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Subject: ID PLEASE [Print This Page]

Author: 小肥    Time: 7/12/2011 00:03     Subject: ID PLEASE

拍了兩張 不知明的鶲

請教各位 翼部位置有橙金線 翼有少許偏綠色


Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 7/12/2011 12:13

溫馨提示: 請提供拍攝地點及日期,謝謝!
Author: 小肥    Time: 7/12/2011 13:19

Original posted by Conservation at 7/12/2011 12:13
溫馨提示: 請提供拍攝地點及日期,謝謝!


2011年11月27日 攝於台北
Author: 小肥    Time: 10/12/2011 10:18

more info

photo by my fd - wat

Author: 小肥    Time: 14/12/2011 19:24

Author: Ronaldo    Time: 15/12/2011 19:36

For me, that's a Blue-and-white female.
Author: HFCheung    Time: 15/12/2011 20:43

I tend to agree with Ronaldo.
Author: kkoel    Time: 15/12/2011 23:18

I'd go for female Narcissus Flycatcher (subsp. narcissina) on this bird: supporting features being the ashy-bluish bill colour (not black as in B-W), prominent brown fringes to greater coverts (not uniform as in B-W), and thick-necked jizz + horizontal posture (more slender, erect in B-W). I haven't seen many females of either species, so I'm happy to be corrected...! ^^
Author: Ronaldo    Time: 15/12/2011 23:41

the brown color on the tail and secondaries seem to me diagnostic of B&W rather than narcissus but I can be wrong. Size of the bird would help identification.
Author: kkoel    Time: 16/12/2011 09:43

Ficedula narcissina for reference. ... _ID=&pagesize=1

In fact, just realized that female-types of not only narcissina, but even owstoni and even elisae can show large amount of rufous on the tail as in this bird. Rufous on the wing is found on narcissina, and less frequently on owstoni and elisae. On balance, I think this is a female Narcissus-type flycatcher, more likely narcissina.

[ Last edited by kkoel at 16/12/2011 09:46 ]
Author: brendank    Time: 16/12/2011 10:36

I would also guess one of the Narcissus-type Flycatchers. The underparts are more yellowish than I have ever seen in Blue-and-white.
Author: Ronaldo    Time: 17/12/2011 06:54

Agree with Koel and Brendan... thanks for correction!
Author: 小肥    Time: 20/12/2011 11:13

thx all reply


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