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Subject: [Hong Kong] 給下屆特首的生態保育策略 Biodiversity strategy for next CE [Print This Page]
Author: HKBWS Chuan Time: 2/12/2011 12:37 Subject: 給下屆特首的生態保育策略 Biodiversity strategy for next CE
Biodiversity strategy for new CE.pdf (280.05 KB)
Hong Kong Bird Watching Society’s comments
To Candidates of the 2012 Chief Executive Election:
Biodiversity strategy for next Chief Executive of Hong Kong
In order to meet the global conservation standard and maintain Hong Kong’s position as the city with the richest and best protected biodiversity in Asia, The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society (HKBWS) urge for policies and actions to better protect our biodiversity and their habitats:
The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has been formally extended to Hong Kong in May 2011(1). HKBWS urges for a formal publication and implementation of Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (BSAP), with heavy involvement of Environmental NGOs, in order to meet the requirements of the CBD;
The key aspect of this document should focus on developing an integrated cross-departmental strategy to transition from a reactive approach to conservation to planned, proactive and appropriately resourced management and restoration of Hong Kong’s biodiversity and ecosystems services.
These should as a matter of priority include:
a. Plans for ensuring that all aspects of Hong Kong’s native biodiversity can be protected for the good of the community.
b. Review of perverse incentives that undermine conservation such as development-based zonings in ecologically-sensitive areas for Long Valley & Hoo Hook Wai;
c. Adopt a systematic approach to identify, protect and manage key biodiversity hotspots to address the fragmented coverage of habitats in the protected areas system.
d. A review of conservation management tools such as:
i. the PPP scheme under the current nature conservation policy
ii. opportunities for non-in-situ land exchange.
iii. a review of the applicability of resumption for nature conservation as a “public purpose”
e. A review of the Environmental Impact Assessment process to ensure professional scientific judgments and avoid conflict of interest(2), and the need of introducing Strategic Environmental Impact Assessments(3) to higher policy-making processes;
f. Development of strategic biodiversity management plans for Country Parks(4), the protected area network and enclaves of high ecological value
g. A systematic review of Agricultural land in Hong Kong with focus on its agricultural, ecological and recreational value;
h. Publication of a Hong Kong Red Data List of locally endangered organisms(5) and development of conservation plans to locally and globally threatened species;
i. Establishment of a multi-departmental Task Force to tackle rural trashing with sufficient resources allocated to various departments;
j. A review of Hong Kong’s impact on species and ecosystems beyond its borders, with a particular focus on sharks, live coral reef fish, palm oil, and wood and paper products. In addition to focusing on key products and species this review should cover Hong Kong’s hinterland in the Pearl River Basin. From which its water, food and energy is derived.
Civic Exchange’s “Nature Conservation: A new policy framework for Hong Kong” sets out the framework for biodiversity conservation, while the “Hong Kong Headline Indicators for Biodiversity & Conservation 2011 Report” published by the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society and Civic Exchange highlights the direction of change.
We hope the Candidates of the 2012 Chief Executive Election could respond to the increasing public demand on nature conservation by adopting the above suggestions.
Mike Kilburn
Vice Chairman
Hong Kong Bird Watching Society
(1) http://treaties.un.org/pages/Vie ... pter=27&lang=en
(2) http://www.civic-exchange.org/wp ... 11/06/110627EIA.pdf
(3) http://www.legco.gov.hk/yr10-11/ ... 627cb1-2584-3-e.pdf
(4) http://www.civic-exchange.org/wp/110829countrypark_en/
(5) http://www.regionalredlist.com/site.aspx?pageid=117
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Author: HKBWS Chuan Time: 9/12/2011 16:37
為了令香港的自然保育追上國際標準, 同時保持香港引以為豪的豐富生物多樣性, 香港觀鳥會(本會)呼籲下屆特首制訂政策及落實各種行動, 加強保護我們的生物多樣性及各種生境:
1. 《生物多樣性公約》於2011年5月正式延伸至香港。本會呼籲政府公佈及落實「生物多樣性策略及行動計劃」,並確保在過程當中得到環保團體參與,以符合《生物多樣性公約》的要求;
2. 現時的被動式保育已不合時宜。「生物多樣性策略及行動計劃」應該著重制訂一些跨部門策略,積極策劃保育計劃,提供足夠資源管理及改善本港的生物多樣性和生態系統。
a. 制訂相應計劃,以公眾利益為前題,保護所有香港的原生物種;
b. 檢討現時各種「不當誘因」,例如當局在塱原、蠔殼圍等地一些以發展為前題的規劃;
c. 有系統性地檢視、保護及管理生物多樣性重要地區;
d. 檢討管理措施,例如:
I. 現時保育政策下的公私營合作計劃
II. 考慮非原址換地
III. 審現以公眾利益為由收地作保育的可行性
e. 檢討環境影響評估制度,確保專業及科學的判斷,避免利益衝突,以及在高層次政策上引入策略性環境評估;
f. 為郊野公園制訂策略性生物多樣性管理計劃,完善保護區網絡及郊野公園旁生態價值的土地;
g. 檢討現時本港農地,特別是其農業、生態及康樂價值;
h. 發表香港自己的物種紅色名冊,保育一些在本地或世界上受威脅的物種;
i. 成立跨部門轉責小組打擊鄉郊破壞,及為各部門提供足夠資源;
j. 檢討香港對外地環境及物種的影響,特別留意鯊魚、珊瑚魚、棕櫚油、木材及紙制品。該檢討亦應包括香港從珠江流域取得的水源、食物及能源。
思匯的《自然保育:香港的新政策框架》為香港的自然保育確立了一個框架,而本會及思匯出版的《香港生物多樣性及保育 重點指標報告 2011》顯示保育進行的方向。
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