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Subject: First BFS arrived Taiwan [Print This Page]

Author: yyattung    Time: 26/09/2011 12:22     Subject: First BFS arrived Taiwan

It is reported that the first Black-faced Spoonbill has returned to Tainan area on 24 September. Below is the link of the information (only in Chinese).

有報導台南地區已錄得第一隻返回的黑琵, 可參考以下連結:

In Hong Kong the first BFS was usually seen in mid-October.
在香港, 第一隻越冬的黑琵通常會在十月中回到米埔.

[ Last edited by yyattung at 26/09/2011 12:26 ]
Author: Late    Time: 26/09/2011 17:28

  我昨日見到兩隻幼鳥.(初級飛行羽端黑色)  無理由認錯掛?

我用口講, 唔知有無人信?

i saw two Black-faced Spoonbill in MP yesterday.

[ 本帖最後由 Late 於 26/09/2011 17:35 編輯 ]
Author: cwchan    Time: 26/09/2011 19:48

We saw five at the mudflat  of MP on 25.9.2011 too.


The date should be 24.9.2011 (Saturday) morning.

[ Last edited by cwchan at 26/09/2011 20:51 ]
Author: yyattung    Time: 26/09/2011 20:35

好消息!! 這是下半年的第一批琵鷺.

不過, 我懷疑有一些幼鳥可能是在華南一帶遊蕩, 入秋後會比由朝鮮半島繁殖返來的早一點回港. 這只是我的推測.

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