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Subject: [Outing] 4/4/2012 百搭日-大埔滘觀鳥活動 Wild Card Day - Tai Po Kau Outing [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 21/03/2012 10:56     Subject: 4/4/2012 百搭日-大埔滘觀鳥活動 Wild Card Day - Tai Po Kau Outing

4/4/2012 百搭日 Wild Card Day

Details of Wild Card Day outing will be announced in the forum on Apr 2.



行程時間:上午 8時正至中午約 12時




會員: 免費
非會員: 港幣$30

** 不用報名 **



Details of the Wild Card Day -Tai Po Kau Outing to be held on 4 April 2012 as below:-

Date: 4/4/2012 Sunday
Activity time: 8:00 - 12:00

Gathering time : 08:00
Gathering place: Tai Po Kau car park

Target Species: Forest birds

For the details of the gathering place, please visit:

Free of Charge for all members.
HK$30 for non-member.

**No registration is required **
The Activities Enquiry Hotline for contacting outing leaders at the event date only: 94573196

The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society shall have no responsibility, financial or otherwise, for expenditure or other liabilities arising from the activities.
Author: HFCheung    Time: 2/04/2012 17:28

Tai Po Kau, 08:00, gather at car park.
大埔滘 ,早上八點正,停車場集合。

HF Cheung
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 2/04/2012 18:09

集合地點詳情見以下連結:- ... &extra=page%3D1
Author: Paux    Time: 4/04/2012 18:38

As usual, it's always more fruitful to join the outing than do it on my own   Thanks Fai Gor!
Here are some of photos taken in the morning :
Crested Serpent Eagle 蛇鵰

Buff-bellied Flowerpecker 紅胸啄花鳥

Chestnut Bulbul 栗背短腳鵯

Image Attachment: IMG_1006rrb.jpg (4/04/2012 18:38, 43.85 KB) / Download count 486

Image Attachment: IMG_1051rrb.jpg (4/04/2012 18:38, 45.68 KB) / Download count 475

Image Attachment: IMG_1060rb.jpg (4/04/2012 18:38, 105.89 KB) / Download count 515

Author: Paux    Time: 4/04/2012 18:41

Grey-throated Minivet (M & F) 灰喉山椒鳥

Image Attachment: IMG_1103rb.jpg (4/04/2012 18:41, 94.78 KB) / Download count 434

Image Attachment: IMG_1074rb.jpg (4/04/2012 18:41, 96.54 KB) / Download count 491

Author: Paux    Time: 4/04/2012 19:30

Yellow-cheeked Tit 黃頰山雀

Image Attachment: IMG_1132rb.jpg (4/04/2012 19:30, 190.95 KB) / Download count 509

Author: HFCheung    Time: 4/04/2012 22:26     Subject: 大擬鴷


Image Attachment: AJ9U5217.JPG (4/04/2012 22:26, 128.19 KB) / Download count 478

Author: HFCheung    Time: 4/04/2012 22:28     Subject: 灰喉山椒鳥


Image Attachment: AJ9U5382.JPG (4/04/2012 22:28, 184.07 KB) / Download count 389

Author: HFCheung    Time: 4/04/2012 22:58     Subject: 紅胸喙花鳥


Image Attachment: AJ9U5489.JPG (4/04/2012 22:58, 145.86 KB) / Download count 472

Author: HFCheung    Time: 5/04/2012 11:05

About 15 joined the outing.  It is a very good day to watch birds, and we get 40 species.  Close encounter with Crested Serpent Eagle (carrying a snake), Fire-breasted Flowerpecker, Grey-chinned Minivet, and Yellow-cheeked Tit.  Hainan-blue Flycatcher just arrived as summer visitor.

HKBWS outing: Tai Po Kau, 4 Apr 2012, partly sunny, warm 21-26 deg, E grade 4
No.        中文名稱        English Name        Status
83        黑鳶        Black Kite        Tick
87        蛇鵰        Crested Serpent Eagle        Tick
90        鳳頭鷹        Crested Goshawk        Tick
94.5        雀鷹 sp.        Sparrowhawk sp.        Tick
217        珠頸斑鳩        Spotted Dove        Tick
219        綠翅金鳩        Common Emerald Dove        Tick
231        大鷹鵑        Large Hawk Cuckoo        Tick
254        小白腰雨燕        House Swift        Tick
266        大擬啄木鳥        Great Barbet        Tick
275        暗灰鵑鵙        Black-winged Cuckooshrike        Tick
278        灰喉山椒鳥        Grey-chinned Minivet        Tick
279        赤紅山椒鳥        Scarlet Minivet        Tick
285        白腹鳳鶥        White-bellied Erpornis        Tick
301        大嘴烏鴉        Large-billed Crow        Tick
304        大山雀        Great Tit        Tick
305        黃頰山雀        Yellow-cheeked Tit        Tick
310        紅耳鵯        Red-whiskered Bulbul        Tick
311        白頭鵯        Chinese Bulbul        Tick
313        栗背短腳鵯        Chestnut Bulbul        Tick
314        綠翅短腳鵯        Mountain Bulbul        Tick
327        金頭縫葉鶯        Mountain Tailorbird        Tick
334        黃腰柳鶯        Pallas's Leaf Warbler        Tick
335        黃眉柳鶯        Yellow-browed Warbler        Tick
368        長尾縫葉鶯        Common Tailorbird        Tick
370        棕頸鉤嘴鶥        Streak-breasted Scimitar Babbler        Tick
371        小鱗胸鷦鶥        Pygmy Wren-Babbler        Tick
372        紅頭穗鶥        Rufous-capped Babbler        Tick
376        黑喉噪鶥        Black-throated Laughingthrush        Tick
379        銀耳相思鳥        Silver-eared Leiothrix        Tick
381        藍翅希鶥        Blue-winged Minla        Tick
382.5        灰眶雀鶥        Grey-cheeked Fulvetta        Tick
386        暗綠繡眼鳥        Japanese White-eye        Tick
387        絨額鳾        Velvet-fronted Nuthatch        Tick
420        鵲鴝        Oriental Magpie Robin        Tick
448        海南藍仙鶲        Hainan Blue Flycatcher        Tick
456        紅胸啄花鳥        Fire-breasted Flowerpecker        Tick
457        朱背啄花鳥        Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker        Tick
459        叉尾太陽鳥        Fork-tailed Sunbird        Tick
463        白腰文鳥        White-rumped Munia        Tick
469        灰鶺鴒        Grey Wagtail        Tick

HF Cheung
Author: Sfwong    Time: 5/04/2012 13:10

Very nice! Thanks for the above members' sharing!

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