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Subject: ID Please [Print This Page]

Author: aquagras    Time: 13/11/2011 20:28     Subject: ID Please

ID Please, Thx

Image Attachment: 305373_1636353126415_1764352660_855713_527499778_n.jpg (13/11/2011 20:28, 76.69 KB) / Download count 339

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 14/11/2011 11:19

A friendly reminder that date & place of photo taken are required in the forum.
溫馨提示: 請提供拍攝日期及地點。
Author: aquagras    Time: 14/11/2011 13:16

Aberdeen reservoir,
Author: aquagras    Time: 15/11/2011 21:08

ID Please. thx
Author: 9Wi    Time: 15/11/2011 23:28

Looks like Daurian Redstart.

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