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Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 19/12/2011 17:57     Subject: HBW WORLD BIRD PHOTO CONTEST

Press contact:
Lynx Edicions
Contact: Elisa Badia
Tel. +34 93 594 77 10

Lynx Edicions announceS the launch of the First Edition of the

HBW World Bird Photo Contest

BARCELONA, SPAIN (7 December 2011) - Lynx Edicions, publisher of the Handbook of the Birds of the World (HBW) and the Internet Bird Collection (IBC) has announced the launch of the First Edition of the HBW World Bird Photo Contest with valuable prizes for the winners, including a first prize of US$10,000.

The competition opens on 7 December 2011 and closes on 26 March 2012. Images must be submitted online at Each participant can submit up to eight images, free of charge.

“The contest has been created with the aspiration of becoming the most important bird photography competition at the international level and thus promoting bird photography and bird watching, which we decidedly believe are amongst the best tools for the conservation of nature.” said Josep del Hoyo, Senior Editor of the HBW series.

The HBW World Bird Photo Contest aims to encourage and disseminate knowledge about birds, while at the same time inspiring creativity in the art of photography. To these ends, the contest’s focus is on photography that is ethical, grounded in the utmost respect for the conservation of birds and their habitats, and without unnecessary digital manipulation.

An internationally renowned panel of photographic experts and bird specialists will select images based upon technical skill, diversity, originality and creativity of composition. The jury will be formed by Kathy Moran (National Geographic Senior Editor for Natural History, USA), Ian Lewington (bird illustrator, UK), Peter Johan Schei (Chairman of the Global Council of BirdLife International, Norway), Charlie Moores (bird internet blogger, UK), Andrés Bosso (Executive Director of BirdLife Argentina), John Fitzpatrick (Director of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, USA) and Günter Ziesler (bird photographer, Germany). Josep del Hoyo (Senior Editor of HBW, Spain) will act as the secretary of the jury.

The jury will select 3 winning photos, 10 honourable mentions and 4 special prizes. The winners will be announced on 18 May 2012.

The competition offers photographers a chance to win the following prizes:

*HBW volume(s) to be chosen by the winner from the volumes available in stock and delivered free of charge to the winner’s address.
** The public can participate via an online system of selecting the best of two randomly presented images, which ensures that results are not manipulated.

Winning images will be published on the Internet Bird Collection website and through a variety of media, always indicating the award received. Prize-winning images may be showcased in an exhibition, and might also tour internationally.

For full rules and conditions and to submit photos online, please go to

About Lynx Edicions

Founded in Barcelona (Spain) in 1989, Lynx Edicions is a publishing house committed to providing high quality ornithology and natural history books. Foremost among these is the Handbook of the Birds of the World, a 16-volume encyclopaedia that describes and illustrates for the first time all the species of birds in the world.

The Internet Bird Collection (IBC) is a Lynx Edicions initiative which consists of a vast, free-access online audiovisual library of videos, photos and sound recordings with the aim of including material for all the bird species in the world (

For more information, please visit

Press release HBW World Bird Photo Contest.doc (94 KB)

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Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 26/01/2012 18:49

Lynx Edicions 宣佈舉行首屆HBW 國際鳥類攝影比賽

西班牙巴塞隆拿(2011年12月7日)— 推出Handbook of the Birds of the World (HBW) 及Internet Bird Collection的出版社Lynx Edicion,宣佈舉辦首屆HBW 國際鳥類攝影比賽。賽事設有多項豐富獎品,冠軍將會獲得$10,00美元獎金(港幣$77,000)。


HBW系列高級編輯Josep del Hoyo表示:「我們希望這項比賽能躍身成為最大型的國際級鳥類攝影比賽,從而推廣鳥攝及觀鳥活動。我們相信拍攝及觀賞雀鳥是最有效的自然保育方法。」

HBW 國際鳥類攝影比賽旨在推廣大衆對鳥類的認識,鼓勵攝影藝術的創意。本着這個宗旨,比賽的攝影作品應以雀鳥及其生態保育為題,符合道德價值、基於對保護雀鳥及其棲息地的尊重,而且沒有不必要的電腦修飾。

評審團由國際知名的攝影大師及鳥類專家組成,以相片展示的技術、多樣性、原創性及創意選出得獎作品。評審委員包括美國國家地理雜誌自然史總編輯Kathy Moran、英國雀鳥插圖畫家Ian Lewington、挪威國際鳥盟委員會主席Peter Johan Schei、英國互聯網雀鳥博客Charlie Moores、阿根廷鳥盟行政總裁Andrés Bosso、美國康奈爾鳥類學實驗室主管John Fitzpatrick及德國雀鳥攝影家Günter Ziesler,而西班牙HBW的總編輯Josep del Hoyo則是評審團的文書。



冠軍:$10,000 美金
亞軍:全套16冊HBW 書籍系列
4個特別獎項,包括Best Compact Camera Photo, Best Digiscoped Photo, Best Endangered Bird Photo and Best Vox Populi Photo**:每項目得獎者各獲4冊HBW系列書籍

* 得獎者可以免費選擇有現貨的HBW 系列書籍,獎品將郵寄至得獎者地址。
** 公衆人士亦可參與網上投票,從系統隨機抽出的兩張參賽相片中選出心儀作品,確保得獎結果不被操縱。

優勝作品將會在Internet Bird Collection的網頁及各媒體上刊登,並標明所獲獎項。得獎照片亦可能在展覽中亮相,及在國際巡迴時展出。



感謝以下義工作中文翻譯 :
Sin Kam Fai
Wong Ka Fu
Yip Chung Yan
Author: nfelix    Time: 19/05/2012 12:11     Subject: Winners of HBW World Bird Photo Contest

The names of the prizewinners was announced yesterday.
Author: kennethchan    Time: 19/05/2012 17:20

Author: Sze    Time: 20/05/2012 02:51

作品由超過1 萬張作品中選出

Participation Terms:
Submission Terms:
a) Photos should be of free birds in their habitats.
Ethical Terms:
a) It is the responsibility of each participant to adhere to all national and international laws pertaining to the location where the photo has been taken, including those regarding protected species.
b) ..
c) Participants are expected to keep in mind the well-being of the birds and their environment and to avoid injury or distress of the birds or destruction of their habitat in the process of taking photos.
d) Any photo that, in the Jury’s opinion, has been achieved through unethical or harmful conduct will be removed from the Contest.
a)The Owners will appoint the Jury, who will agree to a set of norms and a code of conduct to make sure that the expectations of the Contest are maintained.
b) The Jury will include bird and photography specialists, independent from the Owners, and will be assisted by a technical commission. One representative of the Owners will act as the Jury Secretary.
c) The Contest will also have a Public Jury, consisting of an open, online voting system through which any user may select the best picture of two randomly presented. The top photo selected by the Public Jury will be awarded a Special Prize.
Author: nfelix    Time: 13/12/2013 08:10     Subject: The Second Edition of the HBW World Bird Photo Contest

The Second Edition of the HBW World Bird Photo Contest has been launched. The contest aims to encourage and disseminate knowledge about birds, while at the same time inspiring creativity in the art of photography. To these ends, its focus is on photography that is ethical, grounded in the utmost respect for the conservation of birds and their habitats, and without unnecessary digital manipulation.

The contest is open till 24 March 2014 And the first prize is a full set of HBW + a complete Swarovski Optik digiscoping kit (total value: 6,800 €)!
Author: nfelix    Time: 16/05/2014 23:03     Subject: Results of HBW World Bird Photo Contest - Second Edition

Take a look at the stunning photographs!

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