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Subject: Swarovski 續會回贈獎賞 - Reward scheme for Membership Renewal [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 31/12/2011 12:51     Subject: Swarovski 續會回贈獎賞 - Reward scheme for Membership Renewal

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Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 31/12/2011 13:16

感謝您 !


為感謝閣下對香港觀鳥會的長期支持,假如閣下於限期前續會5年,並在2012年2月28日前購買Swarovski Optik指定3款望遠鏡,將獲Swarovski回贈港幣$1,000至2,700,亦同時為本會帶來港幣$250元的捐款。


產品一:EL 10x42 SwaroVision 雙筒望遠鏡

產品二:SLC 10x42 HD 雙筒望遠鏡

產品三:ATM80HD + 25-50xW 單筒望遠鏡連目鏡

1.  參加是項獎賞的會員必須合附以下條件:
             A.        為本會全費會員 (即每年年費為HK$300或以上者);
             B.        並於2011年11月1 日至2012年2月28 日期間續會5年 (2012-2016年) 才可享有此項獎賞;

2.  獎賞名額限50位,先到先得;

3.  有意享用這獎賞的合資格會員,必須先以電郵向本會登記,再獲本會電郵確認方可確保取得獎賞回贈。


4.  獲確認的會員須於2012年2月28日或以前購買指定產品,在此日期之後購買恕難獲此項獎賞;

5.  獲確認的會員只限購買指定的產品中最多2款產品 (即產品一或二,及產品三) ,每款產品最多可購買一台;

6.  產品必須購自本港的註冊零售商。


1.  已獲電郵確認的會員於2012年2月28日或以前購買指定產品後,須於購買日後三星期內到本會辦理登記手續,並需提供以下資料:

            A.        香港觀鳥會2012-2016年5年會費收據副本,及
            B.        零售商蓋章的有效收據/發票正本,收據/發票須包含以下資料:
                        - 零售商名稱與地址
                        - 購買日期
                        - 購買產品型號與機身編號

2.  本會與Swarovski Optik核實資料後,預計會在2012年3月底前把回贈支票郵寄給會員。

如欲查詢,請致電香港觀鳥會辦事處,電話2377 4387。


Thank you!!!
Rewards for your Support

Thanks for your continuous support. The HKBWS are delighted to announce, with the support from Swarovski Optik, a reward scheme for those who renew their membership for 5 years.

Qualified purchase could end up with HK$1,000 to the max HK$2,700 cash reward for members personally, and HK$250 donation to the HKBWS.

(Your choice of either product 1 or product 2, and/or in addition product 3.  1 unit per product)

Product 1: EL 10x42 SwaroVision Binocular
Rewards: HK$1,000

Product 2: SLC 10x42 HD Binocular
Rewards: HK$1,200

Product 3: ATM80HD + 25-50xW Telescope+Eyepieces
Rewards: HK$1,500

Terms and conditions:

1.  Criteria to enjoy the rewards

          A. full membership member (annual membership fee at HK$300 or above);

          B. Renew 5 years membership in the period from Nov 1, 2011 to Feb 28, 2012

2.  50 reward entitlements are on first-come-first-served basis.

3.  Please register with email to to secure a place for the reward.  Registration will be confirmed by email.

4.  Qualified members with confirmation have to purchase the assigned products on or before Feb 28, 2012.  Belated purchase will not be entertained.

5.  1 qualified confirmation could buy the max 2 assigned products (product 1 or product 2, and product 3).

6.  the product should be bought from authorized dealers in HK.  For enquiry, please call Swarovski Optik at 29696197.

Reward claiming procedures:

1. Registered members may visit HKBWS office in person, within 3 weeks after the products were purchased, together with the following documents:

           A.        Copy of 5 years membership renewal receipt, and
           B.        The orginal of stamped official receipt from authorized dealer with purchasing data, model name and

                       serial number.

2. The reward cheque will be posted, most likely before end of Mar 2012, to the members after verification with Swarovski Optilk.

Further enquiry, please call HKBWS office at 2377 4387.

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