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Subject: [Geese] Greylag Goose at Nam Sang Wai [Print This Page]

Author: tbob    Time: 15/11/2011 12:41     Subject: Greylag Goose at Nam Sang Wai

I will post some video of this bird later

The video has been posted here

[ Last edited by tbob at 15/11/2011 19:59 ]
Author: tbob    Time: 15/11/2011 14:54

15th November 2011, Nam Sang Wai, Hong Kong

This is an un-cropped frame off video from a distance of aprox 500metres.

I will post some video later


Image Attachment: Greylag GooseHKBWSa.jpg (15/11/2011 14:54, 138.29 KB) / Download count 487

Author: tbob    Time: 15/11/2011 20:25

Accoring to "Avifauna of Hong Kong" there have only been 4 confirmed sightings in HK of this species since 1958.

Nam Sang Wai is proving to be an important environmental site.
Author: brendank    Time: 15/11/2011 22:57

This bird which was originally first seen Saturday seems to have significant cage damage to the tail in a manner similar to the bird seen a few weeks ago at Long Valley. I am hoping some other photographers can post some more pictures so we can better judge possible damage but I am very much afraid this bird might not be of wild origin.
Author: tbob    Time: 15/11/2011 23:43

Thanks Brendan, unfotunately only one other person took a photograph of the bird and he only had a 500mm lens. The video lens is over 3000mm


[ Last edited by tbob at 16/11/2011 12:45 ]

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