Subject: Chinese Penduline Tit 中華攀雀 [Print This Page] Author: oLDcaR Time: 11/04/2012 10:23 Subject: Chinese Penduline Tit 中華攀雀
Chinese Penduline Tit 中華攀雀, Long Valley, 塱原, 1 April 2012
Author: lpaul Time: 11/04/2012 14:28
Do you have photos of the first bird which show any ring details? Author: oLDcaR Time: 11/04/2012 15:03
I try to find tonight and let u know later.
oLDcaR Author: oLDcaR Time: 11/04/2012 19:42
Wish the photo can help you.
Author: iherman Time: 11/04/2012 23:15
Nice photos Author: ajohn Time: 22/07/2012 13:21
Those of you who managed to get photos of the Chinese Penduline Tits at Long Valley this spring may be interested to know that we were finally able to piece together enough of the ring number to identify two individuals. These were:
AB00869 - a first winter male, ringed at Mai Po on 3rd December 2011 (this is the bird in oLDcaR's photos here)
AB00979 - a first winter female, ringed at Mai Po on 2nd January 2012.
Thanks to Allen Chan, whose photos allowed me to piece together the details of the rings.
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