Long Valley 塱原
30D + 300 2.8 + 2x + 1.4x
30D + 50 1.8 + Swarvoski 80 HD
F30 + Swarvoski 80HD
Author: cgeoff Time: 6/02/2007 16:18
These are great shots. However, I wonder whether it would be good to also have one or two shots of one bird that show everything from head to tail.
Geoff Author: sammysam Time: 7/02/2007 00:14
Right~~ But the photos of whole body are not good....
Same day and birds in Videoscoping
[video width=480 height=410]http://sammysam.no-ip.com/gallerys/albums/plaintive_cuckoos/PlaintiveCuckoo_360p.wmv[/video]
Sammy Author: lalan Time: 7/02/2007 10:07
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