Subject: Mai Po 米埔 Spring 2012 春 [Print This Page] Author: WWF Mai Po Time: 11/03/2012 22:38 Subject: Mai Po 米埔 Spring 2012 春
米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 25 Feb – 2 Mar 12
The list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).
Latest Bird Record
Mallard 綠頭鴨 x 1 (#12)
Baer's Pochard 青頭潛鴨 x 1
Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 1
Eastern Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 1
Oriental Pratincole 普通燕鴴 x 1 (Mai Po Access Road)
Long-billed Dowitcher 長嘴鷸 x 2 (#22)
Black-tailed Gull 黑尾鷗 x 1 (Mai Po Boardwalk)
Slaty-backed Gull 灰背鷗 x 1 (Mai Po Boardwalk)
Black-faced Spoonbill 黑臉琵鷺 x 165 (Mai Po)
Purple Heron 草鷺 x 1 (#24)
Slaty-backed Gull 灰背鷗 x 1 (Mai Po Boardwalk)
Kamchatka Gull #N/A x 1 (Mai Po Boardwalk)
Black-tailed Gull 黑尾鷗 x 3 (Mai Po Boardwalk)
Caspian Tern 紅嘴巨鷗 x 1 (Mai Po Boardwalk)
Terek Sandpiper 翹嘴鷸 x 6 (Mai Po Boardwalk)
Nordmann's Greenshank 小青腳鷸 x 1 (Mai Po Boardwalk)
Long-billed Dowitcher 長嘴鷸 x 1 (Mai Po Boardwalk)
Whimbrel 中杓鷸 x 1 (Mai Po Boardwalk)
Red-necked Phalarope 紅頸瓣蹼鷸 x 1 (Mai Po Boardwalk)
Oriental Pratincole 普通燕鴴 x 10 (#12)
Oriental Pratincole 普通燕鴴 x 1 (#8)
Black-faced Spoonbill 黑臉琵鷺 x 30 (#3)
Common Ringed Plover 劍鴴 x 1 (Mai Po Boardwalk)
Long-billed Dowitcher 長嘴鷸 x 1 (#11)
Red-crested Pochard 赤咀潛鴨 x 1 female (#16/17)
WWF Morning Bird Count Summary Sheets can be downloaded from here.
WWF每月兩次的清晨雀鳥調查記錄簡表可在這裡下載。 Author: John Holmes Time: 11/03/2012 22:49 Subject: Spoon-billed Sandpiper at the boardwalk
Great shot! Seems this time was much closer. Author: lrichard Time: 13/03/2012 19:37
Birds seen from the old boardwalk hide on the falling tide this afternoon:
Heuglin's Gulls & associates 455
Glaucous Gull 1/w still there
Slaty-backed Gull 3-4
Kamtchatka Gull 1/w
Black-tailed Gull 1 only
Saunders's Gull 33
Curlew Sandpiper 300+ (influx)
Kentish PLover 750
Dunlin 30+
Broad-billed Sand 13
Red-necked Stint 10 Author: WWF Mai Po Time: 16/03/2012 16:33
米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 10 – 16 Mar 12
The list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).
Spoon-billed Sandiper (not seen by me, but photo'd by John & Jemi Holmes)
Pacific Golden Plover 570
Black-tailed Godwit 354
Nordmann's Greenshank 1
Glaucous Gull again Author: WWF Mai Po Time: 23/03/2012 17:28
米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 17 – 23 Mar 12
The list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).
Birds in front of the Mai Po boardwalk today (27 March 2012):
Caspian Tern 82 (influx)
Glaucous Gull still
Black-tailed Gull 6
Saunders's Gull 3
Also an Oriental Plover was seen on the scrape today (though not by me) Author: AjaA Time: 27/03/2012 20:03
The Slaty-backed Gull was also present today. We counted 125 Red-necked Stints in one flock on the rising tide. Photos of the Oriental Plover are attached.
The list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).
from the new floating Hide on the Boardwalk 30 march 2012
Glaucous Gull 1
Ruff 1
From the trail to Peter Scott Center
Asian Barred Owlet 1 Author: AjaA Time: 4/04/2012 13:10
Today 4 April at the boardwalk. As high tide was 1.9, we stayed throughout the rising and falling tides in the outer hide:
Caspian Tern 44
Gull-billed Tern 48
Pacific Golden Plover 172
Greater Sand Plover 540
Lesser Sand Plover 50
Terek Sandpiper 120
Ruddy Turnstone 3
Curlew Sandpiper about 4000
Red-necked Stint 440
Little Stint 1
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper 2
Long-toed Stint 1
Spoon-billed Sandpiper 1 (1 hour after predicted high tide, possibly the same as in March) Author: mannjr Time: 4/04/2012 16:22 Subject: Nordmann's Greenshank request for Saturday
Hello birders,
My wife and I are avid birders who recently moved to HK.
We are keen to try for our lifer Nordmann's Greenshank this Saturday (April 7).
Unfortunately our Mai Po permits are still in process.
Would you help us access the boardwalk? We have a scope and would love to visit as a guest of a permit holder.
If you have another suggestion please let us know.
We are open to feedback if there is a better approach - many thanks in advance
Unfortunately there is no such thing as a "guest of permit holder" access, but don't worry there will be Nordmann's Greenshanks around into June.
The best option before your permit arrives is to join a HKBWS outing to Mai Po - check the event calendar on this website.
NB on high tides Nordmann's will also come onto some of the ponds inside the reserve.
Mike Author: kmike Time: 4/04/2012 18:15
Just checked
The next HKBWS visits to Mai Po are 22 Apr and 20 May.
The full list can be found at the top right corner of the headline bar.
Mike Author: mannjr Time: 5/04/2012 12:39 Subject: Re: Nordmann's
Thank you - great advice!
My wife works at our church on Sunday which makes the group outings challenging, but I'm confident we'll find a way.
Thanks again for the suggestions.
Jason Author: mannjr Time: 5/04/2012 12:50 Subject: Deep Bay tide question
Could someone explain the following please?
1) What is the best tide for shorebird viewing on the Mai Po mudflats?
2) Is there a tide calendar or estimate available?
It will take you 30-60 minutes to walk from the Field Center to the hides depending on how fast you walk, but also whether you go to the outer hide, which is almost 10 min further out (to the right). You need to be in the hides well in advance, but how much depends on how high the tide rises. A high of 2.2 will cover the whole mudflats. At about 1.5 you can start to see (identify) birds with a scope at the outer hide. 1.5 is usually 2-4 hours before high. At about 1.8 you can also see birds from the other hides. The higher the high will be, the faster the water will come in. When the tide covers the mudflats the birds move off to the ponds. During high tide you can find some of them at the Mai Po ponds, especially 16/17 (the scrapes) and 20/22 as well as 11. Others move elsewhere. The faster the tide comes in, the earlier the birds will fly off from the mudflats. After the high, you can watch the falling tide. Which is better, rising or falling, is difficult to know in advance, every tide is different. Actually it is rather complicated, but this will get you started.
[ Last edited by AjaA at 5/04/2012 15:30 ] Author: AjaA Time: 5/04/2012 15:51
Boardwalk today 5 March some records:
Swinhoe's Egret 1
Whiskered Tern 1
Far Eastern Curlew 4
Black-winged Godwit 534
Spoon-billed Sandpiper 1
Little Stint 1
Curlew Sandpiper 6000
Great Knot 60
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper 1
Nordmann's Greenshank 18 counted by others
Grey-tailed Tattler 1
as well as a Peregrine and a Marsh Harrier keeping the waders busy. Author: WWF Mai Po Time: 5/04/2012 17:40
米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 31 Mar – 5 Apr 12
The list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).
Nordmann's Greenshank - 3 on the scrape
Saunders's Gull - 1 remaining adult in breeding plumage on mudflats & the scrape
Siberian Blue Robin - 1 (stunning) male along path to Hide 8
David Author: WWF Mai Po Time: 12/04/2012 18:02
米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 6 – 12 Apr 12
The list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).
WWF Morning Bird Count Summary Sheets can be downloaded from here.
WWF每月兩次的清晨雀鳥調查記錄簡表可在這裡下載。 Author: treeswift Time: 16/04/2012 07:45 Subject: illegal mudflat fisherman - please help
PLease note: on saturday, we saw two men fishing the mudflats illegally in the protected area beyond the floating hides, where all the shorebirds feed using wooden rafts or canoes to slide on the mud - see picture below. I know others have seen this and commented on it. we made a few calls, and perhaps other birders did too because two policemen did come a couple of hours later but the two men had left by then. they said if anyone sees this they should call 999 immediately. i wanted to bring this to all your attention and ask that please do this if you should see them so we can put an end to this. thanks.
calling 999 from the boardwalk... Good luck! you may be calling mainland China police. I never had HK network over there.
Why not having the same camera systems as in front of the restricted area to cover the mudflats and have the police to control these illegal activities?
With cameras installed, this may also serve as a preventive action rather than simply being repressive and coming from time to time.
I am curious to know what are the penalties risked by these fishermen? Author: HKBWS Chuan Time: 16/04/2012 14:53
Should any birdwatcher at these floating bird-watching hides see any illegal cross border fishermen on the mudflats please report the incident to :
(1) the border Police at 2482-8200 (Lok Ma Chau Report Room), and,
(2) AFCD Nature Warden Post at 2471-4411 or in person at the AFCD warden post.
The border Police and AFCD Nature Wardens patrol the mudflat with their hovercraft and any additional information supplied by the public will assist their efforts.
If the activity is deemed serious, then an additional call may be required to the police by telephoning 999.
Thank you. Author: Ronaldo Time: 16/04/2012 16:50
What is meant by "the activity is deemed serious"??? Illegal but not serious???
And again, good luck for calling from the boardwalk...
Also, the fishermen probably already "know" that they have to do it within a limited time, say 3h...
Sorry but I can only be pessimistic about such (in)action. Author: lrichard Time: 18/04/2012 20:51
Seen from the old boardwalk hide, 18 April 2012
Spoon-billed Sandpiper 2 (found by John & Jemi) 1 coming into summer plumage, 1 still in winter plumage
Little Stint 2 summer-plumaged
Red-necked Stints - not counted but 100s
Asian Dowitcher 7
Saunders's Gull still one 1st-year Author: WWF Mai Po Time: 20/04/2012 15:32
米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 13 – 19 Apr 12
The list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).
The list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).
WWF Morning Bird Count Summary Sheets can be downloaded from here.
WWF每月兩次的清晨雀鳥調查記錄簡表可在這裡下載。 Author: wgeoff Time: 27/04/2012 17:55
Does anyone have photos of the Frigatebirds - I need them for Unusual Record Forms Author: WWF Mai Po Time: 4/05/2012 17:34
米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 27 Apr – 4 May 12
The list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).
Plus 22 other species of waders (all inside the reserve - I did no go to the boardwalk)
Indian Cuckoo - 3
Yellow Wagtail - 25
Black Drongo - 3
Brown Shrike - 1
Black-browed Reed Warbler - 9
Asian Paradise Flycatcher - 1
Red-billed Blue Magpie - 1 (is this rare at Mai Po?)
The highlight of the day was a Leopard Cat crossing from one of the islands on the Scrape and being closely followed by lots of egrets and Stilts.
Mike Author: lchunfai Time: 7/05/2012 18:23
These are the illegal fish nets found by Mr Yu Yat Tung yesterday.
I have no idea whether they are still here or not. Author: ajohn Time: 8/05/2012 11:08
Mike, Blue Magpies are unusual in the reserve but not really rare. There has been a pair around for a few months, and a few weeks ago I saw a bird apparently collecting nest material. They seem to be a bit more secretive now, but there may be more records over the coming weeks if they are breeding.
Congratulations on your Leopard Cat sighting. That must have made the nesting stilts very angry! Author: kmike Time: 8/05/2012 14:59
Thanks for the clarification on Blue Magpie John. I think it was Mai Po tick for me.
The Leopard Cat was definitely the highlight. Unfortunately I didn't see it on the island, just heading back towards the northern edge of the scrape with a train of egrets and herons - the stilts were definitely the most exercised - flying above the spot it where disappeared into the reeds.
Mike Author: WWF Mai Po Time: 11/05/2012 16:26
米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 5 - 11 May 12
The list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).
WWF Morning Bird Count Summary Sheets can be downloaded from here.
WWF每月兩次的清晨雀鳥調查記錄簡表可在這裡下載。 Author: WWF Mai Po Time: 18/05/2012 16:33
米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 12 – 18 May 12
The list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).
WWF Morning Bird Count Summary Sheets can be downloaded from here.
WWF每月兩次的清晨雀鳥調查記錄簡表可在這裡下載。 Author: WWF Mai Po Time: 25/05/2012 17:49
米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 18 – 25 May 12
The list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).
WWF Morning Bird Count Summary Sheets can be downloaded from here.
WWF每月兩次的清晨雀鳥調查記錄簡表可在這裡下載。 Author: WWF Mai Po Time: 1/06/2012 17:33
米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 26 May – 1 June 12
The list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).