announcing its immediate withdrawal from the project in partnership with the project proponent, Mutual Luck Investment Limited, for a number of reasons outlined below.

The PPP Approach and the Wetland Trust Model

WWF-Hong Kong believes that the PPP approach can be a practical and viable solution for nature conservation on privately-owned lands under the right circumstances. By preserving a large area of land as a nature reserve and committing to the long-term conservation and management of the site, the Fung Lok Wai project can not only preserve but significantly enhance the ecological value of wetlands in Fung Lok Wai, thereby contributing to the entire Deep Bay ecosystem. WWF envisioned that the Fung Lok Wai project would serve as an exemplary model for other fish ponds held by developers and having Comprehensive Development/Wetland Conservation zoning.

In the early 2000s, WWF proposed that the future nature reserve at Fung Lok Wai should be run on the Wetland Trust model, in which the land ownership, funds and management are transferred to a Wetland Trust overseen by an independent board made up of credible members including wetland experts and government representatives. This Trust would also be grown to accept other wetlands and funds, which would ensure they are effectively managed under one comprehensive plan aiming to achieve ambitious conservation goals; rather than being planned and managed individually with overlapping objectives and repeated efforts.

The Wetland Trust model also allows for long-term conservation planning and better resource utilization. However, in 2011, a completely different funding framework was proposed by the Hong Kong government, in which the land ownership would remain with the developer and the ECF would absorb the funds and be in charge of finding and administering a management agent to manage individual sites.

Reasons for Withdrawal

The Environmental Impact Assessment of the Fung Lok Wai project has been approved and the planning application is scheduled to be considered by Town Planning Board in the near future. However, diverging views still exist among the public, the project proponent and WWF on the project’s fundamental principles in areas like the Public Private Partnership concept itself and the long-term funding and management model. WWF is not confident that the conservation objectives set for this project are achievable if it continues to proceed in its current form.

New concerns as mentioned above, belonging to both the public and WWF, arose as the project evolved over the years and have not been fully reflected or addressed. WWF firmly believes that stakeholder engagement is critical to the success of PPP projects like Fung Lok Wai.

As a responsible conservation organization, withdrawing from this project will hopefully allow adequate time and room for society to fully explore and reach consensus on how best to conserve the important wetlands of the Inner Deep Bay area.

WWF-Hong Kong, with its decades-long experience in wetland conservation and management, will continue to promote best practices and share its knowledge gained from operating the Mai Po Nature Reserve and wetland projects in mainland China, with the aim of strengthening wetlands management in the region. We will continue to run education programmes with the community and play the role of environmental watchdog to safeguard Hong Kong’s valuable and irreplaceable environment. Our position in and aspirations for wetland conservation will in no way be affected by our withdrawal from the Fung Lok Wai project.

For further details on the Fung Lok Wai project, our rationale and involvement and FAQs, please visit:

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