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Subject: Please help ID (Pied Harrier / Eastern Mash Harrier) [Print This Page]

Author: CWSO    Time: 20/01/2012 18:03     Subject: Please help ID (Pied Harrier / Eastern Mash Harrier)

#1-3, same bird 19.1.2012 MP
#4-6, same bird 13.12.2011 MP

Image Attachment: CWS_8201.jpg (20/01/2012 18:03, 121.77 KB) / Download count 630

Image Attachment: CWS_8269.jpg (20/01/2012 18:03, 121.56 KB) / Download count 524

Image Attachment: CWS_8278.jpg (20/01/2012 18:03, 127.92 KB) / Download count 536

Image Attachment: CWS_0500.jpg (20/01/2012 18:03, 127.91 KB) / Download count 575

Image Attachment: CWS_0521.jpg (20/01/2012 18:03, 129.91 KB) / Download count 557

Image Attachment: CWS_0524.jpg (20/01/2012 18:03, 128.75 KB) / Download count 517

Author: kkoel    Time: 20/01/2012 21:00

My vote for the first bird is sub-adult Eastern Marsh Harrier (2nd year perhaps). The differential would be female Pied Harrier, so the reasoning for Marsh and against Pied is:
a) Grey tail with incomplete barring fits male Marsh; female Pied has completely barred tail;
b) Lack of white 'spectacles' present in female Pied;
c) White rump is present in female Pied, but adult male Marsh shares this feature: this does not suggest Pied over Marsh, like it would do in juveniles.

Adult female Pied for reference:

Sub-adult male Marsh for reference: ... pung-permatang.html

For your second bird, I would vote for female Marsh due to the brownish rump, lack of white 'specs' and strong bill.

I'm happy to be corrected by experts as I haven't seen many Harriers, despite my deep interest... XD

[ Last edited by kkoel at 20/01/2012 21:11 ]
Author: ddavid    Time: 20/01/2012 21:21

Of interest may be a series of excellent photos of a Pied Harrier at Mai Po (in December, I think) taken by 3 different photographers. Link =

Although not strictly comparable - the Pied Harrier is a 1st-calendar year bird - the photos are still very useful. Note the facial pattern, especially the pale areas around the eyes.

I agree with Koel that the photos here are sub-adult male and adult female Eastern Marsh.


[ Last edited by ddavid at 20/01/2012 21:31 ]
Author: CWSO    Time: 22/01/2012 18:46

Thanks a lot, Koel and David.
Author: ddavid    Time: 31/01/2012 21:00

Re. the 1st-year Pied Harrier in the photos at that I mentioned above:

I've seen the same bird along the Mai Po access road at about 10 a.m. yesterday & today (30 & 31 January) - just before where the road turns round to the right to the reserve - there are usually Black Kites on the wires here.


[ Last edited by ddavid at 31/01/2012 21:03 ]

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