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Subject: [Oversea] Philippine Eagle [Print This Page]

Author: EricB    Time: 20/09/2011 06:15     Subject: Philippine Eagle

Trying to sort out a short trip either side of a conference for Philippine Eagle & Palawan Peacock Pheasant near the end of November. I just had a quote for the Mt Kitanglan part of the trip - 3 days at US$1600 including a guide , transport, food and permits but no flights.I was quite surprised at the price and I'm pretty sure I don't want to spend this amount of money for a chance at the Eagle when its not nailed down to a nest!
2 days birding  on Palawan for the Pheasant with a guide,permits and transport(including a boat to the Pheasant) but no accommodation or flights  was offered to me for US$ 900; which also has me raising my eyebrows.Has anyone done either of these areas for a more reasonable price? I'd be very grateful if anyone has any useful suggestions or thoughts on the matter.
With kind regards,

Image Attachment: [Not the Philippine Eagle] IMG_8234 WBOP e-mail view.jpg (20/09/2011 06:15, 94.07 KB) / Download count 538

Author: wcaptain    Time: 21/09/2011 10:47

Definitely overpriced.

Food, accommodations and logistics are quite cheap.

Birding in Palawan is not so complicated. Most birds you can find is near the trail of the subterran river at Sabah (may be wrong spelling). In 2006 and 2007, there was a tame male there (but I missed it at that time).

If just two days and you alone, it is suggested that you do a little bit of homework by studying birding reports.

People in rural areas are friendly and always offer help.

Good luck

Author: ajohn    Time: 22/09/2011 10:28

Palawan is easy to visit for birding, and it should be possible to go for much cheaper than the quoted price. As Captain mentions, the easiest option is to stay at Sabang and bird in the Subterranean National Park. I think the tame Peacock Pheasant is still around (it was when I was there in 2009), and is easily seen around the Ranger's office next to the cave. Permits for the park can be bought from the National Park visitor office close to the pier in Sabang. Most people take a boat from Sabang to the Ranger's office but these do not leave very early in the morning (unless specially arranged). It is also possible to walk through the park to reach the Ranger Station - this takes a couple of hours and involves a few climbs/descents, but can be very good for birds (I saw the Peacock Pheasant along the trail, as well as several other Palawan endemics). A guide is not really necessary, but could be useful if you want to find some of the trickier endemics (Falcated Ground-babbler, Palawan Scops Owl, Palawan Frogmouth - but these are all possible independently if you have the right recordings!)

Costs of birding at Sabang is largely dependent upon where you stay - and this of course depends on the amount of luxury you prefer! There is accomodation along the beach which is fairly cheap. There is also accomodation a short distance inland from the town, which is slightly more expensive but is close to forest which can be good for birds. To get to Sabang, it is possible to hire a car from Puerto Princesa or to travel by jeepney. I think some of the hotels probably also offer transport from the airport. Apart from accommodation and transport, birding here should be really cheap (I think a few US$ a day for park entry and boats - it should be possible to check online)

Birding at Mt. Kitanglad is more difficult (and probably more expensive, although the price you have quoted still seems a bit steep). You will definitely need to hire a guide. There is accommodation part of the way up the hill, and you would definitely need to stay here for birding. The eagle viewpoint is an hour or more further up the hill from the accommodation. I have been twice - the eagles were not nesting either time, but I still managed good views of eagles on both occasions, but the views can be a bit distant and depend on a combination of luck and hard work searching treetops. Birding in the surrounding forest can also be very good.

Overall, for a short trip as you suggest I would recommend going to Palawan, which really is easy and can be done fairly cheaply. Kitanglad is certainly worth visiting, but probably better as part of a longer trip, and probably better if you have a larger group to share costs for accommodation and guides.
Author: EricB    Time: 23/09/2011 05:37

Thanks Captain & John for that information.The Palawan part of the trip is sorted and it sounds like I'll be fine on my own.I like the sound of walking to the Rangers Station for dawn.
The Eagle is a pain and if I can find 1-2 people to share the cost  I might still go for it.John's comments on an organised trip are sounding more realistic.
It seems likely that I'll just chip away at the Mt Makiling area and shelve my Eagle dreams for the moment.
My brother tells me I should be dreaming of Western Papua, where the real mind boggling birds are.Shame there doesn't appear to be much light on the forest floor!

[ Last edited by EricB at 24/09/2011 20:24 ]

Image Attachment: IMG_8470 WP e-mail view.jpg (23/09/2011 05:37, 94.87 KB) / Download count 537

Author: EricB    Time: 24/09/2011 19:49

As I've got about 5.5 days before my meeting I'm think of doing Mt Makiling and perhaps Subic Bay now.My main problem is likely to revolve round transport. I'm thinking of hiring a car but I am unsure how easy or difficult it would be to self drive.I'd happily hire a driver but I really don't know where to turn now that Tim is gone.Philippines birding adventure gave be such a stupid quote (US$210) for 1 day non birding driver on Palawan that I am loathe to ask them again.I can hire a car for a week for twice that much!
Of those of you who have been , do you think it's a reasonable idea to self drive or sheer madness?
With kind regards,Eric
P.S. Whether or not you need convincing that either of the photos above are living creatures you might want to check out these links! ... blica/video-00.html

[ Last edited by EricB at 24/09/2011 20:24 ]
Author: EricB    Time: 29/09/2011 06:58

I've now have an offer for  the Eagle at Mt Kitanglad for  2pax: US$900,3pax:800 & 4 pax : 700. 3 nights and 4 days.No flights included but everything else seems catered for.The internal flight is 6000PHP return (About HK$1080).Budikon Woodcock,Apo Mynah & Blue capped Wood Kingfisher in the deal I hope.Mark Villa would be the guide.
Let me know asap if anyone wants to join in.
I have another quote for £595 (1 pax) for 3 days via a non birding company apparently with a 'technical guide' (but no food) so it seems likely I'm going to go for it either way.I have requested prices for more people and an extra day.Aiming for sometime between 24 and 29 Nov.


[ Last edited by EricB at 29/09/2011 18:51 ]
Author: OlangoSteveUK    Time: 29/09/2011 22:06

Here is a pic I took of the ever reliable Palawan Peacock Pheasant at Sabang. He takes company with up to 3 females and is ridiculously tame. If you go there be sure to go on the mangrove boat ride, its very good. We had Silvery Kingfisher, Blue Naped Parrot, Philippine Cockatoo, Stork Billed Kingfisher, Hawk Eagle, Palawan Hornbill and Philippine Hill Myna. There were many other very small Kingfishers but I only got glimpses of them.
Author: OlangoSteveUK    Time: 29/09/2011 22:14

By blu_devil at 2011-03-13

By blu_devil at 2011-03-13

By blu_devil at 2011-03-13

By blu_devil at 2011-03-13

By blu_devil at 2011-03-13
Author: EricB    Time: 4/10/2011 02:21

There has been some limited interest in the Eagle trip.
If you are keen to do this trip  please let me know before midnight on Friday the 7th Oct HK time please.
Here are the final  quotes:4 days and 3nights between 24 and 29th Nov 2011
Package 1: top notch bird guide:no flights(internal flight cost approx HK$1080): 2 pax US$ 900,3 pax : 800 and 4 pax 700
Package 2: unknown 'techanical guide'.With Manila to Mindanao internal return flight.
2 pax:US$930,3 pax:775 and 4 pax 660
All normal ground costs included.
Author: wcaptain    Time: 4/10/2011 09:39

Maybe due to the tragdey last yr.....
Author: EricB    Time: 4/10/2011 16:09

I suppose you are talking about Tim Fisher's death? Hard to believe it's only a year ago.
I've been meaning to do the Eagle and Pheasant for many years, always assumed it would be sorted via Tim. We go back a long way, from when he used to live and bird in HK in the 70's.
Just goes to show, there's only one thing we can guarantee..... none of us bird/live forever.

[ Last edited by EricB at 4/10/2011 18:10 ]
Author: wcaptain    Time: 4/10/2011 22:03

I mean the shooting of several visitors from HK in Manila in August last yr.

Since then, no people in HK has mentioned visiting the Philippines, at least the majority of local people. But do not know about the expats.
Author: ajohn    Time: 5/10/2011 07:42

The events last August were very sad. I visited the Philippines shortly afterwards, and I know most people there were also upset and angry about what happened. But I think it should be remembered that this was the result of a single man, who was not targetting Hong Kong tourists in particular. I think a similar event is very unlikely to happen again, and I do not think this should deter visitors from going to the Philippines. Certainly I would be interested in going back soon.

In my experience the Philippines is a fantastic birding destination. The forest that remains is good quality, with lots of birds that are easy to see (and presumably to photograph). Travel is generally fairly easy, and the locals are very friendly. And there's the quality of the species present, with species like Philippine Eagle, Palawan Peacock Pheasant, Celetial Monarch and various Pitta species.
Author: OlangoSteveUK    Time: 30/12/2011 01:43     Subject: Orlando Island Cebu Philippines

Conducted our monthly wader count on Wednesday 28th December.
Broad Billed Sandpiper= 1000+
Great Knot= 500+
Red Knot= 500+
Red Necked Stint= 4000+
Curlew Sandpiper= 400+
Sanderling= 5+
Ruddy Turnstone= 350+
Terek Sandpiper= 600+
Redshank= 1500+
Greenshank= 350+
Grey Tailed Tattler= 1500+
Common Sandpiper= 2
Whimbrel= 1500+
Far Eastern Curlew= 60-100
Eurasian Curlew= 10+
Bar Tailed Godwit= 1000+
Asiatic Dowitcher= 2 (Including pair in aerial flight display)
Kentish Plover= 250+
Greater/Lesser Sand Plover= 5000+
Black Bellied Plover= 2000+
Pacific Golden Plover= 50+
Gull Billed Tern= 1000+
whiskered Tern= Many Thousands coming to roost.
Rufous Night Heron= 6
Chinese Egret= 10+
Striated Swallow= 5+

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