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Subject: HKBWS Ringed Black-faced Spoonbill Record System [Print This Page]

Author: yyattung    Time: 8/11/2011 16:25     Subject: HKBWS Ringed Black-faced Spoonbill Record System

Dear members,

With financial supports of, the HKBWS Ringed Black-faced Spoonbill Record System is now opened and members are encouraged to submit your sightings of the ringed Black-faced Spoonbills to this online database. The aim of this online database is to gather, store and display information of movements of some ringed Black-faced Spoonbills. With the aids of internet maps, we can actually track these movements not only in local places (e.g. Deep Bay area), but also in the entire distribution range of this species (i.e. East Asia).  

When you have observed a ringed Black-faced Spoonbill, information of this re-sighting including date, place, time, ring colours and codes shall be recorded and subsequently entered into the database. Your report can help us to understand more of the life history of the spoonbills. Local movements, home range, migrations and even longevity could be shown in the database after gathering many of these sightings.

In fact, this is just a beginning of this online database. It is almost certain that more update and modification will be needed to do after getting some more information and comments from all of you in various places. Your support is essential for the use of this online database. I just hope that people who are concern and interest to the Black-faced Spoonbill will find this database is useful, interesting and will become a good source of information about the Black-faced Spoonbill which is also beneficial to the conservation of the Black-faced Spoonbill.

The address of the database is:

Your comments to the database is very much welcome and I look forward to hearing these from you.

Yat-tung Yu

Convenor, Black-faced Spoonbill Research Group
Hong Kong Bird Watching Society
Author: yyattung    Time: 8/11/2011 16:28     Subject: 黑臉琵鷺記錄系統



我們得到旅行家公司的資助,我們這個網上數據庫才可以再開通(之前是因為太多技術問題及缺乏經費)。 現在我們再開始試用這個網站,目的是搜集有關黑臉琵鷺在香港(及東亞地區)的出沒及生活狀況。有了網上地圖輔助,資料會更詳細。當然,現在開通了網站初期,我們還要檢查整個網站,數據庫運行的穩定性,及要解決一些我們現在沒法預知的問題。




香港觀鳥會 黑臉琵鷺研究組
Author: Sze    Time: 10/11/2011 00:42




1) 想請問如果我想回報觀察日子及時間為2009-11-29 10:54AM,那我是否輸入"2009-11-29 10:54",但是否需要保留 "+0800"? 因為如果保留就會變成"2009-11-29 02:54 UTC"

2) 每次修改記錄時,電腦會自動將原先輸入的觀察日期及時間,更新成當時的日子及時間。

3) 想請問會否有位置在回報記錄時同時上載記錄照片?


Author: Sze    Time: 3/01/2012 02:16



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