Subject: [Hong Kong] 蒲台 Po Toi - 觀鳥會回應發展商來函 HKBWS response to developer [Print This Page] Author: HKBWS Chuan Time: 15/06/2012 09:52 Subject: 蒲台 Po Toi - 觀鳥會回應發展商來函 HKBWS response to developer
香港觀鳥會呼籲關注保育的市民在6月15日(星期五)或之前去信城市規劃委員會(下稱城規會)及漁農自然護理署(下稱漁護署),要求城規會委員接納香港觀鳥會的建議,把蒲台島劃為「具特殊科學價值地點」,同時要求當局落實拖延了十一年的建議,盡快將蒲台島劃為郊野公園,保護蒲台島上獨一無二的生態及自然景觀。觀鳥會日前收到發展商Splendid Resources Inc. 的信件邀請本會合作,本會認為現階段不是適當時候進行有關討論,但假若發展商亦認同蒲台的保育價值,觀鳥會希望發展商能支持本會向城規會提交的申述,就此觀鳥會已回信發展商表明立場。
觀鳥會於6月11日收到發展商Splendid Resources Inc.的信函,表示該公司就地契條款爭議已向法院以原訴傳票(originating summons)展開法律程序,同時邀請香港觀鳥會「研究合作機會」(“explore for any joint force operation possibilities”)。吳敏表示:「由於發展商已展開法律程序,我們不宜評論關於該案件的事項。發展商提交予城規會的申述與本會的申述之間有重大分岐,城規會亦未落實蒲台島的規劃,因此我們認為現階段不適宜『研究合作機會』。可是,假若發展商亦認同蒲台的保育價值,觀鳥會希望他們能支持本會向城規會提交的申述。觀鳥會已就此發函回應發展商,將來如果有任何觀鳥會與該發展商之間的對話亦會公開。」
HKBWS's response to the Developer and call to HK citizens to send comments to Town Planning Board, in order to save Po Toi Island
[English gist]
HKBWS asks HK Citizens who cares about environmental conservation to send comments to the Town Planning Board (TPB) and Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department on or before 15 June 2012, to urge the TPB accept HKBWS's suggestion to zone important habitats on Po Toi as Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), and include Po Toi into country park as suggested in a planning study 11 years ago. HKBWS received a letter from the developer, Splendid Resources Inc., to invite HKBWS for co-operation, but HKBWS considers that it is inappropriate to discuss this at this stage, as there are significant differences between the developer's proposed zoning on Po Toi with HKBWS, and that the developer has filed a court case against Lands Department.
Po Toi's high conservation value in terms of biodiversity, landscape and recreation is proven in HKBWS's submission and is recognized by the Government as seen in the notes of the Draft Po Toi Development Permission Area Plan gazetted in early March. HKBWS invited the developer to send a letter to TPB to support HKBWS's representation made to the TPB earlier, If the developer also recognize the value of Po Toi.
If there is any dialogues between the HKBWS and the developer in the future, this would be made available to members and the public.
HKBWS has set up a facebook page for the campaign and we got more than 600 likes already. We hope that we could get at least 1000 before the Town Planning Board meeting to discuss the Po Toi Plan, and HKBWS will present the comments from the public during the meeting.