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Subject: [China] N. Xinjiang revisited (3) 再訪北彊 [Print This Page]

Author: Paux    Time: 8/06/2012 14:32     Subject: N. Xinjiang revisited (3) 再訪北彊

May 2012
Spotted Flycatcher 斑鶲

Image Attachment: IMG_01432rb.jpg (8/06/2012 14:32, 95.62 KB) / Download count 473

Image Attachment: IMG_01442rb.jpg (8/06/2012 14:32, 99.37 KB) / Download count 448

Author: Paux    Time: 8/06/2012 14:37

Common Redstart 歐亞紅尾鴝

Image Attachment: IMG_01465rb.jpg (8/06/2012 14:37, 102.26 KB) / Download count 430

Image Attachment: IMG_01479rb.jpg (8/06/2012 14:37, 92.45 KB) / Download count 457

Author: Paux    Time: 8/06/2012 14:45

Lesser Whitethroat 白喉林鶯

Desert Warbler 漠地林鶯

Image Attachment: IMG_01426rb.jpg (8/06/2012 14:45, 94.98 KB) / Download count 398

Image Attachment: IMG_01647rb.jpg (8/06/2012 14:45, 94.78 KB) / Download count 433

Author: Paux    Time: 8/06/2012 14:58

Hume's Leaf Warbler 淡眉柳鶯

Common Cuckoo 大杜鵑

Image Attachment: IMG_01460rb.jpg (8/06/2012 14:58, 91.94 KB) / Download count 441

Image Attachment: IMG_9999_216rb.jpg (8/06/2012 14:58, 70.28 KB) / Download count 464

Author: Paux    Time: 9/06/2012 15:19

Pine Bunting 白頭鹀

Ortolan Bunting 圃鵐

[ Last edited by Paux at 12/06/2012 00:22 ]

Image Attachment: IMG_00923rb.jpg (9/06/2012 15:19, 98 KB) / Download count 461

Image Attachment: IMG_01085rrb.jpg (9/06/2012 15:19, 96.39 KB) / Download count 473

Author: Paux    Time: 9/06/2012 15:28

Yellowhammer 黃鹀

Tree Pipit 林鷚

[ Last edited by Paux at 12/06/2012 22:14 ]

Image Attachment: IMG_01067rb.jpg (9/06/2012 15:28, 99.56 KB) / Download count 449

Image Attachment: IMG_01209rb.jpg (9/06/2012 15:28, 97.03 KB) / Download count 438

Author: Paux    Time: 9/06/2012 15:37

European Goldfinch 紅額金翅雀

Chaffinch 蒼頭燕雀

Image Attachment: IMG_00408rb.jpg (9/06/2012 15:37, 89.36 KB) / Download count 419

Image Attachment: IMG_00993rb.jpg (9/06/2012 15:37, 90.01 KB) / Download count 475

Author: Paux    Time: 9/06/2012 15:46

Bluethroat 藍喉歌鴝

Savi's Warbler 鴝蝗鶯

Image Attachment: IMG_00660rb.jpg (9/06/2012 15:46, 85.06 KB) / Download count 442

Image Attachment: IMG_00652rb.jpg (9/06/2012 15:46, 83.94 KB) / Download count 482

Author: Paux    Time: 10/06/2012 18:30

Lesser Grey Shrike 黑额伯劳

Great Grey Shrike 灰伯勞

Image Attachment: IMG_00250rb.jpg (10/06/2012 18:30, 126.73 KB) / Download count 434

Image Attachment: IMG_01699rrb.jpg (10/06/2012 18:30, 54.46 KB) / Download count 488

Author: Paux    Time: 10/06/2012 18:42

Rufous-tailed Shrike 棕尾伯勞

Isabelline Wheatear 沙鵖

Image Attachment: IMG_9999_77rb.jpg (10/06/2012 18:42, 97.65 KB) / Download count 469

Image Attachment: IMG_00304rb.jpg (10/06/2012 18:42, 75.49 KB) / Download count 473

Author: Paux    Time: 10/06/2012 18:49

Common Pheasant 環頸雉

Greylag Goose 灰雁

Image Attachment: IMG_9849rb.jpg (10/06/2012 18:49, 98.76 KB) / Download count 469

Image Attachment: IMG_9999_244rb.jpg (10/06/2012 18:49, 91.81 KB) / Download count 441

Author: Paux    Time: 10/06/2012 18:59

Eurasian Nightjar 歐夜鷹

Black Tern 黑浮鷗

White-headed Duck 白頭硬尾鴨

This is the end of my bird photos taken in this trip. Thanks for viewing.

Image Attachment: IMG_01638rb.jpg (10/06/2012 18:59, 33.55 KB) / Download count 432

Image Attachment: IMG_01197rb.jpg (10/06/2012 18:59, 31.22 KB) / Download count 442

Image Attachment: IMG_9263rb.jpg (10/06/2012 18:59, 127.78 KB) / Download count 434

Author: kmike    Time: 10/06/2012 23:38

A wonderful set - Thanks Paux
Author: Paux    Time: 12/06/2012 00:21

Thanks Mike!

Just corrected : Rock Bunting should be Pine Bunting instead.
One more photo : Rook 禿鼻烏鴉

Image Attachment: IMG_01260rb.jpg (12/06/2012 00:21, 158.99 KB) / Download count 421

Author: ajohn    Time: 12/06/2012 08:44

An interesting Pine Bunting with such a white head. I wonder if it could be a hybrid with Yellowhammer?
I think the pipit in post 6 might be a Tree Pipit rather than Meadow - the bill looks fairly heavy, the head pattern is well marked and there is a lot of heavy streaking on the breast/flanks.
A nice set of photos - looks like you had a good trip.
Author: Paux    Time: 12/06/2012 22:12

Thanks a lot for your correction. It's really very hard for me to distinguish between these 2 birds; when I first spotted it, I even thought would it be an Olive-backed Pipit!


[ Last edited by Paux at 12/06/2012 22:26 ]

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