HKBWS would like to express our ultmost gracefulness to our valued members in their participation and supports to the Society during the past year(s). Without YOU, we wouldn't have achieved what we have done before.
As the coming months are peak season for membership renewal, we have woked out a schedule for the renewal & new application so that you'll have an idea of what and when to expect. Details as follows:
MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL Early Nov : 2012 Renewal Form will be sent to all members BY POST.
Early-Mid Dec : Completed, 2012 member card & subscripton receipt ready to be sent by post.
NEW MEMBER APPLICATION Mid Nov : 2012 Application form for new member available for downloadfrom our website/discussion forum.
Mid-Late Dec: Completed, 2012 Member card & Subscripton receipt ready to be sent by post.
We suggest members to renew or subscribe for 5-year membership so as to aviod the impact of increasing subscription fee each year. It also serves to save resources & manpower.
Traffic will be highly congested during this time each year. I'd ask your assistance to
- RETURN your renewal form asap, and
- AVOID unnecessary enquiries, esp by phone, and
- allow a high level of PATIENCE to our process time.
Thank you very much!!! Author: HKBWS Bonnie Time: 14/11/2011 12:14
The 2012 membership renewal form has been posted to valid members last friday. Please expect to recieve it no later than tomorrow in normall situation. The form will be uploaded to our discussion forum shortly.
In addition, the 2012 new member application for has also been uploaded. Please feel free to download.
Thank you again for your support.
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