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Subject: ID please ~ warbler or flycatcher? [Print This Page]

Author: kamfai    Time: 26/11/2011 22:37     Subject: ID please ~ warbler or flycatcher?

it is an old photo taken in Tai Mei Tuk(Tai Po) January 2010
nearly two years ago
unfortunately I still cannot find its ID.......
may I have the ID please?

and I have combined 4 photos as follow (which is all I have)

Thank You
Author: kmike    Time: 27/11/2011 15:03

This bird looks to me like one of the smaller  phylloscopus warblers.

The dark markings on the throat and chin look rather odd, but the pale bill with a dark tip suggests that this a a Yellow-browed Warbler with some unusually dark feathering.
There is one phylloscopus warbler with a dark throat - Ashy-throated Warbler. However that species has a yellow belly.

Mike K
Author: ajohn    Time: 27/11/2011 19:29

I agree it looks like a Yellow-browed Warbler, possibly with a wet head or with some feathers lost as a result of moult/wear.
Author: kamfai    Time: 27/11/2011 21:47

thank you

it's still a very difficult task for me to id the warblers

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