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Subject: Raptors in Sweden [Print This Page]

Author: msamuel    Time: 10/10/2011 15:23     Subject: Raptors in Sweden

Please kindly help id the following raptors in Sweden.  Sorry for poor photo quality.

1. 红隼/Common Kestrel; Falsterbo, Sweden; 03-09-2011

2. 鹗/(Western) Osprey; Falsterbo, Sweden; 04-09-2011

3. Red Kite; Falsterbo, Sweden; 03-09-2011

4. 雀鹰/Eurasian Sparrowhawk; Falsterbo, Sweden; 03-09-2011

5&6. 普通鵟/Common Buzzard; Falsterbo, Sweden; 03-09-2011

7. European Honey Buzzard; Falsterbo, Sweden; 03-09-2011

8. 普通鵟/Common Buzzard (a pale morph); Falsterbo, Sweden; 03-09-2011

9&10. 白头鹞/Western Marsh Harrier (juvenile); Falsterbo, Sweden; 03-09-2011

11. 普通鵟/Common Buzzard; Stockholm, Sweden; 08-09-2011

Thank you

[ Last edited by msamuel at 12/10/2011 09:41 ]
Author: pitarhk    Time: 10/10/2011 16:29

3. Red Kite
5,11. Common Buzzard
7. like European Honey Buzzard

Author: Ronaldo    Time: 10/10/2011 20:27

some propositions:

4- Northern Goshawk

8- Honey Buzzard?

9- Marsh Harrier?

[ Last edited by Ronaldo at 10/10/2011 20:29 ]
Author: EricB    Time: 11/10/2011 07:48

Pic 3: A nice Red KIte. The tail is disproportionately long and in the lower picture note the characteristic way its tail hangs down.

Pic 4: For me this is a  juvenile European Sparrowhawk. I can see why it might pass as a Goshawk on relative tail length and moderately chunky appearance  but  I think this is an illusion because of the angle.
It is difficult to age and sex .As you know male Sparrowhawks are much smaller than females , but in a cropped photo that doesn’t help.

I am seeing the chest bars as being rather irregular and perhaps  even vaguely splodged and the throat apparently streaked with rufous. Perhaps there is even some rufous on the chest and the leading edge of the underwing coverts.

The barring on the flight feathers are much bolder than on an adult  Goshawk and this is clearly not a juvenile Gos.

I would expect the secondaries to bulge more on a Gos and the supercilium to be even more prominent.

Picc 5 & 6 Clear Buteos: Common Buzzard

Pic 7 Typical European Honey Buzzard profile with a  long necked appearance , the rather sparely marked ‘hand’ and darker secondaries. The grayish head  (if real) points towards this being a male.

Pic 8: *!@* knows. Got any more shots?

Pic 9 & 10: Marsh Harrier juv. The juvs are darker and become less uniform as they age. Dark eye and pretty uniform dark coverts in 9.

Pic 11 : Typical Buteo: Common Buzzard
Author: ajohn    Time: 11/10/2011 10:37

Agree with Eric. No. 8 also looks like a Buteo - I think a very pale Common Buzzard rather than Rough-legged.

No. 9 & 10 are of course Western Marsh Harrier and are different from the birds we see here in Hong Kong looking overall darker and plainer below, with a more clearly marked head pattern.
Author: mchristine    Time: 11/10/2011 20:54     Subject: HKBWS does have expertise in European birds

My friend from BirdLife International gave me advice as follows:

Pictures, number 3 is Red Kite Milvus milvus, 4 is sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus, 5 & 6 is Common Buzzard Buteo buteo,  7 is European Honey Buzzard Pernis apivorus, 8 is Common Buzzard, a pale morph, 9 & 10 are Marsh Harrier Circus aeurginosus, juveniles,  11 is Common Buzzard Buteo buteo.

By comparing advice with those from our birders friends in HKG, I am happy to say that we do have expertise in European birds.  Yea yea..............
Author: msamuel    Time: 12/10/2011 09:45

Thank in particular Peter, Ronaldo, EricB, ajohn & E. Hirschfeld for their input for confirming the ids.  Photo titles in above post was updated for easy reading.

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