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Subject: [Hong Kong] 生物多樣性保育指標 2011 Biodiversity Conservation Indicators Report [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 7/10/2011 07:48     Subject: 生物多樣性保育指標 2011 Biodiversity Conservation Indicators Report

Civic Exchange & Hong Kong Bird Watching Society launch first annual Biodiversity Conservation Indicator Report for Hong Kong

Public policy think tank Civic Exchange and the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society today announced the publication of “Hong Kong Headline Indicators for Biodiversity and Conservation 2011”, the first report to assess the state of Hong Kong’s biodiversity and the conservation measures being taken to protect and enhance it.
思匯政策研究所及香港觀鳥會今天發表《香港生物多樣性及保育 重點指標報告 2011》- 這是全港第一份為評估本地生物多樣性及其保育工作成效的報告。

The indicators were developed by Civic Exchange with support from environmental NGOs, academics, ecological consultants, government officials and other stakeholders. They are based on the strategic objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), which was extended to Hong Kong in May 2011 and Civic Exchange’s Nature Conservation: A new policy framework for Hong Kong (“The Framework”). The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society collects data to measure progress against the indicators, and will report their findings annually. 重點指標由思匯政策研究所草擬,並得到多個環保團體、學者、生態顧問、政府官員及其他持份者支持。《生物多樣性公約》(《公約》)於2011年5月正式延伸至香港,本報告採用的指標是根據《公約》的策略性目標,以及思匯政策研究所發表的《自然保育 – 香港的新政策框架》制訂。香港觀鳥會收集資料分析這些指標的變化,並會每年報告結果。

“The report shows that biodiversity conservation in Hong Kong falls far short of the global standards of the CBD. Our natural environment is under great pressure from development and environmental vandalism, many globally endangered species lack adequately protection, and our lifestyle negatively impacts biodiversity far beyond our borders”, said Cheng Nok-ming, Conservation Officer of the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society. 香港觀鳥會自然保育主任鄭諾銘表示:「報告顯示本港的生物多樣性保育遠遠落後於 《公約》要求的世界標準。我們的自然環境正面臨各種發展及環境破壞的威脅,很多世界性瀕危物種未得到足夠保護,而我們的生活方式正對全球生態造成負面影響。」

The final indicator asks when Hong Kong will have a Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (BSAP), as required by all members of the CBD. Each country’s BSAP should aim to align members’ local conservation work with the CBD’s broader objectives, and therefore provides the best tool to help Hong Kong comply. 報告中最後一個指標詢問香港何時有一個「生物多樣性策略及行動計劃」(「行動計劃」)。每個《公約》簽署方都需要有一個「行動計劃」,而該「行動計劃」需要與《公約》的全球目標相符。本港若果要符合《公約》要求,一個香港自己的「行動計劃」是最佳輔助工具。

“The report does not make comfortable reading, but these indicators are intended to identify gaps and paths for improvement based on the wider vision of the CBD. We hope that this review will help the community to develop a BSAP that will protect and restore the biodiversity that helps to make Hong Kong the best city to live in Asia,” said Mike Kilburn, Head of Environmental Strategy Civic Exchange. 思匯政策研究所環境策略主管吳敏表示:「本報告的結果雖然令人感到憂慮,但這些指標旨在找出本港生物多樣性保育的不足之處,以及提供將來的工作方向,以達到《公約》的目標。我們希望這個檢討報告可以幫助社會制定一個『行動計劃』,保護以及改善本地的生物多樣性,令香港成為亞洲最適宜居住的城市。」

Download report下載報告: ... ators_Report_EN.pdf (English, 5.77MB) ... tors_Report_CHI.pdf (Chinese, 6.57MB)

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Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 7/10/2011 16:25

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HKBWS conservation officer

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