[ Last edited by 9Wi at 31/07/2012 13:50 ] Author: Ronaldo Time: 30/07/2012 21:00
you have a mountain finch and a godlewski's bunting in there. Author: HFCheung Time: 30/07/2012 21:04
1. Tibatan Snowfinch
2. Crested Lark seems OK
3. Juvenile redstart, look around for adult
4. ?
5. Godlewski's Bunting
6. All of them looks like Richard's Pipit to me
HF Cheung Author: kkoel Time: 30/07/2012 23:20
I think 4) is a juvenile Pied Wheatear. Note the broad white sides to the tail, a feature not shared by many birds in the region. The bill does look stubby on frontal view, but juveniles do have stubbier bill than adults so I feel this is still acceptable for Pied Wheatear. Author: 9Wi Time: 31/07/2012 13:52