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Subject: [Outing] ( Full已滿)29/4蒲台及南面水域觀鳥活動PoToi & HK S.Waters outing [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 21/03/2012 11:13     Subject: ( Full已滿)29/4蒲台及南面水域觀鳥活動PoToi & HK S.Waters outing


行程時間:上午 8 時至下午約 4時


費用:會員-HK$160; 非會員-HK$200

行程安排: 開船後會直接到蒲台島或在途中於南部水域找尋海鳥,然後大隊會在蒲台島上有自由時間(各自觀鳥,新手亦可選擇跟隨領隊觀鳥),建議參加者在島上午膳。大約到正午12時至1時左右返回船上,然後船會開往南丫海峽尋找海鳥,到大約下午4時返回香港仔。請注意,活動領隊將有權更改及決定當日行程安排。

名額只限48位,請把報名表格連同費用寄/交回香港觀鳥會辦公室報名參加 (本會會員有優先參與權利)


活動查詢熱線/當天與領隊聯絡電話:9457 3196


Details of Po Toi and HK South Waters outing to be held on 29 April 2012 as below:-

Date: 29/4/2012 Sunday
Activity time: 08:00- 16:00

Gathering time: 08:00 am
Gathering place: Hang Seng Bank, Sai Wan Ho MTR Station

Target Species: Seabirds
Fare: HK$160/Member; HK$200/Non-member

Arrangement: The boat will go to Po Toi Island directly OR will spend some time in the south waters to search for seabirds. The group will then have free time on the island (new comers can follow the leader to watch birds on the island) and participants are suggested to have their lunch on the island. The group should be back to the boat around 12:00-1:00 (depends on the leader's decision) and then the boat will stay in the Lamma Channel in the afternoon to look for seabirds and back to Aberdeen at 4:00pm. Please note that this is a brief arrangement and the activity leader will have the right to make the final decision.

Limited to 48 participants only - please return the registration form together with the fare to HKBWS Office for registration.

We will confirm the participants about 5 days before the outing whether their reservation application is accepted or not. All the registered participants are required to pay the prescribed fare, no matter they can attend the outing or not. Withdrawal must be raised at least ONE week before the activity, otherwise, no refund will be made. If we cancel the outing due to inclement weather or special reason, the paid fare will be refunded to the participants.

The Activiites Enquiry Hotline / for contacting outing leaders on the event date only: 9457 3196.

The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society shall have no responsibility, financial or otherwise, for expenditure or other liabilities arising from the activities.

12年4-6月戶外觀鳥活動_hkbws_outing_apr-jun12.pdf (237.37 KB)
12年4-6月戶外觀鳥活動_hkbws_outing_apr-jun12.doc (173 KB)

Attachment: 12年4-6月戶外觀鳥活動_hkbws_outing_apr-jun12.pdf (21/03/2012 11:49, 237.37 KB) / Download count 781

Attachment: 12年4-6月戶外觀鳥活動_hkbws_outing_apr-jun12.doc (21/03/2012 11:49, 173 KB) / Download count 869
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 23/04/2012 15:35

Please pay attention to the gathering time & place.


Gathering time: 08:00 am
Gathering place: Hang Seng Bank, Sai Wan Ho MTR Station
Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 25/04/2012 14:57

The outing on Sunday would be a good chance to take nice photographs (you can take things other then birds)! Help saving Po Toi by photographs and words!
Author: walterma    Time: 29/04/2012 07:09

Author: dreamcat    Time: 29/04/2012 11:01


[ 本帖最後由 dreamcat 於 29/04/2012 13:15 編輯 ]

Image Attachment: rps20120429_131412.jpg (29/04/2012 13:15, 166.29 KB) / Download count 562

Author: Beetle    Time: 29/04/2012 18:44

Thunderstorm in the city, but we have good weather on the sea and on Po Toi.
Highlight was a Lesser Frigatebird which we have long and close views.

請幫忙填上遺漏的鳥種 Please help to fill in missing species

61 夜鷺 Black-crowned Night Heron
62 綠鷺 Striated Heron
63 池鷺 Chinese Pond Heron
64 牛背鷺 Eastern Cattle Egret
65 蒼鷺 Grey Heron
67 大白鷺 Great Egret
69 小白鷺 Little Egret
70 岩鷺 Pacific Reef Egret
74 白斑軍艦鳥 Lesser Frigatebird
85 黑鳶 Black Kite
92 赤腹鷹 Chinese Sparrowhawk
107 游隼 Peregrine Falcon
151 中杓鷸 Whimbrel
180 紅頸瓣蹼鷸 Red-necked Phalarope
201 大鳳頭燕鷗 Greater Crested Tern
203 白腰燕鷗 Aleutian Tern
204 褐翅燕鷗 Bridled Tern
205 黑枕燕鷗 Black-naped Tern
208 普通燕鷗 Common Tern
220 珠頸斑鳩 Spotted Dove
228 褐翅鴉鵑 Greater Coucal
238 四聲杜鵑 Indian Cuckoo
256 白腰雨燕 Pacific Swift
263 普通翠鳥 Common Kingfisher
286 紅尾伯勞 Brown Shrike
288 棕背伯勞 Long-tailed Shrike
291 黑卷尾 Black Drongo
306 大嘴烏鴉 Large-billed Crow
315 紅耳鵯 Red-whiskered Bulbul
316 白頭鵯 Chinese Bulbul
323 家燕 Barn Swallow
335 褐柳鶯 Dusky Warbler
342 極北(日本)柳鶯 Arctic (Japanese) Warbler
373 長尾縫葉鶯 Common Tailorbird
379 黑臉噪鶥 Masked Laughingthrush
393 八哥 Crested Myna
425 鵲鴝 Oriental Magpie Robin
438 灰紋鶲 Grey-streaked Flycatcher
440 北灰鶲 Asian Brown Flycatcher
444 黃眉姬鶲 Narcissus Flycatcher
467 白腰文鳥 White-rumped Munia
473 灰鶺鴒 Grey Wagtail
474 白鶺鴒 White Wagtail
475 理氏鷚 Richard's Pipit
499 栗鵐 Chestnut Bunting

For those who stayed in Town today, this was the weather we had on sea

謝謝各位支持本會的行動! Thank you for supporting our action!

[ Last edited by Beetle at 29/04/2012 21:09 ]
Author: brendank    Time: 29/04/2012 18:57

Someone showed me a picture of bunting which I thought was a Japanese Yellow. Not totally sure it was since I just saw it briefly on the viewfinder. Hopefully, that person will post it on the forum.

Also I saw 4-5 Common Terns, 8 Whimbrel and someone had a photo of a Brown Shrike.

[ Last edited by brendank at 29/04/2012 18:59 ]
Author: kamfai    Time: 29/04/2012 19:18

It is a Chestnut Bunting ( according to Tung)

[ Last edited by kamfai at 29/04/2012 19:37 ]
Author: AjaA    Time: 29/04/2012 19:28

The following species were also recorded:

Peregrine, 1 at sea, 1 on the island
Common Kingfisher
Dusky Warbler
Common Tailorbird
Grey Wagtail
White Wagtail
Author: Ronaldo    Time: 29/04/2012 20:00

In addition two Pacific Swifts hovering above the school.
Author: Beetle    Time: 29/04/2012 21:09

Thanks. the list has been updated.

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