Subject: Photographers: I Salute You [Print This Page] Author: OlangoSteveUK Time: 1/10/2011 15:15 Subject: Photographers: I Salute You
When I was an active birder, some 20-30 years ago it was very hard to find decent photographs of waders, especially in breeding plumage.
I was very fortunate enough to find some very rare waders in the UK when I was a teenager (Sharp Tailed Sandpiper, Broad Billed Sandpiper, Solitary Sandpiper, numerous Pectoral Sandpipers) And I would always like to check against photos. This was almost impossible as there was no internet and few books had decent pics. Seeing the quality of the photographs in these forums has, I have to admit blown me away. They are beyond superb. I tip my hat off to each and every one of you. This forum has really made my day, as a self confessed wader nut I am in seventh heaven.
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