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Subject: [Hong Kong] “探討開放邊境禁區之影響” 講座 Seminar on “The Effect of Reduction in Cover [Print This Page]

Author: lkatherine    Time: 14/02/2007 13:32     Subject: “探討開放邊境禁區之影響” 講座 Seminar on “The Effect of Reduction in Cover

“探討開放邊境禁區之影響” 講座


一九五一年,邊境禁區的成立為香港及中國內地兩地之間的邊界提供一個緩衝區域,並能防止非法移民及其他邊境罪案。雖然如此,一九九七年香港回歸中國後,邊境禁區的需要因而減少。因此,香港特區政府於二零零六年九月提議縮減邊境禁區的範圍,由原來的2800公頃減少至大約 800 公頃。此建議提出後引來社會上各團體不同程度的支持,尤其是在環境、建設及保安的角度。是次講座將提供與會者一個交流平台予不同界別的代表:包括政府、非政府組織及當地村民,表述他們對事件的觀點,以至最後透過深入的公開討論能提高市民對該議題的認知、關注及了解。


如欲報名,請填妥報名表格並電郵至 或傳真至:2482 0369。截止報名日期為二零零七年二月二十二日。如有查詢,請致電:3193 7509聯絡卓小姐。

Seminar on “The Effect of Reduction in Coverage of the Frontier Closed Area”

In celebrating the anniversary of the Institute, the Rotary Centennial Institute for Wetland Conservation is co-organized with the Department of Biology and Chemistry, City University of Hong Kong, to hold a seminar on “The Effect of Reduction in Coverage of the Frontier Closed Area” on 24th February 2007 at 2-5 pm at the City University of Hong Kong.

In 1951, the Frontier Closed Area (FCA) was set up to provide a buffer zone for the boundary between Hong Kong and Mainland China, as well as to prevent illegal immigration and other border crimes. However, with the return of Hong Kong back to Mainland China in 1997, the need for FCA has been reduced. Therefore, in September 2006, the HKSAR Government proposed to reduce the coverage of the FCA from 2,800 ha to about 800 ha. This announcement was met with differing degrees of support from the community, especially from the environmental, development and security viewpoints. In this seminar, a platform will be provided to allow representatives from different sectors, including the Government, NGOs and villager to present their view points, and for the public to enhance their knowledge, concern and understanding of the issue through in-depth discussions at the end of the seminar.

Please browse the below website for the program outline and registration form.

For registration, please fill in the registration form and fax it to 2482 0369 or email to Deadline of application is 22nd February 2007. For further enquiries, please contact Ms. Eva Cheuk at 3193 7509

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