Subject: [Hong Kong] 新界東北新發展區 NENT New Development Areas [Print This Page] Author: HKBWS Chuan Time: 22/06/2012 11:31 Subject: 新界東北新發展區 NENT New Development Areas
The Government is inviting comments for the 3rd stage of public consultation and the Deadline is 31 August 2012 [extended to 30 September 2012]. HKBWS is deeply concerned about the impacts of the new development areas on Long Valley and other important habitats, we will made a detailed submission after studying the relevant documents.
You may recall two years ago HKBWS invited members and birders to "save Long Valley with words and photos", Object to the "CDNCEA (Comprehensive Development and Nature Conservation Enhancement Area" ... &extra=page%3D4
The Government has now proposed the middle part of Long Valley as "Nature Park" and the north and south parts remained as "Agriculture". The government's move is responding to the comments and photos submitted by you and other members/birders.
Anyway, We still need your help for the future of Long Valley! HKBWS will study the relevant documents first and invite you to make your comments. Author: 9Wi Time: 22/06/2012 15:24
a BIG THANK YOU to all those who submitted photos and contributed to the withdrawal of the CDNCEA zoning for Long Valley.
This approach was introduced after seeing how logos were used for educating people to avoid disturbing terns in Mirs Bay.
We have recently used the same approach in calling for Po Toi to be declared a Country Park.
The reasons we are keen to encourage this approach are:
1) each submission is obviously unique
2) each photo comes from someone who actively visits the place
3) Its a powerful way to show the level of HKBWS participation
4) these submissions are much more interesting for the officials who process them
5) the decision makers can see for themselves what we want to protect
6) a shared logo creates a very consistent message (a special thank you to our logo designer!)
7) easy to share on facebook, website etc
8) You don't need to be an expert - ordinary people can make a difference
Thanks again - and I hope you will contribute to our next campaign.
Conservancy Association and the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society's Joint Statement on the Planning of Long Valley (English summary).
The two organisations welcome the government to resume land for conservation. We hope that the government should consider the following points:
1. Extend Nature Park to Northern Long Valley to include land of conservation interest
2. Adopt a management strategy that combines agricultural activities and biodiversity conservation
3. Not to introduce mass tourism to avoid intensive human disturbances, but using biodiversity and cultural conservation as guiding principles
4. Care for the living of individual farmers
Thank you for members' support on our conservation work and also your participation in protecting Long Valley. The society is increasingly concerned about the NENT development, please express your opinions individually to the Government.
HKBWS has prepared a draft of our detailed submission on the consultation of NENT NDAs. But as the topic covers a wide area and different aspects, HKBWS and its conservation committee need time to edit it carefully. We hope we can publish the finalized official submission on the 1-2 days before the consultation ends.