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Subject: News!! Brown-breasted Flycatcher(juv.) [Print This Page]

Author: Ken    Time: 14/07/2012 00:23     Subject: News!! Brown-breasted Flycatcher(juv.)

13 July 2012

Unusual!!But I cannot find the adults.

Author: kkitty    Time: 14/07/2012 05:23

Another surprise in this hot summer
Author: kmike    Time: 14/07/2012 06:41

This looks interesting Ken

any more pix?
Author: ajohn    Time: 14/07/2012 13:54

Wow! Who would have predicted a week ago that there would be pictures posted of a Speckled Piculet at Long Valley, an Oriental Stork at Mai Po and a Brown-breasted Flycatcher at TPK?
Best July week ever, surely!
Author: wleepoin    Time: 14/07/2012 18:27

Congratulations Ken Jai! Excellent record & find.

Agreed with AJohn, best ever July.

Author: ddavid    Time: 29/07/2012 20:58

I understand this bird was seen again today. Could anyone tell me where in TPK this bird might be looked for?


Author: brendank    Time: 29/07/2012 21:27

Thanks, Ken, for finding this!

News travels fast I see. I saw this bird around 1430. Where the trail splits just before the third picnic area, take left trail (uphill). I saw it about 30 meters before the first little bridge on this trail. A bit lucky because I wasn't particularly looking for it anymore than I was for the Bay Woodpecker or Piculet. Now just need those other two.

Image Attachment: bbflycatcher1.JPG (29/07/2012 21:27, 59.59 KB) / Download count 434

Image Attachment: bbflycatcher2.JPG (29/07/2012 21:27, 57.63 KB) / Download count 429

Author: ddavid    Time: 29/07/2012 22:47


It was on Birdline!! You must have phoned it in.

Many thanks for your directions - I know exactly where you mean - on what I call the Blue Walk Loop.

I heard Bay Woodpecker (I think) on the access road before the old orchard on July 13th at about 9.00 a.m.

I have yet to see Speckled Piculet in HK.

Author: kena2089    Time: 15/08/2012 01:17

New number, first post

27.6.2012   TPK

Image Attachment: [I have saw three birds at the same time] tpka001.jpg (15/08/2012 01:17, 24.9 KB) / Download count 366

Image Attachment: tpka002.jpg (15/08/2012 01:17, 33.4 KB) / Download count 370

Image Attachment: tpka004.jpg (15/08/2012 01:17, 23.39 KB) / Download count 351

Author: ajohn    Time: 15/08/2012 08:45

These latest pictures (by kena2089) show a juvenile Hainan Blue Flycatcher - note that there are differences between this and the first photos in structure (particularly bill length), face pattern (white lores on the Brown-breasted) and upperparts spotting. The adult on the last photos is also a Hainan Blue.

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