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Subject: Request for photos of 'Blyth's Leaf Warbler' [Print This Page]

Author: lpaul    Time: 13/02/2007 13:38     Subject: Request for photos of 'Blyth's Leaf Warbler'

Given the recent taxonomic review of the 'Blyth's Leaf Warbler' the identity of birds wintering in Hong Kong is complicated.  Birds of the taxon Ph. goodsoni goodsoni (strongly washed yellow below) would appear to be regular and rather straightforward to indentify.  However, in winter birds with white underparts are also regularly recorded and whilst these are probably largely Ph. goodsoni fokhiensis, Ph. claudiae is also likely to be occuring.  

Therefore I am interested in  sharp, close photos of any 'Blyth's Leaf Warbler' taken in Hong Kong, and on the breeding grounds.  I aim to put these together as a photospot to be posted on the Forum.

Please contact me directly if you have such photos.  Many thanks.

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