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Subject: [Outing] 25/12/2011 大埔滘觀鳥活動 Tai Po Kau Outing [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 31/10/2011 10:50     Subject: 25/12/2011 大埔滘觀鳥活動 Tai Po Kau Outing

25/12/2011 大埔滘觀鳥活動 Tai Po Kau Outing


舉行日期:2011年 12月 25日(星期日)

行程時間:上午 8時正至中午約 12時


會員: 免費
非會員: 港幣$30

** 不用報名 **
活動查詢熱線/當天與領隊聯絡電話:9457 3196



Activity Information
Details of the Tai Po Kau Outing to be held on 25 Dec 2011 as below:-

Date: 25/12/2011 Sunday
Gathering time : 08:00
Gathering place: Tai Po Kau car park

Activity time: 8:00 - 12:00
Target Species: Forest birds

For the details of the gathering place, please visit:

Free of Charge for all members.
HK$30 for non-member.

**No registration is required **
The Activities Enquiry Hotline for contacting outing leaders at the event date only: 9457 3196.

The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society shall have no responsibility, financial or otherwise, for expenditure or other liabilities arising from the activities.

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 20/12/2011 16:49

The last outing of the year!!!

Free of charge for 2012 new membership applicants. ... &extra=page%3D1
Author: HFCheung    Time: 26/12/2011 13:43

About 30 joined the outing on Christmas day.  Birds were quite difficult to see, but most of us saw the Pygmy Wren Babbler on a small rocky stream bed.  Great Barbet calling from far up the hill is a present surprise.  By the end of the outing, the flock at the butterfly garden include some Minivets and a Cuckooshrike offer some excitment.  37 species all together.  By the way, anybody saw Ashy Drongo?  I have not put that down.

HKBWS Tai Po Kau outing, 25 Dec 2011, cold (10-16 deg), N to NE wind grade 4                       
Number        中文名字        Species         Status
83        黑鳶        Black Kite        tick
217        珠頸斑鳩        Spotted Dove        tick
254        小白腰雨燕        House Swift        tick
266        大擬啄木鳥        Great Barbet        tick
275        暗灰鵑鵙        Black-winged Cuckooshrike        tick
278        灰喉山椒鳥        Grey-chinned Minivet        tick
279        赤紅山椒鳥        Scarlet Minivet        tick
301        大嘴烏鴉        Large-billed Crow        tick
304        大山雀        Great Tit        tick
305        黃頰山雀        Yellow-cheeked Tit        tick
310        紅耳鵯        Red-whiskered Bulbul        tick
311        白頭鵯        Chinese Bulbul        tick
313        栗背短腳鵯        Chestnut Bulbul        tick
314        綠翅短腳鵯        Mountain Bulbul        tick
322        鱗頭樹鶯        Asian Stubtail        tick
334        黃腰柳鶯        Pallas's Leaf Warbler        tick
335        黃眉柳鶯        Yellow-browed Warbler        tick
366        黃腹鷦鶯        Yellow-bellied Prinia        tick
368        長尾縫葉鶯        Common Tailorbird        tick
371        小鱗胸鷦鶥        Pygmy Wren-Babbler        tick
372        紅頭穗鶥        Rufous-capped Babbler        tick
376        黑喉噪鶥        Black-throated Laughingthrush        tick
377        畫眉        Chinese Hwamei        tick
379        銀耳相思鳥        Silver-eared Leiothrix        tick
381        藍翅希鶥        Blue-winged Minla        tick
386        暗綠繡眼鳥        Japanese White-eye        tick
387        絨額鳾        Velvet-fronted Nuthatch        tick
399        紫嘯鶇        Blue Whistling Thrush        tick
420        鵲鴝        Oriental Magpie Robin        tick
435        北灰鶲        Asian Brown Flycatcher        tick
453        方尾鶲        Grey-headed Canary-Flycatcher        tick
454        橙腹葉鵯        Orange-bellied Leafbird        tick
456.5        啄花鳥類        Flowerpecker sp.        tick
459        叉尾太陽鳥        Fork-tailed Sunbird        tick
463        白腰文鳥        White-rumped Munia        tick
469        灰鶺鴒        Grey Wagtail        tick
470        白鶺鴒        White Wagtail        tick

HF Cheung
Author: cyanophile    Time: 26/12/2011 15:15

Thanks Prof.Cheung for guiding us.

The following link are some bird sound recorded during the activity.
Recording equipment: Roland R05 Recorder

The first audio track(Chinese Hwamei 畫眉) was recorded at the beginning of the activity (8:36am). A tree at the house which was not far from the entrance. Everyone could saw it sang. (We were less than 10m to the bird so the sound quality of the recording is....acceptable)

The second audio track(Great Barbet 大擬啄木鳥)was recorded when I heard somebody said: "oh....the sound of Great Barbet" (at 11:47am) . It was the time when most of us were watching the Black-throated Laughingthrush (黑喉噪鶥) . The sound was far away and there was some human murmur sound nearby. Sound quality of the recording not really good, just for record....(Please inform me if it is not Great Barbet )

[ Last edited by cyanophile at 26/12/2011 15:26 ]
Author: tsawong    Time: 27/12/2011 20:48

Bird photos for record.


Orange-bellied Leafbird

Pygmy Wren Babbler

Grey-throated Minivet

Black-winged Cuckoo-shrike

[ Last edited by tsawong at 27/12/2011 20:54 ]

Image Attachment: Chinese Hwamei.jpg (27/12/2011 20:48, 144.95 KB) / Download count 491

Image Attachment: Orange-bellied Leafbird.jpg (27/12/2011 20:48, 109.79 KB) / Download count 524

Image Attachment: Pygmy Wren Babbler.jpg (27/12/2011 20:48, 157.22 KB) / Download count 491

Image Attachment: Grey-throated Minivet.jpg (27/12/2011 20:48, 125.6 KB) / Download count 518

Image Attachment: Black-winged Cuckoo-shrike.jpg (27/12/2011 20:48, 92.29 KB) / Download count 529

Author: Sfwong    Time: 4/01/2012 20:41

It's the first time I went there and find it difficulty with searching for birds. Thanks for your sharing! The bird in the picture is clear and beautiful!

[ Last edited by Sfwong at 4/01/2012 20:42 ]

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