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Subject: [China] 中國河南董寨 (Dongzhai, Henan province, China) 2012-May-18 - 2012-May-21 [Print This Page]

Author: ac130    Time: 26/05/2012 23:25     Subject: 中國河南董寨 (Dongzhai, Henan province, China) 2012-May-18 - 2012-May-21

(零) 前言:
本報告只簡單描述行程路線, 路上所見的概況, 希望為有興趣的朋友介紹當地

此外, 礙於記憶力有限, 內容如有錯漏, 敬請原諒.

(一) 簡介:
董寨國家級自然保護區, 總面積4.68萬公頃, 有鳥類304種.
留鳥: 80
夏侯鳥: 75
冬侯鳥: 55
旅鳥: 72
迷鳥及分佈新紀錄類: 22


(二) 路線:
來回路線: 香港->堔圳->廣州東站->信陽->澀港->董橋
觀鳥路線: 董橋->王大灣->白雲保護區
觀鳥路線: 董橋->高家寨
觀鳥路線: 靈山風景區

(三) 主要觀鳥範圍:
1. 王大灣
生境: 林的邊緣
交通: 步行

五月十八日早上, 陽光普照.  在"董橋"下車後, 到了縣道旁的一個細小的村莊,
零星的村屋散落在田邊, 看似很平靜.  剛來到時, 馬上看到金腰燕,
領雀嘴鵯和灰卷尾站在電線上, 列隊歡迎客人.

這裡有一條小河, 一小片樹林.

在河上, 水量不多, 雞, 鴨, 烏鶇和普通翠鳥都能融洽相處.  樹林上面隱藏著
害羞的鷹鵑和四聲杜鵑, 下面通常有幾隻棕頭鴉雀在草叢內亂竄, 是害怕了遊人,

在林中, 半醒的斑頭鵂鶹靜靜地監視著牠的地盤, 并驅趕一隻不速之客:灰頭綠啄木鳥.
空氣中, 充滿了灰山椒鳥和林鶺鴒的歌聲, 路過的暗灰鵑鵙也來湊熱鬧, 伴唱一曲,
偶然,也有絲光椋鳥, 喜鵲和灰喜鵲的笑談聲, 劃破了歌曲的旋律.  這歌肯定不是催
眠曲, 不能讓山麻雀孩子安靜午睡, 哭啼聲使牠們的父母忙於來回田林之間.


2. "董橋"至"高家寨"
生境: 田野
交通: 步行

在這幾天內, 來回"董橋"至"高家寨"(大約兩公里)兩次.

五月十八日下午, 從"董橋"的河往下游走, 大約20分鐘後, 到達一個不知名河谷,
河流斷斷續續, 看後教人擔心, 剩下來的水還算清澈, 四周環境未見被污染.
剛走下河床時, 有一對灰頭麥雞不停地在上空盤旋, 還尖叫起來, 像發出警告.  
河已沒有路可行了, 只好走回縣道032.

回到了縣道後, 往"高家寨"方向行, 眼前是一望無際的油菜田, 該有一些鵐吧!?
景色雖然吸引, 但是在馬路上行走, 除了要注意汽車外, 還要忍受猛烈的陽光.
目光一直注視在身邊的農作物, 見到數目不多的金翅雀和山麻雀. 在電線上, 廣佈著
很多黑卷尾, 而一對黃臀鵯親親密密的平排著(談情乎?), 顯得十分突出.  遠處的田上,
翻土機正在緩緩的爬行, 白頸鴉,絲光椋鳥,灰椋鳥,八哥在翻過的泥土上努力尋寶.

在途中, 路邊有幾個儲水池, 但很奇怪, 全部都沒有水, 只長滿了雜草.  一隻
三道眉草鵐在雜草堆內唱歌, 不久, 一隻紅腳苦惡鳥在池底上, 戰戰兢兢步行.

再行十分鐘, 到達另外一個河谷, 這是之前那個河谷的延續, 這裡的河水更少.
在河床上, 有一位農夫正在放牛, 一輛剷沙車正在工作.  原始風貌和現代化活動
同時存在, 在這個混亂且複雜的時空下, 這裡竟然是一對藍喉蜂虎, 一對黑尾蠟嘴雀,

在此逗留一會, 然後返回"董橋".

3. 白雲保護區
生境: 森林
交通: 步行

每天早上五時三十分起床, 準備向神秘的山區出發! 希望可以看到仙八色鶇.

五月十九日早上, 天色雖然還暗, 強腳樹鶯早已放聲嗚叫, 牠的第一個音像超高壓電流
的流動聲; 一群又一群的紅頭長尾山雀, 形成一個又一個的鳥浪, 洶湧澎湃, 起起伏伏,
未入深山中, 已感受到整個山區的巨大能量了.

激流過後, 四周瞬間回復平靜, 不料, 突然有輕輕兩聲: "吱......吱......"
從河邊傳來.  初時覺得像紫嘯鶇, 但再聽多一次, 應該是某種"燕尾"類雀鳥的
前奏曲, 灰背燕尾? 白冠燕尾?  果然, 幾秒後一隻白冠燕尾出場, 牠身穿高貴的
燕尾服, 在河上彈跳著, 登上一個又一個的石舞台.  每次靈巧的轉身, 伴隨著尾羽
像絲帶般的輕盈擺動, 再跳起, 站下, 挺著胸, 頭以四十五度角向上望, 像體操
運動員完成了一個完美的動作, 姿態吸引了不少觀眾, 包括附近的一對白眉姬鶲,

慢行大約四十分鐘,到達了"白雲站".  這裡已聚集了來自不同地方的人士,
有觀鳥者, 攝鳥者, 研究員等等.  住客有一隻好奇的紫嘯鶇, 一隻星頭啄木鳥,

過了"白冠長尾雉養殖場"不久, 已聽到仙八色鶇的叫聲, 但是來源很遠, 有一些
攝鳥人士在等候著.  我觀察了一會, 決定繼續往前行, 估計前面應該有不少的

在這片林區裡, 山斑鳩像隱士般吟嘯; 紅嘴藍鵲一邊在空中打轉, 一邊留下幾句:
"嘎...嘎...嘎.嘎.嘎"; 黑臉噪鶥啾啾吵鬧, 餘音不絕,  但有時却靜得只剩下蚊子
的嗡嗡聲.  這時, 與仙八色鶇的嗚叫仍有一山之隔, 只好欣賞咫尺間畫眉悅耳的歌聲.  
除了鳥聲, 出奇不意的野豬咆哮, 野兔的踏草聲, 使周遭氣氛恐怖起來.

再過半小時, 去到一處似荒廢了, 而且被小竹樹覆蓋著的路段, 路旁藤牽蔓纏,
光線微弱.  正想回頭之際, 突然, 看到地上有兩個閃爍的綻藍色的橢圓形物體
快速移動, 邊走邊飛, 腦海仍殘留一道藍色的痕跡, 心神稍定, 細心想想, 該是
兩隻仙八色鶇!  於是坐下, 打算等一個小時, 希望牠們會回來.  這時, 不敢
發出任何聲音, 不敢妄動, 細心觀察周圍環境,  每隔一段時間,  不是聽到髮冠
卷尾在樹上叫, 就是看到牠跳到地上啄食. 在漫長的等候中, 又有趣事發生:
有兩隻黑冠鵑隼飛到我頭上的樹枝上, 稍作停留.  早上十時, 陽光已滲透每個角落,
所有仙八色鶇已停叫了, 最後, 再沒有見到牠們.

在回程中, 在養殖場旁的竹林, 看到赤腹鷹, 松鴉和黑冠鵑隼. 一對黑冠鵑隼含著
樹枝, 努力造巢.

初次探訪, 見到了兩隻仙八色鶇, 運氣十分好.

五月廿一日早上, 告別當地之前, 上天還送我四份禮物:

這次森林探險, 收穫豐富, 很滿意.

4. 靈山風景區
生境: 山區
交通: 乘車

五月十九日下午, 沒打算進入"靈山風景區"範圍. 下午到達風景區入口馬路範圍外,
在縣道032上的一間食店內用膳, 之後在店後河邊探索, 打算在河邊小路上向

離開悶熱的馬路, 在河兩旁的樹蔭下慢行, 呼吸著較涼的空氣, 聽著潺潺的流水聲,

兩隻鮮艷奪目的黑枕黃鸝在樹影下穿梭, 令人眼前一亮, 聲音清翠悅耳, 令人
精神一振.  這種情景,像古詩中所說的: "陰陰夏木囀黃鸝".

樹的下層是鳥兒的遊樂場, 有兩隻白眉姬鶲, 兩隻星頭喙木鳥, 兩隻林鶺鴒, 三隻
虎紋伯勞, 牠們跟同類, 你追我趕, 有時不理旁人, 迎面撲來.

走了一公里左右, 發現多排人工種植的高樹, 共有六十棵. 那"樹田"的四周被
菜田包圍, 好像一個孤島.

在這範圍內, 一隻灰頭綠啄木鳥和一隻大斑啄木鳥, 變身做"啄地鳥", 在地上找食物.
當人行近時, 牠們才跳上樹上躲避.  那些樹顯然不能為啄木鳥提供食物, 但能夠給
黃鸝夫婦一個家.  牠們用膠袋, 布條, 樹枝築了一個巢, 在上面輪班, 耐心等待

沿河已沒路可走, 於是離開河道, 橫越了幾塊田, 重踏上縣道032, 乘黃色小巴返回
"董橋", 結束當日行程.

五月廿十日下午, 乘坐一位武漢觀鳥會的朋友的車去"靈山風景區".  在登山入口
的閘門旁, 有一小屋, 屋頂電線上, 一隻紅尾水鴝雌鳥唱歌, 尾巴隨著節拍擺動,
這鳥是他的新記錄, 大家都很高興.

上山十分鐘後, 又有新發現:一對白冠長尾雉母子坐在距離我們十米內的山坡上,
伏在地上, 沒有動作, 身體被灌木叢遮蔽, 僅看到一少部份.  很快, 母雉先逃跑,
再過一會, 子雉才尾隨.

附近還看到藍翡翠站在樹上, 可惜, 人即使在車內, 牠總是不肯多留一會.

再過五分鐘車程, 看見一個草坡, 有六位攝鳥朋友專心地等候白冠長尾雉, 他們和
鏡頭都穿上迷彩服裝.  我們就以慢動作行近他們.  大家打過招呼後, 他們說如果
太多人在這裡的話, 牠就不會出來, 而且再往上走, 都會有機會找到牠們的, 於是

繼續行程, 只轉了幾個灣, 意料不到, 一隻白冠長尾雉雄鳥坐在路邊的草堆,
半遮半掩, 注視著我們, 雙方都不敢亂動.  在這美妙的時刻, 我們可以慢慢觀察,
拍照.  最後, 牠往山上逃跑了.

路已到盡頭, 只好折返, 在回程途中, 再多看兩隻白冠長尾雉雄鳥在馬路上賽跑.

當日, 總共看到五隻白冠長尾雉, 有3隻雄鳥,1隻雌鳥和1隻雛鳥, 真的很幸運.

(四) 總結:
四天行程, 總共看到72種鳥.

雖然, 壽帶鳥還未到, 但是, 能夠找到目標鳥: 仙八色鶇, 冠魚狗, 白冠燕尾及
白冠長尾雉, 已經心滿意足.

"白雲保護區"及"靈山風景區", 面積龐大, 雖然, 數天之內只能短暫停留幾個鳥點,
但是, 在陌生環境觀鳥, 視野是矌闊了.  希望將來能夠再次到訪.

最後, 要感謝一位武漢觀鳥會的朋友的熱心慷慨, 駕車送我到"靈山風景區".

多謝閱讀, 請多多指教!

Author: ac130    Time: 26/05/2012 23:48

(0) Preface:
By writing and reading this trip report, I can recall my good memory of
bird watching in that moment.  Also, this short report may serve as an
introduction to bird watching route in "Dong Zhai".

(I) Introduction:
Dongzhai National Nature Reserve, with a total area of 46,800 hectares,
304 species of birds.


(II) Route:
Round-trip Route: Hong Kong->Shen Zhen->Guang Zhou East Station->Xin Yang->Se Gang->Dong Qiao
Bird Watching Route: Dong Qiao->Wang Da Wan->Bai Yun Protection Area
Bird Watching Route: Dong Qiao->Gao Jia Zhai
Bird Watching Route: Ling Shan Scenic Area

(III) Bird Watching Area:
1. Wang Da Wan
Habitat: Forest Edge
Transportation: Walking

In May 18, it was a sunny day.  In the morning, when I arrived at "Dong Qiao",
I saw a Red-rumped Swallow, a Collared Finchbill and an Ashy Drongo standing
on a wire.

There were few small houses scattered near fields, a small river and a small
forest.  The small river was the living area for chickens, ducks, a
Common Blackbird and a Common Kingfisher.

In the small forest, a Large Hawk-Cuckoo and a Indian Cuckoo were hidden
on the top.  Near the ground, some Vinous-throated Parrotbills were moving
in panic, perhaps, because of a Tiger Shrike.

On a tree, an Asian Barred Owlet was driving off an intruder, a
Grey-headed Woodpecker.

The atmosphere was full of the songs by an Ashy Minivet, a Forest Wagtail
and a Black-winged Cuckooshrike.  Occasionally, Red-billed Starlings,
Common Magpies and Azure-winged Magpies were chatting and laughing.

Besides, few Russet Sparrow babies were crying.

2. Dong Qiao to Gao Jia Zhai
Habitat: Field
Transportation: Walking

In the four days, I had round-trips from "Dong Qiao" to "Gao Jia Zhai"
(about 2km) twice.

In May 18, I started from the river at "Dong Qiao".  After walking about
20 minutes, I reached a valley.  The river was almost dry.  When I went
to the river bed, a pair of Grey-headed Lapwings were flying around over
me and screaming like a warning alarm.  There was no more road at the river
and so I returned to the country road 032.

I continued the way to "Gao Jia Zhai".  On the road, I saw many fields of
"oil vegetables".  I thought that there would be some bunting inside the
fields.  The scene in front of me was a scenic rural landscape.  However,
I still paid much attention to the vehicles behind me.

In the crops nearby, there were few Grey-capped Greenfinchs and Russet
Sparrows.  Black Drongos widely distributed on the wires, which made a
couple of tightly packed Brown-breasted Bulbuls eye-catching.

In distant fields, Collared Crows, Red-billed Starlings, White-cheeked
Starlings and Crested Mynas followed the farm tillers restlessly.

On the way, I saw several small water storage pools.  Strangely, all of
them were dried and full of weeds.  A Meadow Bunting was singing and a
Brown Crake was walking carefully on one of the pool.

After ten more minutes, I saw another valley which was extended from the
valley mentioned above.  The river was drier.  An old man was pasturing
his water buffalo on the river bed.  At the same time, a small construction
loader was working.  Under this disordered situation, however, I still saw
a pair of Blue-throated Bee-eaters, a pair of Yellow-billed Grosbeaks,
a pair of Crested Kingfishers and a pair of Common Pheasants.  I returned
to the "Dong Qiao" after I stayed there for a while.

3. Bai Yun Protection Area
Habitat: Forest
Transportation: Walking

In this trip, I woke up at 5:30am every morning.  Hopefully, I thought
I would see a Fairy Pitta.

In the morning of May 19, it was still very dark but the Brownish-flanked
Bush Warblers were singing loudly.  A bird wave of Black-throated Tits was
forming one after one.  When the last bird wave went, the environment
became quiet again.

Suddenly, I heard a very soft sound with two tones like "gee.....gee.....".
A few seconds later, a White-crowned Forktail came out.  It was dancing
on the river.  Its elegance attracted other audiences near the river:
a couple of Yellow-rumped Flycatchers, a Black-capped Kingfisher and a
Chinese Goshawk.

After 40 minutes, I arrived at the "Bai Yun Station".   There were many
people gathering in the car park.  They were bird watchers, photographers
and researchers.  Other residents at there includes a Blue Whistling Thrush,
a Grey-capped Woodpecker, some Common Magpies and some Crested Mynas.

After passing the "White-crowned Long-tailed Pheasant Breeding Centre",
I heard the call of a Fairy Pitta.  Some photographers are waiting for it
there.  After waiting for a moment, I chose to keep moving forward.

In this forest, I heard the calls of Oriental Turtle Doves, Blue Magpies and
Masked Laughingthrushs, the weak calls of Fairy Pittas and the song of a
Hwamei.  Sometimes, a scary sound made by a wild boar roaring or by a hare
jumping came close to me suddenly.

After a half hour, the road condition didn't look very good.  It was covered
by short bamboos.  The light was dim because the environment was surrounded
by many branches and leaves.  When I wanted to return, I saw two shiny blue
oval-shaped objects moving quickly on the ground and then flying away.
Yes, they are two Fairy Pitta.  I decided to sit there and waited for their
returns for one hour.  During the waiting, occasionally, Hair-crested
Drongos called loudly and jumped to the ground.  Another interesting thing
I saw was a pair of Black Bazas standing on the tree just above my head for
a while.  It was about 10 o'clock.  No more Fairy Pitta called.  Finally,
they didn't come back.

On the way back to the "Bai Yun Station", in the long bamboo area near the
"breeding centre", I saw a Chinese Goshawk, a Eurasian Jay and two Black
Bazas.  The Black Baza couple are busy in nest building.

As I was a first-time visitor in the area, it was very lucky for me to see
the two Fairy Pittas.

In the morning of May 21, the last day in "Dong Zhai", god gave me four
more gifts:
a migrating Great Cormorant,
a couple of Mandarin Ducks on a tree,
a photo of a Fairy Pitta,
and a sight of a Brownish-flanked Bush Warbler.

I'm satisfied with the results in this adventure.

4. Ling Shan Scenic Area
Habitat: Mountain
Transportation: Car

In the afternoon of May 19, I didn't plan to enter the "Ling Shan Scenic Area".  
Outside the "scenic area", I finished the lunch in a canteen beside the
country road 032.  There was a small river behind the canteen.  Toward the
direction to "Dong Qiao", I planned to walked on a footpath along the river
for about 1 to 2km.  Big trees were planted on both river banks.  In the
higher part of the trees, two Black-naped Oriole were flying like a flash.  
In the lower part of the trees, birds of the same species chasing each other.
They are two Yellow-rumped Flycatchers, two Grey-capped Woodpeckers, two
Forest Wagtails and three Tiger Shrikes.

After I'd walked about 1km, I saw an array of 60 tall cultivated trees which
were surrounded by vegatable fields.  In this rectangular area, a Grey-capped
Woodpecker and a Great Spotted Woodpecker were seeking for food on the ground.
Obviously, all the trees didn't provide any worm for them.  However, one of
the trees was a home of a couple of Black-naped Orioles.  Their nest was
mainly made of plastic bags, cloth stripes and sticks.

There was no more path along the river.  Then, I passed through several fields
and returned to the country road 032 again.  I went back to "Dong Qiao" by a
yellow mini-bus and finished the travelling in that day.

In the afternoon of May 20, a friend from Wuhan Bird Watching Society drove
a car and took me to the "Ling Shan Scenic Area".  Initially, near the top
of a house next to the entrance gate of the area, a female Plumbeous Redstart
was singing on a wire and wagging its tail.  This bird was his new record.  
Both of us were happy.

After the car was climbing for about 10 mintues, I found two White-crowned
Long-tailed Pheasants, a female adult and a baby,  sitting on a slope.  
Although they were less than 10m from us,  we could not see them clearly
because they were covered by bush.  After a while, mother escaped from us first.  
Later, the baby followed his mother.

Just leaving them shortly, we encountered a Black-capped Kingfisher standing
on a tree.  As expected, it escaped from us quickly without any hesitation.

After 5 more minutes, we arrived at a wide grassy slope.  Six photographers
were sitting there.  Their camouflage clothings and lens coats looked very
new.  We wanted to sit next to them and wait for a White-crowned Long-tailed
Pheasant.  However, they worried that the pheasant would not show up if
there were too many people.  They asked us to go to the mountain top to
find other pheasants.

Therefore, we left there and went up.  Just turning few corners, we saw
one male White-crowned Long-tailed Pheasant sitting on the road.  It was
very stable.  Then, we were enjoying our bird watching and photo taking
for a long time.

Finally, we reached the end of the road and went back.  On the way, we saw
two more White-crowned Long-tailed Pheasants running on the road.  This
was another surprise of the day.

On that day, we saw totally five White-crowned Long-tailed Pheasants:
three males, one female and one baby.

(IV) Conclusion:
In this four-day trip, 72 species were seen.

Although I could not see any Asian Paradise Flycatcher, I was still very
happy to see the Fairy Pittas, the Crested Kingfishers, the White-crowned
Forktails and the White-crowned Long-tailed Pheasants.

In this trip, although I visited only a limited area of Dongzhai National
Nature Reserve, bird watching in an unfamiliar environment can broaden
my horizons.  I hope I'll explore the region again in future.

Finally, I'd like to give my speical thanks to the friend from Wuhan Bird
Watching Society for his kindness and generosity in taking me to
"Ling Shan Scenic Area" by car.

Thanks for your reading!


[ Last edited by ac130 at 27/05/2012 00:31 ]
Author: ac130    Time: 26/05/2012 23:51

Total 72 species were seen:
白冠長尾雉        White-crowned Long-tailed Pheasant        tick
星頭啄木鳥        Grey-capped Woodpecker        tick
大斑啄木鳥        Great Spotted Woodpecker        tick
灰頭綠啄木鳥        Grey-headed Woodpecker        tick
普通翠鳥        Common Kingfisher        tick
藍翡翠        Black-capped Kingfisher        tick
冠魚狗        Crested Kingfisher        tick
藍喉蜂虎        Blue-throated Bee-eater        tick
鷹鵑        Large Hawk-Cuckoo        tick
四聲杜鵑        Indian Cuckoo        tick
噪鵑        Common Koel        tick
斑頭鵂鶹        Asian Barred Owlet        tick
山斑鳩        Oriental Turtle Dove        tick
珠頸斑鳩        Spotted Dove        tick
白胸苦惡鳥        White-breasted Waterhen        tick
灰頭麥雞        Grey-headed Lapwing        tick
黑冠鵑隼        Black Baza        tick
黑耳鳶        Black-eared Kite        tick
赤腹鷹        Chinese Goshawk        tick
小白鷺        Little Egret        tick
牛背鷺        Cattle Egret        tick
池鷺        Chinese Pond-Heron        tick
仙八色鶇        Fairy Pitta        tick
虎紋伯勞        Tiger Shrike        tick
紅尾伯勞        Brown Shrike        tick
棕背伯勞        Long-tailed Shrike        tick
松鴉        Eurasian Jay        tick
紅嘴藍鵲        Red-billed Blue Magpie        tick
灰喜鵲        Azure-winged Magpie        tick
喜鵲        Common Magpie        tick
白頸鴉        Collared Crow        tick
黑枕黃鸝        Black-naped Oriole        tick
暗灰鵑鵙        Black-winged Cuckooshrike        tick
灰山椒鳥        Ashy Minivet        tick
黑卷尾        Black Drongo        tick
灰卷尾        Ashy Drongo        tick
髮冠卷尾        Hair-crested Drongo        tick
紫嘯鶇        Blue Whistling-Thrush        tick
烏鶇        Common Blackbird        tick
白眉姬鶲        Yellow-rumped Flycatcher        tick
紅尾水鴝        Plumbeous Redstart        tick
白冠燕尾        White-crowned Forktail        tick
絲光椋鳥        Red-billed Starling        tick
灰椋鳥        White-cheeked Starling        tick
八哥        Crested Myna        tick
大山雀        Great Tit        tick
紅頭長尾山雀        Black-throated Tit        tick
領雀嘴鵯        Collared Finchbill        tick
黃臀鵯        Brown-breasted Bulbul        tick
白頭鵯        Chinese Bulbul        tick
暗綠繡眼鳥        Japanese White-eye        tick
強腳樹鶯        Brownish-flanked Bush Warbler        tick
黑臉噪鶥        Masked Laughingthrush        tick
畫眉        Hwamei        tick
棕頭鴉雀        Vinous-throated Parrotbill        tick
山麻雀        Russet Sparrow        tick
樹麻雀        Eurasian Tree Sparrow        tick
林鶺鴒        Forest Wagtail        tick
白鶺鴒        White Wagtail        tick
灰鶺鴒        Grey Wagtail        tick
金翅雀        Grey-capped Greenfinch        tick
黑尾蠟嘴雀        Yellow-billed Grosbeak        tick
三道眉草鵐        Meadow Bunting        tick
北紅尾鴝        Daurian Redstart        tick
紅腳苦惡鳥        Brown Crake        tick
金腰燕        Red-rumped Swallow        tick
厚嘴葦鶯        Thick-billed Warbler        tick
黃腹山鷦鶯        Yellow-bellied Prinia        tick
鴛鴦        Mandarin Duck        tick
鸕鹚        Great Cormorant        tick
環頸雉        Common Pheasant        tick
黑水雞        Common Moorhen        tick
Author: ac130    Time: 26/05/2012 23:55

仙八色鶇, 冠魚狗, 紅頭長尾山雀, 強腳樹鶯:

灰頭綠啄木鳥, 大斑啄木鳥, 四聲杜鵑, 三道眉草鵐:

藍喉蜂虎, 白眉姬鶲, 虎紋伯勞, 白冠燕尾:

黑冠鵑隼, 白冠長尾雉, 鴛鴦, 黑枕黃鸝:

Image Attachment: [pic1] pic1.jpg (26/05/2012 23:55, 172.04 KB) / Download count 743

Image Attachment: [pic2] pic2.jpg (26/05/2012 23:55, 179.74 KB) / Download count 644

Image Attachment: [pic3] pic3.jpg (26/05/2012 23:55, 128.81 KB) / Download count 567

Image Attachment: [pic4] pic4.jpg (26/05/2012 23:55, 179.54 KB) / Download count 617

Author: cywong    Time: 27/05/2012 09:09

Thank you very much for sharing the trip report and the bird photos! Really a wonderful birding trip!
Author: 梁厚鍵    Time: 27/05/2012 09:32

Author: ltsunpun    Time: 27/05/2012 11:52

Author: louislee    Time: 27/05/2012 14:21

I don't know if it is suitable to say that reading your report is much more pleasurable than those reports only consisting of photos.

Your words capture the essence of your trip
Author: ac130    Time: 28/05/2012 10:50

Original posted by ltsunpun at 27/05/2012 11:52
出發前七日(五月十日), 只電話聯絡了"白雲山莊", 他們表示客房未滿, 沒有辦理任何訂房手續.
最後, 在那旅館住了三晚.
Author: xiekai    Time: 29/05/2012 00:57


Author: ltsunpun    Time: 14/06/2012 22:40

多謝xiekai的補充,"白雲保護站不對外開放"是甚麼意思,如果不對外開放,請問它接待甚麼類別的遊客? 又由於房間不多,似乎只適合小組(例如四人)前往。   tpluk

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