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Subject: Mai Po 米埔 Winter 2011 冬 [Print This Page]

Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 2/12/2011 13:15     Subject: Mai Po 米埔 Winter 2011 冬

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 26 Nov – 1 Dec 11

The list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

Latest Bird Record

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WWF Morning Bird Count Summary Sheets can be downloaded from here.

[ Last edited by WWF Mai Po at 5/12/2011 11:00 ]
Author: lrichard    Time: 7/12/2011 09:31

I saw an immature Eurasian Oystercatcher from the new boardwalk hide on the rising tide at about 4 pm yesterday (6 Dec).
Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 8/12/2011 17:26

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 3 – 8 Dec 11

The list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

Latest Bird Record

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WWF Morning Bird Count Summary Sheets can be downloaded from here.
Author: brendank    Time: 10/12/2011 17:27

10 Dec 2011

6 Northern Lapwing (Pond 16/17)
1 Pied Harrier (access road)

and I nearly stepped on a (the) 3 meter python.
Author: tsheunglai    Time: 11/12/2011 20:22

Dear Brendan

I hope you're not wearing shorts when you met your python. Got any shot of the snake, you lucky guy?

S L Tai
Author: brendank    Time: 11/12/2011 21:25

It was way too cold for shorts yesterday. Even the snake I think was cold and had come out to bask in the sunlight.

Here is it head

and here is its midsection covering spanning the entire trail near the buffalo ponds

[ Last edited by brendank at 11/12/2011 21:29 ]

Image Attachment: python1.JPG (11/12/2011 21:25, 101.24 KB) / Download count 507

Image Attachment: python2.JPG (11/12/2011 21:25, 90.28 KB) / Download count 502

Author: lkatherine    Time: 12/12/2011 11:30

Nice found and nice photo Brendan!

Thanks for reporting it here, we do keep a database of the snakes seen in the Reserve.

Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 16/12/2011 17:25

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 10 – 16 Dec 11

The list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

Latest Bird Record

Bird records from previous years

WWF Morning Bird Count Summary Sheets can be downloaded from here.
Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 23/12/2011 11:58

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 17 – 23 Dec 11

The list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

Latest Bird Record

Bird records from previous years

WWF Morning Bird Count Summary Sheets can be downloaded from here.

[ Last edited by WWF Mai Po at 30/12/2011 16:52 ]
Author: Ronaldo    Time: 27/12/2011 21:46

27th Dec
2 Purple Herons, 2 G.S. Eagles, 3 Imp. Eagles, 1 Eurasian Wryneck, 2 Eurasian Collared Doves
Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 30/12/2011 20:09

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 24 – 30 Dec 11

The list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

Latest Bird Record

Bird records from previous years

WWF Morning Bird Count Summary Sheets can be downloaded from here.
Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 6/01/2012 17:43

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 31 Dec 11 – 6 Jan 12

The list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

Latest Bird Record

Bird records from previous years

WWF Morning Bird Count Summary Sheets can be downloaded from here.
Author: brendank    Time: 7/01/2012 22:40

7 Jan 2012

3 Chinese Grosbeak - Car Park
1 Purple Heron (juv) - #16/17
1 Black-tailed Gull - boardwalk
2 Eastern Marsh Harrier - boardwalk

[ Last edited by brendank at 8/01/2012 09:09 ]
Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 13/01/2012 18:11

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 7 – 13 Jan 12

The list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

Latest Bird Record

Bird records from previous years

WWF Morning Bird Count Summary Sheets can be downloaded from here.
Author: brendank    Time: 15/01/2012 21:01

15 Jan 2012

A little wet today. A juvenile Slaty-breasted Rail was seen for a second from the boardwalk near the education center. At pond #16/17 an adult Purple Heron.

Good numbers of birds from the boardwalk including:

3 Great Knot
1 Ruddy Turnstone
1 Greater Sandplover
120 Dunlin
45 Pacific Golden Plover
40 Grey Plover
31 Saunders Gull
2 Mongolian Gull
1 Eastern Marsh Harrier

Image Attachment: knot.JPG (15/01/2012 21:01, 53.78 KB) / Download count 484

Image Attachment: sandplover.JPG (15/01/2012 21:01, 59.99 KB) / Download count 497

Image Attachment: turnstone.JPG (15/01/2012 21:01, 55.94 KB) / Download count 503

Author: ypakwai    Time: 17/01/2012 20:23

Jan 17 #21 pond

Image Attachment: DSC_2015.JPG (17/01/2012 20:23, 83.56 KB) / Download count 430

Author: bittern    Time: 17/01/2012 20:47

Excellent shots of that frigatebird! I think it is Greater...
It won't last long, I think.

[ Last edited by bittern at 17/01/2012 20:48 ]
Author: brendank    Time: 18/01/2012 00:32

I think it is a Lesser Frigatebird. And judging by the damage to the left tail feathers I would say it is likely the same individual seen at the peak in the Autumn.

Take a look at this photo from Matthew from the peak:

I think these illustrates what huge ranges Frigatebirds have!

[ Last edited by brendank at 18/01/2012 00:33 ]
Author: Ronaldo    Time: 19/01/2012 06:02

Based on the white belly and lower arm pits, would it not be more likely a Christmas Island juvenile (2y)?

I don't think it is the same bird as at the Peak, as the white is much more extensive.

Here are a few record shots from a friend, one with a kite it was playing with.

Thanks a lot

Author: brendank    Time: 19/01/2012 14:09

I would say the the amount of white seen from your picture 6 and 7 is quite similar to the bird at peak. See this photo for example

It may be impossible to prove it is the same individual but I still suspect it is. It seems in most pictures of Christmas Island frigatebird that juveniles do not have extensively white axilleries.  There are several photos of Christmas Island showing white axilleries at oriental birdclub images but I suspect they could be misidentified.
Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 20/01/2012 17:24

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 14 – 20 Jan 12

The list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

Latest Bird Record

Bird records from previous years

WWF Morning Bird Count Summary Sheets can be downloaded from here.
Author: lrichard    Time: 20/01/2012 18:09

First-winter Slaty-backed Gull in front of the boardwalk today (20 Jan).
Author: bittern    Time: 20/01/2012 22:22

Maybe I am wrong with the Lesser Frigatebird, but WWF seems to be agreeing with what I thought earlier.
Author: brendank    Time: 20/01/2012 23:13

Robson in his book indicates that juvenile Christmas Island and Lesser Frigatebird may only be identifiable by size. The wingspan of a Lesser Frigatebird would be slightly larger than a Black Kite while Christmas Island would be considerable larger. Given the shots next to the Black Kite I would guess size is consistent with Lesser.
Author: sbena    Time: 23/01/2012 14:28

About 15 Asian House Martin flying around the EC at lunchtime today. Bena.
Author: brendank    Time: 24/01/2012 23:20

24 Jan 2012

A cold day, dark day to be out. No sign of the Glaucous Gull

Mai Po Boardwalk
21 Great Knot
1 Red Knot
9 Lesser Sandplover
1 Greater Sandplover
210 Dunlin
3 Black-tailed Godwit
2 Vega Gull
1 Mongolian Gull

Tower Hide
1 Asian Brown Flycatcher
1 Manchurian Bush Warbler

Mai Po Access Road
15 Asian House Martin
Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 27/01/2012 18:05

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 21 – 27 Jan 12

The list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

Latest Bird Record

Bird records from previous years

WWF Morning Bird Count Summary Sheets can be downloaded from here.

[ Last edited by WWF Mai Po at 28/01/2012 09:23 ]
Author: brendank    Time: 28/01/2012 18:28

28 Jan 2011

From the boardwalk:
1 Glaucous Gull
2 Black-tailed Gull
5 Common Shelduck
12 Great Knot
2 Red Knot
1 Whimbrel
15 Lesser Sandplover
2 Greater Sandplover
Author: ddavid    Time: 28/01/2012 19:27

Plus 2 Nordmann's Greenshanks on the rising tide.

Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 3/02/2012 17:30

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 28 Jan – 3 Feb 12

The list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

Latest Bird Record

Bird records from previous years

WWF Morning Bird Count Summary Sheets can be downloaded from here.
Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 10/02/2012 16:31

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 4 – 10 Feb 12

The list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

Latest Bird Record

Bird records from previous years

WWF Morning Bird Count Summary Sheets can be downloaded from here.
Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 17/02/2012 15:26

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 11 – 17 Feb 12

The list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

Latest Bird Record

Bird records from previous years

WWF Morning Bird Count Summary Sheets can be downloaded from here.
Author: brendank    Time: 18/02/2012 21:20

18 Feb 2012

Mai Po Boardwalk

7 Common Shelduck
1 Curlew Sandpiper
32 Great Knot
6 Red Knot
3 Bar-tailed Godwit
14 Dunlin
1 Kentish Plover
64 Hueglin Gull
2 Black-tailed Gull
2 Mongolian Gull
2 Eastern Marsh Harrier

I heard Baer's Pochard was also seen but I didn't look for it.
Author: 深藍-Owen    Time: 19/02/2012 15:50

Baer's Pochard Feb 18, 2012

Author: ddavid    Time: 19/02/2012 20:11

This afternoon (Sunday February 19th) there was a winter-plumage White-winged Tern over the ponds along the access road. The earliest date on record is April 3rd, so this is an unusual occurrence.

Author: Ronaldo    Time: 20/02/2012 19:00

Today on access road, two white-winged terns, a few red-rumped swallows. in pond 20, 2 Chinese Spot-billed Ducks

Image Attachment: WhiteWingedTern.jpg (20/02/2012 19:00, 107.67 KB) / Download count 392

Author: ddavid    Time: 20/02/2012 21:00


Do you have any other photos of this tern & also any photos of the second tern that you saw today?

I would welcome informed comments on the ID of the tern in Ronaldo's photo.

Author: brendank    Time: 20/02/2012 21:47

I'm not an expert on this but bill shape and head pattern (has more of a dark eyeline rather than just a dark spot) seems to fit Whiskered Tern better to me. Any photos of the upperwings?

Incidently, during the bird race my team saw what must have been one of these two terns.
Author: ddavid    Time: 20/02/2012 22:22


Thanks. Yes, I think this is a Whiskered Tern - hence my last post. However, I don't think that this is the same bird as I saw on Sunday.


[ Last edited by ddavid at 20/02/2012 22:26 ]
Author: Ronaldo    Time: 21/02/2012 08:40

Here is a snapshot of one of the terns flying. the two terns were similar. We were hesitant on the id, but as david mentionned white-whiskered the day earlier, we went for it...
unfortunately, no shot of the two together as they were hunting quite far from the road, most of the time, and I can't guarantee that this is not the same tern as the previous one.

Also saw a few red turtle doves, inside Mai Po, that I forgot to mention in previous post.

Image Attachment: Tern.jpg (21/02/2012 08:40, 71.56 KB) / Download count 403

Author: ddavid    Time: 21/02/2012 16:40


Thanks. Nice flight sequence of what is clearly a Whiskered Tern. As it's possible I made a mistake, I withdraw my claim of White-winged Tern.

I popped up the access road ponds this afternoon but unfortunately there were no signs of the terns. There were 25 Black-faced Spoonbills feeding on a drained pond and a Pacific Swift with the House Swifts.

Author: fatchun    Time: 23/02/2012 22:42

I saw a Grey treepie near the pond #21. I think it is nor a common visitor of Mai Po.

Also, the Baer's Pochard is still there.

Author: brendank    Time: 24/02/2012 14:48

24 Feb 2012 - am

From boardwalk:
1 Common Ringed Plover (this bird is a much more advanced breeding plumaged bird that one seen a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, was quite distant with Kentish and Little Ringed)
3 Lesser Sandplover
40 Kentish Plover
3 Lesser Sandplover
1 Curlew Sandpiper
29 Great Knot
2 Red Knot
370 Dunlin
1 Bar-tailed Godwit
1 Black-tailed Gull
6 Common Shelduck

2 Chinese Grosbeak (near the tower hide)
Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 24/02/2012 16:34

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 18 – 24 Feb 12

The list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

Latest Bird Record

Bird records from previous years

WWF Morning Bird Count Summary Sheets can be downloaded from here.
Author: tmichael    Time: 24/02/2012 22:07

AS a matter of interest, are there any previous records of Grey Treepie at Mai Po (reported recently in latest WWF link)? If so, at what time of year?

Mike Turnbull
Author: brendank    Time: 25/02/2012 18:54

25 Feb 2012

1 Common Ringed Plover (still distant; seen from new hide. Took some digiscope shots but some other people got better photos I believe.)
2 Nordmann's Greenshank
34 Great Knot
205 Kentish Plover (most I've seen this winter)
5 Lesser Sandplover (including a very small possible atrifrons)
1 Greater Sandplover
2 Bar-tailed Godwit
7 Black-tailed Godwit
2 Black-tailed Gull
7 Common Shelduck

[ Last edited by brendank at 25/02/2012 19:07 ]

Image Attachment: ringed1.jpg (25/02/2012 18:54, 48.36 KB) / Download count 414

Image Attachment: ringed2.jpg (25/02/2012 18:54, 57.78 KB) / Download count 482

Author: Tony    Time: 26/02/2012 11:59

Hi Mike,

There was one record coming in over the mangrove in Mai Po on 11 November 2001 in the Hong Kong Bird Report 2001-2002.

Original posted by tmichael at 24/02/2012 22:07
AS a matter of interest, are there any previous records of Grey Treepie at Mai Po (reported recently in latest WWF link)? If so, at what time of year?

Mike Turnbull

Author: tmichael    Time: 26/02/2012 19:17

Thanks, Tony.

Mike Turnbull
Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 2/03/2012 16:06

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 25 Feb – 2 Mar 12

The list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

Latest Bird Record

Bird records from previous years

WWF Morning Bird Count Summary Sheets can be downloaded from here.
Author: brendank    Time: 2/03/2012 20:23

2 March Boardwalk

1 Glaucous Gull
2 Slaty-backed Gull
7 Black-tailed Gull
1 Common Ringed Plover
3 Great Knot
2 Curlew Sandpiper
1 Whimbrel
1 Nordman's Greenshank
1 Red-necked Phalarope
7 Common Shelduck
2 Eastern Marsh Harrier

Image Attachment: commonringed.JPG (2/03/2012 20:23, 90.57 KB) / Download count 483

Image Attachment: SBandGlaucous.JPG (2/03/2012 20:23, 84.81 KB) / Download count 463

Author: brendank    Time: 3/03/2012 19:08

3 March 2012 - Boardwalk

1 Slaty-breasted Rail (adult, seen poking its head out of the mangroves)
2 Kamchatka Gull
8 Black-tailed Gull
34 Lesser Sandplover
6 Greater Sandplover
14 Curlew Sandpiper
1 Broad-billed Sandpiper
18 Great Knot
4 Red Knot
171 Pacific Golden Plover
7 Common Shelduck

[ Last edited by brendank at 3/03/2012 19:15 ]
Author: AjaA    Time: 3/03/2012 20:13

Additional records from Mai Po from today, Saturday 3 March:

Mallard, 1 male in pond 12
Baer's Pochard, still present
Eastern Marsh Harrier, 1 female
Imperial Eagle, 1 ad and 1 imm
Greater Spotted Eagle 1 1st winter
Long-billed Dowitcher 2 in pond 22
Oriental Pratincole 1, Access road.

Image Attachment: [Oriental Pratincole] Glamal_20120303_MaiPo_1297.jpg (3/03/2012 20:13, 174.1 KB) / Download count 419

Author: brendank    Time: 6/03/2012 13:13

6 March 2012

1 Slaty-backed Gull
1 Kamchatka Gull
3 Black-tailed Gull
1 Caspian Tern
6 Terek's Sandpiper
1 Nordman's Greenshank
1 Red-necked Phalarope
1 Long-billed Dowitcher
1 Whimbrel
165 Kentish Plover

Flying over Pond 12
10 Oriental Pratincole
Author: brendank    Time: 9/03/2012 21:04

9 March 2012

1 Red-crested Pochard (Pond #16/17)
7 Oriental Pratincole (Pond 21)
1 Asian House Martin (education center)

1 Spoon-billed Sandpiper -thanks to Annika for finding this!
16 Red-necked Stint
1 Slaty-backed Gull
1 Kamchatka Gull
5 Black-tailed Gull

Image Attachment: IMG_4436.JPG (9/03/2012 21:04, 52.41 KB) / Download count 420

Author: kmike    Time: 9/03/2012 22:05

Congratulations Brendan - the RCP is a great find!

Sounds like a pretty good day to get a Spoonie and all the other goodies as well

Author: John Holmes    Time: 9/03/2012 22:23     Subject: Spoon-billed Sandpiper - 2012 record shots

9th March 2012   MPNR boardwalk

1D MK IV + 800mm + lots of cropping - same bird as

posted by Brendan

Probably the same bird as on the rising tide on the 8th March.

A couple of very distant photos to get the 2012 "SBS reporting season" started  ?

Image Attachment: SBS01-01.jpg (9/03/2012 22:23, 63.17 KB) / Download count 362

Image Attachment: SBS02-01.jpg (9/03/2012 22:23, 59.78 KB) / Download count 356

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