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Subject: Zitting Cisticola ? [Print This Page]

Author: Paux    Time: 26/09/2011 22:32     Subject: Zitting Cisticola ?

Long Valley
I find it quite difficult to distinguish between this bird & Pallas Grasshopper Warbler. Is it a bit too early to see this bird in HK (I used to see it in winter). Thank you in advance for your help.

Image Attachment: IMG_0798rb.jpg (26/09/2011 22:32, 184.86 KB) / Download count 383

Author: EricB    Time: 27/09/2011 06:39

Ignore my previous comments -John's explaination is far more diplomatic and appropiate.

[ Last edited by EricB at 27/09/2011 18:18 ]
Author: ajohn    Time: 27/09/2011 17:01

Paux, you are correct your bird is a Zitting Cisticola. These are regularly seen in autumn, winter and spring (and sometimes also summer) so the date is not at all unusual.

The most obvious differences from Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler are size and behaviour. Pallas's is very skulking, spending most of the time hiding in reeds or grasses, and is usually very difficult to see. Occasionally they will be disturbed and fly low over vegetation, when they usually look very dark and streaked with white tips to the tail. Cisticolas are much more lively and will happily perch on wires or vegetation and can be seen easily. They tend to look brighter (more gingery, less grey). The tail is shorter on Citicolas and they are less heavily streaked. The call is also different: Zitting Cisticola gives a short, clear 'zit... zit' (hence the name), Pallas's gives either a quiet 'chuck' or a sharp 'ti-ti-tit' which is very distinctive once learned.

Compare your bird to this Pallas's, and remember that typically you will not get such a clear view! ... _ID=&pagesize=1
Author: Paux    Time: 27/09/2011 20:26

John, thanks a lot for your very detailed explanation.

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