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Subject: Is it also Little Ringed Plover? [Print This Page]

Author: dvmrp    Time: 16/01/2012 23:44     Subject: Is it also Little Ringed Plover?


Author: Ronaldo    Time: 17/01/2012 00:59

That's very likely
Author: dvmrp    Time: 17/01/2012 09:00

What's the difference between these two?

Author: ajohn    Time: 17/01/2012 11:06

Both are Little Ringed Plover. The second bird is in breeding plumage, the first is in non-breeding plumage (probably a first-winter bird which may not moult into breeding plumage until later).
Author: dvmrp    Time: 17/01/2012 14:18

ic, Thanks.

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