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Subject: plz help id [Print This Page]

Author: smp    Time: 17/09/2011 15:53     Subject: plz help id

is northern hawk cuckoo juv?


Author: kmike    Time: 17/09/2011 16:34

This is a juvenile Large Hawk Cuckoo.

Mike K
Author: brendank    Time: 17/09/2011 16:42

Why is this definitely a Large Hawk Cuckoo? Tail pattern isn't clearly visible. To me it seems difficult to say.
Author: kmike    Time: 17/09/2011 20:11

Gigantic eyering,
brownish on side of the neck contrasting with obviously grey cap,
streaks not bars on the breast

Mike K
Author: brendank    Time: 17/09/2011 22:33

The eyering and brownish sides of the neck look pretty similar to this Hodgson's Hawk Cuckoo

I admit the streaking on the breast looks a bit different between these two birds but might there be some individual variation?

[ Last edited by brendank at 17/09/2011 22:34 ]
Author: kkoel    Time: 17/09/2011 23:24

For your information please check out:

Hodgson's Hawk Cuckoo juv.

Large Hawk Cuckoo juv. ... _Family_ID=&p=1

These photos look correctly identified from the overall proportions and tail patterns. If the LHC in the link above is representative, it seems that young LHCs show streaking and then transit to barring in the underparts while HHCs change from juv. streaks to more rufous, finer streaking of the adult. The bird in question seems to show very slender proportions i.e. looks more like LHC to me... but I won't bet on it!
Author: kmike    Time: 18/09/2011 05:14

Fair point Brendan. I'd be interested to hear the views of others

Mike K
Author: lpaul    Time: 31/01/2012 09:55

I missed this thread previously and have been made aware of the photo by Geoff Welch.

I think this is almost certainly a first-winter Northern Hawk Cuckoo (which would only be thr fourth HK record and the first since 1997).

It is clearly not Large Hawk Cuckoo as the wings are too long.  Although you cannot see the tips of the longest primary the distance between the wing tip and tail tip (outer tail feather on L side can be clearly seen) is actually very short (and possible too short even for Hodgson's).

In terms of plumage the clean white (rather than off-white) underparts with bold black (rather than brownish) streaking fit Northern rather than Hodgson's.

The date is later than any previous Hodgson's record, for which 24 August seems to be the latest record (contra the entry for this species in the 2007-08 Bird Report) but somewhat earlier than any of the Northern records which span 29 September to 27 October.

However, any additional photos, especially those which show the true extent of the primary projection anf the tail pattern would be most useful in clincing the ID.
Author: Tony    Time: 3/02/2012 17:13

How about this one? Hodgson's or Northern?

Image Attachment: IMG_4787 copy.JPG (3/02/2012 17:13, 191.11 KB) / Download count 341

Author: brendank    Time: 3/02/2012 22:28

Where is this picture taken? Seems the exif data says it was taken 13 August 2007.
Author: wgeoff    Time: 4/02/2012 06:34

This photo has been reviewed by the Records Committee, accepted as a first-winter Hodgson's Hawk Cuckoo and appears in the recently published 2007-08 Bird Report.

The location is Mui Tze Lam and the date is 13 August 2007.

The latest accepted record for Hodgson's Hawk Cuckoo is 2 September, at Shing Mun in 2009 and photographed by Wallace Tse, see the thread given above by Brendan in comment number 5.

[ Last edited by wgeoff at 4/02/2012 08:44 ]

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