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Subject: [Others 其他] 「猜尋呈」香港觀鳥記錄比賽2012 - Record 215 [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 26/01/2012 16:00     Subject: 「猜尋呈」香港觀鳥記錄比賽2012 - Record 215

暨 籌款活動

2012 年 4 月8 - 9 日 (1200-1200)


為推廣觀鳥活動及鼓勵會員提交觀鳥記錄,本會自2002 年起毎年均舉辦「猜尋呈─香港觀鳥記


1. 保育中國江西省婺源的「靛冠噪鶥」(黃喉噪鶥)
~ 增加調查研究,為這所知不多的極危鳥種制定保育措施

2. 保育中國東北的「中華秋沙鴨」 (吉林省長白山地區、鴨綠江流域及黑龍江省)
~ 在繁殖地設置人造巢箱,補償繁殖地生境受破壞對此瀕危鳥種的影響


(1) 參加本年度的「猜尋呈」─香港觀鳥紀錄比賽2012,同時邀請親戚朋友贊助;或
(2) 直接捐款予「香港觀鳥會」

香港觀鳥會主席 劉偉民誠邀


報名表格-猜尋呈2012.pdf (411.46 KB)
報名表格-猜尋呈2012.doc (721.5 KB)

Attachment: 報名表格-猜尋呈2012.pdf (26/01/2012 16:00, 411.46 KB) / Download count 1271

Attachment: 報名表格-猜尋呈2012.doc (26/01/2012 16:00, 721.5 KB) / Download count 723
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 26/01/2012 16:02

Records 215 -
HK Bird Watching Competition 2012
Fundraising Event

8-9 April 2012 (1200-1200)

To: Members and Friends of HKBWS

“Records 215 – HK Bird Watching Competition 2012”, a regular annual event of the Society since 2002, aims to promote bird watching activity in HK and to encourage members to submit bird watching record on regular basis.  This competition would give participants a new insight of bird watching in form of a competition in which they experience self-challenge to maximize birds seen in a definite period of time and, at the same time, birders can share and exchange experience.  An exiting and pleasant experience you may not otherwise have in a normal bird watching activity.  

Taking the opportunity of this competition, the Society would like to raise fund for selected bird conservation works in China.  As a result of rapid economic development in China, damage and even loss of habitats for birds has threatened the survival of many species.  Some endangered or critically endangered species are put at risk of extinction if nothing is done.  The Society is planning for 2 conservation works that need your help:  

1.        Conservation of “Blue-crowned Laughingthrush” at Wuyuan, Jiangxi   
In need of resources for more surveys to reveal the secrets of this critically endangered specie so that conservation works can be identified.     

2.        Conservation of “Scaly-sided Merganser” in northeast China
In need of resources to facilitate artificial nest box for this endangered specie to compensate the habitat loss at its main breeding site.

To ensure the continuance of our work for the ultimate vision of “People and birds together; Nature forever”, YOU are cordially invited to participate in the “Records 215 – HK Bird Watching Competition 2012” in the following ways:

(1)         take part in the competition with your family members and friends and raise fund through this race;
(2)        make donation to the Society directly.

Apache Lau, Chairman

Details of the completition & Registration form:

Attachment: RegistrationForm-Record215-2012.pdf (26/01/2012 16:06, 242.82 KB) / Download count 660

Attachment: RegistrationForm-Record215-2012.doc (26/01/2012 16:06, 704.5 KB) / Download count 611
Author: msamuel    Time: 1/02/2012 22:11

Just noticed that the event's Chinese name and English name are different.  Interesting!
Author: fforrest    Time: 2/02/2012 01:21

If you would like to know the reason, please take a look on the following posts at the Old BBS.


Records 2002 - Bird Watching Competition


Forrest FONG
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 14/02/2012 20:09

已經有6隊報了名, 你何時報名???
Already got 6 teams. How about you???
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 16/02/2012 18:11

協助組隊 -「猜尋呈」香港觀鳥記錄比賽2012

根據過往的經驗,有些鳥友希望體驗觀鳥比賽卻又因各種原因未能有足夠的人數組隊,本會現可協助這鳥友組隊。如有興趣,請把妳的聯絡資料及觀鳥程度電郵至 hkbws @ hkbws. 或 PM 我們。


Team Forming Service - Record 215 - HK Bird Watching Competition 2012

According to past experience, some birders who would like to participate in the competition may experience difficulties in team forming due to various reasons.  The Society is pleased to offer help to these individual birders to find your partners in order to form a team.   Interesed parties please don't hestitate to contact us with your contact details & birding experience by email to hkbws @ hkbws. or by PM.

Participate to see the differences  & to make a difference !!!!
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 16/03/2012 11:53

「猜尋呈215」─ 香港觀鳥記錄比賽2012的截止報名日期現延期至3月23日,欲參賽的鳥友請盡快報名。

Registration deadline for "Records 215" – HK Bird Watching Competition 2012 has extended to Mar 23.  For those who would like to participate to the competition, please send us your registration as soon as possible.

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