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Subject: [Eagles] Crested Serpent Eagle (Correct me if wrong) [Print This Page]

Author: akhan    Time: 18/03/2012 17:06     Subject: Crested Serpent Eagle (Correct me if wrong)

Today i joined the group for Tai Mo Shan Outing, we have not seen many birds and after Tai Mo Shan outing, i intend to go to Mai Po, took the bus 51 towards Kam Sheng Road and couple of other members were also on board, when about to reach Kam Sheng Road MTR Station the female colleague sitting next to me drew my attention to an Eagle sitting on a tree (Many thanks to her) it was about 2-3 kilometers from Kam Sheng Road MTR Station, after alighting from the bus, instead of going to Mai Po, i went after that Eagle and the moment i reached the location it was there but saw me and flew away, after a while showed up high in the sky and i managed to get some decent shots, made my day. Then instead of going to Mai Po, went back home.


[ Last edited by akhan at 18/03/2012 20:51 ]

Image Attachment: Creasted Serpent Eagle 1.jpg (18/03/2012 17:06, 125.27 KB) / Download count 466

Image Attachment: Creasted Serpent Eagle.jpg (18/03/2012 17:06, 116.22 KB) / Download count 463

Author: tsheunglai    Time: 18/03/2012 21:03

Dear Akhan

It's an adult Crested serpent eagle. It is a local eagle which frequents forested areas. It usually
makes repeated four-note calls while soaring in the sky. It is a whistle resembling 'fuf-fuf, vua-vua' in standard English pronuciation, short, low and flat pitched for the first two and in rising tone for the last two which are light and clear.

Last words,nice photos.

S L Tai
Author: akhan    Time: 18/03/2012 21:10

S L Tai,
Thanks a lot for the additional information.
Author: tsheunglai    Time: 18/03/2012 21:49

Dear Akhan

Note I've added a Cantonese equivalent, as a further attempt to fix the real sounds  of CSE's call.

S L Tai
Author: ajohn    Time: 19/03/2012 09:28

Crested Serpent Eagles are fairly regular around Kam Tin, but it's always a treat to see them (especially if you can see them perched). Congratulations on your sighting.

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