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Subject: [Hong Kong] 徵求貝澳雀鳥記錄 Request for Pui O Bird Records [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 25/07/2012 12:23     Subject: 徵求貝澳雀鳥記錄 Request for Pui O Bird Records

本會現正搜集大嶼山貝澳的雀鳥記錄,本會已初步搜尋過近年的雀鳥記錄、本會論壇、HKWildlife forum等的記錄和報告,暫時記錄到至少180種雀鳥;附上excel檔案可作參考用途。


HKBWS is collecting bird records from Pui O. We have preliminary searched the recent bird records, HKBWS forum and HKWildLife forum and we have now recorded at least 180 species. The excel file is attached here for your reference. If birders found any missing species, you can reply in this forum.

We also welcome records from other parts of South Lantau (e.g. Mui Wo, Cheung Sha, Tong Fuk) but please state the location for easy recording.

雀鳥品種列表以作參考: Bird List for reference use:
HK_List_513_20120703_PuiO_20120726.xls (150 KB)

HKBWS Conservation Officer

Attachment: HK_List_513_20120703_PuiO_20120726.xls (26/07/2012 09:45, 150 KB) / Download count 1029
Author: brendank    Time: 25/07/2012 15:03

I looked through the list. I definitely have seen Wood Sandpiper autumn 2010 (will try to find the date) and I saw an Eurasian Collared Dove posted here: ... &extra=page%3D1
Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 26/07/2012 09:46

Thank you very much for pointing out the missing species. We have updated the list. We now have 184 species for Pui O!

Beetle Cheng
HKBWS Conservation Officer
Author: wmartin    Time: 20/03/2013 12:07     Subject: Pui O birds

I've also seen Citrine Wagtail [male, a few years ago] and Eurasian Skylark at Pui O.

- just found this page as asked re birds by Tony Nip of Kadoorie Farm, who is working on response to plan for a two-storey mushroom farm.

Really, this "Coastal Protection Zone" deserves protection!!
Author: Justin    Time: 20/03/2013 21:41

I remembered that in the outing on 9 Dec 2012 at Pui O, a Slaty-breasted Rail was seen. Details please refer to the following link:

Please kindly add this into the list.

Author: KennyYip    Time: 22/03/2013 00:15     Subject: 429 blue throat

please add 429 blue throat to your list, saw one there on 9th dec 2012.  
Author: Sze    Time: 22/03/2013 01:39

請去信城規會反對大嶼山貝澳海岸保護區申請改變土地用途, 今天22-3前請去信,
連結以下網址, 用表格電郵便可, 謝謝!


本會反對上述申請, 理由如下:

該處位於海岸保護區, 亦是香港目前僅有的一片水牛田濕地, 生態價值豐富, 觀鳥會曾在此觀察到86種雀鳥, 包括不少是稀有的品種, 如戴勝及紅胸田雞. 香港唯一的水牛群, 此地生態多樣化, 動植物互相依存, 咸淡水交界及其天然水文造成這一片香港獨特而豐富的生態環境, 成為中外遊客到大嶼山必賞的天然生態環境, 亦在多年前, 為漁護署確認此地區具有甚高的生態價值而被列為海岸保護區!

在忘濕地中間興建二層高的磨茹養植場, 實在令人費解, 只是填高 土地1米便足以令濕地水文和整體生態受到不可估計的嚴重影響, 作為一個理性而整全的生態保育, 實在不應該批准. 況且大嶼山廢棄的農地甚多, 無須在此作填土發展, 所以, 在生態環境及理性的考慮下, 實在沒有理由通過這一項申請.

近年來, 大嶼南的綠化帶及海岸保護區遭到嚴重的違法堆填所破壞, 違規發展商窺伺此規劃條例漏洞而大肆破壞, 以進行先破壞, 後申請. 因此, 城規會實負起看守這些具高生態價值的土地, 以免香港人珍而重之的生態環境被王不合理, 胡亂的, 違規的發展破壞殆盡!

本會懇請城規會主席及各委員能和所有關注大嶼南海岸保護區的團體和市民一樣, 否決這一項申請!


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