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Subject: Lam Tsuen Autumn 2012 [Print This Page]

Author: subbuteo    Time: 17/08/2012 21:24     Subject: Lam Tsuen Autumn 2012

Probably slightly ahead of myself with this new thread but expectations are running high after the summer lull.  In the past week I heard a Brown Wood Owl calling with the uncommon three note call.  There was a flock of ten Hair-crested Drongos and a Common Mynah seen again.  All the birds were seen or heard around Pak Tin Kong.  

Author: subbuteo    Time: 1/09/2012 17:04

A walk in Ng Tung Chai this morning.  The usual forest birds were about including Mountain Tailorbird and  Lesser Shortwing.  The highlight was a male and female Hainan Blue Flycatcher.

Author: ddavid    Time: 1/09/2012 18:23

I made a quick afternoon visit to She Shan. The grassy plateau had single Richard's Pipit, Golden-headed Cisticola and Zitting Cisticola.

However, the area has now been fenced and gated off and there are signs on the fence. They're in Chinese, but I don't think they mean 'Welcome: Please find a way in and wander around freely.'

Author: subbuteo    Time: 1/09/2012 18:58

There is a lot of development happening with sewage works in the valley.  A road has been built into the valley off the She Shan Road and deep channels are now being excavated in formerly "good" habitat.  I am hopeful that once complete the road will be removed as the walk down the centre of the valley is a lot less agrarian just now.  I haven't seen the fence yet- I imagine the dog-walkers will rapidly "find" a breech.

Author: subbuteo    Time: 10/09/2012 06:41

10 September 2012

First dollarbird this morning, perched and then in flight.

Author: thinfor    Time: 10/09/2012 09:31

Great news!  Many thanks from 'LT birding team'!
Author: subbuteo    Time: 14/09/2012 09:51

13.9.12 6.15am

Yesterday, a flock of 20 egrets flying up the valley- mostly great but a couple of smaller ones may well have been intermediate.  

No Lam Tsuen birding this morning apart from a barred owlet flying overhead in a starry sky.  Spectacular stars- and the international space station overhead at approximately 4.45am - along with a couple of other passing satellites.  I had an earlier than normal wake up- must have been excitement at the cold front - too fixated on finding a SIberian Blue Robin which I need

Author: subbuteo    Time: 15/09/2012 11:02

Ng Tung Chai

No migrants picked up this morning- many Mountain Tailorbirds, a Grey-cheeked Fulvetta and the usual array of forest birds. A Crested Goshawk caused a host of alarm calls which flushed a Red-billed Leothrix put of hiding.  The path up to falls has had some damage over the summer, the top falls are labelled as inaccessible due to a landslip- I haven't been up to investigate yet.  The lower and middle falls are still easy to get to.

Unusually, there were two groups of macaques, one at Ng Tung Chai village and another group deep into the Ng Tung Chai valley.

Author: kmike    Time: 15/09/2012 14:49

While Dylan was up in the forest I was birding around She Shan.

The best birds were a juvenile Dollarbird (dark bill), an Arctic Warbler, "Swintail" Snipe in the marsh just south of the She Shan Road, and a couple of Olive-backed Pipits. There were also a few Zitting Cisticolas.

Also of interest were some rather vocal Bright-capped Cisticolas a, Lesser Coucal, two White-browed Laughingthrushes, two Hair-crested Drongos and two Sooty-headed Bulbuls.

Author: kmike    Time: 16/09/2012 09:33

On checking the Avifauna and the Annual Reports since then, it appears yesterday's Olive-backed Pipits by 13 days.

Before anyone asks, no they weren't Pechora Pipit, which is the usual pipit to pass through at this time.  I wish they were, as Pechora  would be  new for Lam Tsuen.

Author: subbuteo    Time: 16/09/2012 10:34

Ng Tung Chai,

Bird of the day and a first for Lam Tsuen was a calling Bay Woodpecker.  The call was the same as the first one here by Desmond Allen (call number: XC79339).  It was heard below the bottom falls, and called several times, a descending weh weh weh... repeated ten times or more.  The joys of technology meant Mike Kilburn was able to get onto Xeno-Canto at home and play the recording to me to confirm!  

More migrants today: Arctic Warbler; Eastern-crowned Warbler; Grey-streaked Flycatcher; Hainan Blue Flycatcher (stunning adult male singing beautifully).

Also of note, a pair of Yellow-cheeked Tits which followed me along the path for 100 metres, four Mountain Bulbuls below the bottom falls and two further down by the main temple.  A Lesser Shortwing gave its full repertoire of song, whistle and chak chak calls and also came out to my pishing letting me see it's drab plumage and cocked tail pose.

As I was leaving a juvenile red-necked keelback crossed and stopped on the path edge.

I had the trail to myself for two and half hours. Good morning out!


[ Last edited by subbuteo at 16/09/2012 10:37 ]
Author: ajohn    Time: 16/09/2012 17:00

A far more important question than pechora - were they tree pipits?

Congratulations on the bay woodpecker, Dylan
Author: kmike    Time: 16/09/2012 20:00

No John, sadly not.

Author: subbuteo    Time: 18/09/2012 06:41

A very dark brown skulking warbler in the marsh this morning, I suspect a Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler, I only got a quick glimpse as it flew away in a panic and ducked into ginger leaves.  It gave a quiet "tick, tick" call as it flew.

Author: kmike    Time: 23/09/2012 20:40

Quiet and very hot in Lam Tsuen around She Shan this morning


Richard's Pipit - 1
Siberian Stonechat - 2
Asian Brown Flycatcher - 1
Black-winged Cuckooshrike -1

Author: subbuteo    Time: 26/09/2012 06:27

Another mystery warbler this morning (6.15 am), small and secretive, it called somewhat like a dusky warbler, a quiet tsak tsak.  It flew weakly over the tops of the ginger lily and dropped into cover.  Again all dark and small with little to distinguish it.  Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler?

Author: brendank    Time: 26/09/2012 14:57

Small and dark sounds more like Lanceolated.
Author: subbuteo    Time: 26/09/2012 18:26

Thanks, Brendan, I agree and would love to claim it as I've never seen a live one!  Having just now listened to the calls here, it seems likely.  I know it wasn't a common bird- I walk the same path practically every day so am familiar with the usual species there.

This afternoon, there was an adult black-naped oriole I trees in my village.


[ Last edited by subbuteo at 26/09/2012 18:36 ]
Author: subbuteo    Time: 27/09/2012 06:32

Another Locustella warbler this morning- I only glimpsed the head this time!  Best fit this morning was a Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler.  It came out to my "pishing", so easily missed, I had no idea it was there.

Author: kmike    Time: 29/09/2012 21:41

A fine reward for sloth today. Having stayed at home and in bed for most of the day because of the heat and lack of wind I was unjustly rewarded with the following birds seen from my home between 4:45 and 5:45:

Falcon sp.  -  3 birds distantly on power lines above Lin Au (either Hobby or Amur Falcon)
Dollarbird - 2 above Ng Tung Chai
Black-winged Cuckooshrike - 1
Siberian Stonechat - 1 in the veggie patch
Black Drongo - 5, including a juv in the veggie patch

Author: subbuteo    Time: 30/09/2012 11:13

A walk through Ng Tung Chai this morning.  Plenty of birds but the only migrants I picked up were a Radde's Warbler along the path (beside the first fallen tree crossing the path marked with red and white tape) and an Arctic Warbler.  I also had an unidentified flycather.  There were at least nine Black Drongoes in a flock between Pak Tin Kong and Ping Long.

Author: kmike    Time: 30/09/2012 20:28

a few more birds from the She Shan end of Lam Tsuen

Hobby - 2

Green Sandpiper - 3
Swintail Snipe - 1

Richard's Pipit - 5

Siberian Stonechat - 5

Dusky Warbler - 6
Black-browed Reed Warbler - 1

Brown Flycatcher - 3
Red-throated Flycatcher - 1
Asian Paradise Flycatcher - 1

Black Drongo - 12 (including Dylan's 9)

Mike K
Author: kmike    Time: 2/10/2012 19:12

More signs of passage in Lam Tsuen today included the following:

Hobby - flying with prey (presumably a bat) at 6:30pm - She Shan

Dollarbird - She Shan
Black Drongo - 6 Tin Liu Ha
Ashy Drongo (seen by Dylan)

Olive-back Pipit - 2 She Shan
Richard's Pipit - 4 She Shan
ocularis White Wagtail - 1 Tin Liu Ha

Siberian Stonechat - 5 Tin Liu Ha

Oriental Reed Warbler - 1 She Shan
Lanceolated Warbler - 1 (seen by Dylan) Lung A Pai
Dusky Warbler - 5 She Shan
Yellow-browed Warbler - 1 Tai Om Shan
Eastern Crowned Warbler - 1 Tai Om Shan
Pale-legged leaf Warbler - 1h Tai Om Shan

Asian Paradise Flycatcher -1 Tai Om Shan
Sooty Flycatcher - 1 Tai Om Shan
Asian Brown Flycatcher - 1 She Shan
Red-throated Flycatcher - 1 She Shan

Chinese Grosbeak - 1 (f) She Shan

Mike K
Author: kmike    Time: 6/10/2012 23:13

More migrants in the NE corner of Lam Tsuen across the road from Kau Liu Ha this morning:

Green Sandpiper - 2

Common Kingfisher - 2

White Wagtail - 6 (leucopsis)
Grey Wagtail - 3
Yellow Wagtail - 1
Richard's Pipit - 3
Olive-backed Pipit - 2

Ashy Drongo -2
Black Drongo - 1

Brown Shrike - 1

Siberian Stonechat - 4

Greenish Warbler - 1(tree nursery)
Black-browed Reed Warbler - 2
Oriental Reed Warbler - 1
Dusky Warbler - 6

Red-throated Flycatcher - 1(tree nursery)  (+1 seen by peter and Michelle at She Shan fung shui wood)

Little Bunting - 1

Mike K
Author: kmike    Time: 7/10/2012 10:19

The weedy patch at Kau Liu Ha was again good today:

Brown Shrike - 1 (same bird as yesterday)

Oriental Reed Warbler - 2 (Lam Tsuen high count)
Black-browed Reed Warbler - 3 (+ 1 near tree nursery)
Lanceolated Warbler - 1
Dusky Warbler - 8

Asian Brown and Red-throated Flycatchers were both in the tree plantation again.

Mike K
Author: subbuteo    Time: 7/10/2012 18:53

A walk through She Shan this evening produced:

Grey Bushchat female (my first autumn record)
Siberian Stonechat 2
Richard's Pipit 8+
Dusky Warbler 10+ many around the ponds/river scrub
Black Drongo 1
Hair-crested Drongo 6
Red-throated Flycather (heard at tree nursery)

Author: subbuteo    Time: 7/10/2012 19:03

Not a Grey Bushchat female! A female Stejneger's Stonechat Long shot with my compact camera.  She Shan, Lam Tsuen 7.10.12

The rump was a much warmer rusty colour in the field- my camera hasn't picked it up well.


[ Last edited by subbuteo at 20/10/2012 14:07 ]

Image Attachment: grey bushchat.jpg (7/10/2012 19:03, 55.49 KB) / Download count 497

Image Attachment: P1110498.jpg (7/10/2012 19:10, 30.55 KB) / Download count 461

Image Attachment: P1110500.jpg (7/10/2012 19:10, 69.86 KB) / Download count 453

Author: thinfor    Time: 8/10/2012 09:20

Great records this autumn indeed!
Author: ddavid    Time: 12/10/2012 10:53

October 12 - She Shan area - morning

Japanese Quail x1
Japanese Sparrowhawk x1
Eurasian Woodcock x1
Hair-crested Drongo x8
Richard's pipit x5
Olive-backed Pipit x3
Oriental Reed Warbler x1
Dusky Warbler x8
Yellow-browed warbler x3
Zitting Cisticola x3
Golden-headed Cisricola x2
Stejneger's Stonechat x7
Black-naped Oriole x1
Red-throated Flycatcher x1
Asian Brown Flycatcher x1
Yellow-breasted Bunting x5

Author: kmike    Time: 13/10/2012 22:17

A quieter morning today at Kau Liu Ha/ She Shan

2 x Black-browed Reed Warbler
10 x Dusky Warbler
4 x Little Bunting
2 x Bunting sp (suspected Yellow-breasted)

alo reported from Lam Tsuen (not by me) this week a White-Ahroated Rock Thrush,  and Alstrom's Warbler + Asian Para, Grey-streaked Flycatcher and Eastern Crowned Warbler.

Mike K
Author: subbuteo    Time: 14/10/2012 22:01

A hoopoe in flight between Pak Tin Kong and Ping Long this afternoon.

Author: kmike    Time: 14/10/2012 23:06

A few more birds today

From the house:

Grey Bushchat - female
Yellow-breasted Bunting - 1
Chinese Blackbird - 1 m
Common Rosefinch - 1m (completely missed until I saw the photo)

Kau Liu Ha/She Shan:

Red Turtle Dove - 3
Brown Shrike - 1
Oriental Reed Warbler - 1
Little Bunting - 2
Yellow-breasted Bunting - 1
Blue Whistling Thrush - 1
Red-throated Flycatcher - 1
Asian Brown Flycatcher - 1


Image Attachment: DSCN2390 Common Rosefinch.jpg (14/10/2012 23:06, 85.84 KB) / Download count 462

Author: kkoel    Time: 15/10/2012 00:06

In addition in the evening:

1 Lanceolated Warbler

1 Chestnut-eared Bunting

Author: lpaul    Time: 15/10/2012 08:25

Original posted by subbuteo at 7/10/2012 19:03
Grey Bushchat female long shot with my compact camera.  She Shan, Lam Tsuen 7.10.12

The rump was a much warmer rusty colour in the field- my camera hasn't picked it up well.

Surely this is a female Stejneger's Stonechat?
Author: subbuteo    Time: 15/10/2012 09:55

I think I may have photographed the wrong bird... sounds stupid I know.  I was puzzled when I looked at the photos too.  The bushchat was rusty rumped!  I think the stonechat may have seen it off its perch and I ended up photographing it instead.  I am a very amateur photographer...

Author: kmike    Time: 20/10/2012 11:41

Cooler weather and a fresher NE wind brought some good birds to Lam Tsuen this morning:

Green Sandpiper - 1

Crested Goshawk

White-throated Kingfisher - 1
Common Kingfisher - 1
Black-winged Cuckoo-shrike - 1

Eurasian Skylark - 2
Richard's Pipit - 6
Olive-backed Pipit - 2

Stejneger's Stonechat - 2
Grey Bushchat - 1 (female on veggie patch)
Chinese Blackbird - 1

Black-browed Reed Warbler - 2
Thick-billed Warbler - 1  First record for Lam Tsuen. Seen next to the river at She Shan.
Dusky Warbler - 12

Asian Brown Flycatcher - 2
Red-throated Flycatcher - 2

White-cheeked Starling - 1 - rare in Lam Tsuen
Common Myna - 1

Blue Magpie - 1
Ashy Drongo - 1
Hair-crested Drongo - 1

Black-faced Bunting - 1


[ Last edited by kmike at 20/10/2012 12:17 ]
Author: brendank    Time: 21/10/2012 13:02

21 October 2012 - am
She Shan

2 Besra

1-2 Lanceolated Warbler
1 Manchurian Reed Warbler
2 Black-browed Reed Warbler

1 Bright-capped Cisticola
Author: subbuteo    Time: 21/10/2012 13:27

Ng Tung Chai, 21.10.12 am

Grey-headed Flycatcher - along main road to Ng Tung CHai
Yellow-browed Warbler
Daurian Redstart (male) in the orchard before the big gateway
Brownish Flanked Bush Warbler calling at the base of the final steps before the last stretch to the lower falls.
Lesser Shortwing
Great Barbet
Little Egret (unusual sight flying in the forest)


PS great selection of warblers, Brendan!

[ Last edited by subbuteo at 21/10/2012 20:39 ]

Image Attachment: P1110505.jpg (21/10/2012 13:27, 15.22 KB) / Download count 457

Author: kmike    Time: 21/10/2012 20:27

Adding to a good day in Lam Tsuen, the following were seen between Ping Long and Tai Om Shan:

Red-Turtle Dove - 1  

Grey Bushchat - 1 (f)
Stejneger's Stonechat - 2
Thrush sp. (most likely Eye-browed, but not seen sufficiently well for confirmation)

Pale-legged Leaf Warbler
Radde's Warbler - 1
Russet Bush Warbler - 1

Asian Brown Flycatcher - 2

Pygmy Wren Babbler - 1 seen + 2 heard
Lesser Shortwing - 3 heard


[ Last edited by kmike at 21/10/2012 20:29 ]
Author: brendank    Time: 21/10/2012 20:38

21 October

We returned to She Shan after 5 pm. The Manchurian Reed Warbler was still there but not as showy and there was also a Black-naped Monarch and a Two-barred Greenish Warbler.
Author: kmike    Time: 23/10/2012 13:14

Another good morning in the Kau Liu Ha / She Shan area:

Crested Serpent Eagle - 1
Common Buzzard - 2 (first of the autumn)
Amur Falcon - 2 (second Lam Tsuen record)

Red-throated Pipit - 1 flyover
Ashy Drongo - 1

Daurian Redstart - 2 (plus one in the afternoon)

Black-browed Reed Warbler - 4
(Koel Ko also had the Thick-billed Warbler close to the Yellow container near Kau Liu Ha, and a Chestnut-eared Bunting).
Dusky Warbler - 1

Grey-headed Flycatcher - 2
Asian Brown Flycatcher - 2
Red-throated Flycatcher - 1

Chestnut Bunting - 4
Black-faced Bunting - 1
Little Bunting - 2

Monk Parakeet - 1 - first Hong Kong record! (an obvious escape)


[ Last edited by kmike at 23/10/2012 21:38 ]

Image Attachment: DSCN2455 Monk Parakeet.jpg (23/10/2012 21:38, 50.69 KB) / Download count 438

Author: thinfor    Time: 23/10/2012 15:21

Yes, Mike, and seemed to have some record shots as well.  I look forward to seeing it.  
Author: kmike    Time: 27/10/2012 18:18

Kau Liu Ha/She Shan (0715-1030)

Possible Amur Falcon - 1 distant
Common Buzzard - 1
Crested Goshawk - 1 (+ 1 in Sun Tong Fung Shui)

Collared Scops Owl - 1 (Weds- Friday nights)

Watercock (juv/female type) - 1

Red Turtle Dove - 1

Richard's Pipit - 3
Olive-backed Pipit - 5

Daurian Redstart - 1f
Siberian Stomechat - 3

Black-browed Reed Warbler - 4
Dusky Warbler - 8
Yellow-browed Warbler - 1
Lanceolated Warbler - 3 flood channel next to

Red-throated Flycatcher - 2
Asian Brown Flycatcher - 1

Black-faced Bunting - 4

Hair-crested Drongo - 6

Author: kmike    Time: 28/10/2012 19:49

A quieter morning at She Shan / Kau Liu Ha.

Hobby- 1 migrating SW
Common Buzzard - 1 also migrating SW

Collared Scops Owl - 1 before dawn

Siberin Stonechat - 1
Grey Bushchat - 1
Daurian Redstart - 1

Black-browed Reed Warbler - 2
Lanceolated Warbler - 1
Dusky Warbler - 7

Black-faced Bunting - 1

Author: subbuteo    Time: 28/10/2012 23:05

I walked up to Tai Om Shan, very quiet overall, but heard at least five Lesser Shortwings calling.  I flushed two birds which flew over the path, thrush size and shape, brown back, darker tail and white flashes in the outer tail which, I think, only leaves Pale Thrush?  Seems to be an early record.  No call and I only saw them as they flew.  Any other options?
Author: subbuteo    Time: 1/11/2012 14:58

I heard the Brown Wood Owl for the first time since mid-August.  It was calling just after 6am.

Author: ajohn    Time: 1/11/2012 16:01

Original posted by subbuteo at 28/10/2012 23:05
I flushed two birds which flew over the path, thrush size and shape, brown back, darker tail and white flashes in the outer tail which, I think, only leaves Pale Thrush?
It does seem early for Pale. What about White's Thrush?
Author: subbuteo    Time: 1/11/2012 17:56

Certainly possible- do they have pale flashes in the tail too?  White's Thrush always seems to be a solitary bird- this was two together.  Another thought I had later was Lesser Necklaced Laughing Thrush- it was a quick glimpse of the birds as they flew so I only had an impression of size and colouration. They are not very common in the valley and I haven't seen them very often anywhere else but probably more likely than Pale Thrush this early.
Author: kmike    Time: 3/11/2012 15:30

Saturday 3 Nov Ping Long to Kau Liu Ha via She Shan

Crested Goshawk - 1 display flight

Eurasian Skylark -1

Black-winged Cuckooshrike - 1

Richard's Pipit - 4

Rubythroat - 1 m
Grey Bushchat - 1 f
Daurin Redstart - 6 (5 f, 1 m)
Stejneger' Stonechat 6

Lanceolated Warbler - 1
Dusky Warbler - 4
Bright-capped Cisticola - 4
Fantail Warbler - 1

Red-throated Flycatcher - 1
Asian Brown Flycatcher - 1

Silky Starling - 1 m

Oriental Greenfinch - 1 flyover
Black-faced Bunting - 1
Bunting sp (flyover - 4)

Mike K
Author: kmike    Time: 4/11/2012 21:34

Tai Om Shan 7:00 - 0940

Little Egret  2

Crested Goshawk - 1

Daurian Redstart - 4

Brownish-flanked Bush Warbler - 1
Asian Stubtail - 4
Radde's Warbler - 1
Greenish Warbler - 2
Yellow-browed Warbler - 2

Asian Paradise Flycatcher - 1

Ashy Drongo - 1 Tai Om.

Mike K
Author: ajohn    Time: 6/11/2012 12:24

I am staying temporarily in Lam Tsuen, and heard the Brown wood Owl calling for several minutes from about 5.00 this morning. Also great views of a calling Collared Scops Owl last night.
Author: kmike    Time: 10/11/2012 18:18

This evening at She Shan/ Kau Liu Ha

Great Cormorant - 27 circling then heading north (second Lam Tsuen record)

Stejneger's Stonechat - 5
Daurian Redstart - 2
Siberian Rubythroat - 2

Chinese Blackbird - 3

Yellow-browed Warbler - 2
Black-browed Reed Warbler - 3

Author: kmike    Time: 11/11/2012 12:42

Sunday 11 Nov 0815 - 11:45

Kau Liu Ha- She Shan + Ping Long

Common Buzzard
Crested Serpent Eagle
Crested Goshawk

Japanese Quail

Red-throated Pipit
OBP - 8
Richard's Pipit - 4

Siberian Rubythroat
Stejneger' Stonechat - 4
Daurian Redstart - 1

Black-browed Reed Warbler - 3
Bradypterus sp. - 1

Black-faced Bunting - 2
Bunting sp - 5

Asy Drongo - 1
Hair-crested Drongo - 6

Author: ajohn    Time: 12/11/2012 18:02

A few birds from Tai Om this morning:

Black-winged Cuckooshrike x1
Black-naped Monarch x1
Asian Stubtail Warbler x2
Radde's Warbler x1
Two-barred (Greenish) Warbler x1
Russet Bush Warbler x4
Verditer Flycatcher x1
Lesser Shortwing x5+

Also an unseen chat, possibly Rufous-tailed Robin, and a heard-only thrush.

The Bown Wood Owl was calling again this morning shortly after 6.00
Author: kmike    Time: 17/11/2012 15:30

Kau Liu Ha - She Shan - Ping Long

Common Buzzard - 1

Japanese Quail - 1

? Baicalensis White Wagtail - first Lam Tsuen record (but around for several weeks)
Ocularis White Wagtail - 1

Black-winged Cuckooshrike - 1

Bluethroat - first Lam Tsuen Record
Daurian Redstart 5
Grey Bushchat
Stejneger's Stonechat - 2

Chinese Blackbird 45
Grey-backed Thrush - 1
Thrush sp. - 9

YBW - 2
Raddes Warbler (photographed, but not see by me)
Japanese Bush Warbler - 1
Black-browed Reed Warbler - 3

Grey-headed Flycatcher - 2
Asian Brown Flycatcher - 1

Little Bunting - 2
Black-faced Bunting - 4


[ Last edited by kmike at 18/11/2012 07:15 ]

Image Attachment: DSCN2593 White Wag ssp. front.jpg (18/11/2012 07:15, 94.95 KB) / Download count 407

Image Attachment: DSCN2591 white Wag ssp. side.jpg (18/11/2012 07:15, 86.75 KB) / Download count 406

Image Attachment: DSCN2590 White Wag ssp. back .jpg (18/11/2012 07:15, 95.07 KB) / Download count 397

Image Attachment: DSCN2603 Whit Wag ssp. above + tail.jpg (18/11/2012 07:15, 107.73 KB) / Download count 427

Author: ajohn    Time: 24/11/2012 23:37

I think the wagtail is a female leucopsis with an unusually large bib. The mantle colour is fairly dark grey and the wing pattern looks typical for female leucopsis (extensive white on greaters and pure white median coverts). Also the black of the rump seems to extend well beyond the upper tail coverts, which would indicate one of the black-backed subspecies.
Although the bib is more extensive than a typical leucopsis, I think it is also more extensive than would be seen on a baicalensis at this time of year (which I think should show a similar bib to leucopsis, with perhaps an additional patch at the end of the malar)
Author: subbuteo    Time: 30/11/2012 11:31

I haven't been out much recently apart from my regular morning dog walk.  However, this morning I heard an unusual call,  thought initially it may have been a russet bush warbler but now I'm not sure.  The call was recorded on my iphone, I've used audacity to boost it but it still isn't very clear.  It is the thin call in the back ground. The bird was perhaps 50m away in the middle of the marsh.

Any thoughts?  It may well be something common with a call I don't recognise.


Attachment: ptk_call_nov.mp3 (30/11/2012 11:31, 43.67 KB) / Download count 562
Author: kmike    Time: 1/12/2012 18:04

This morning at Tai Om Shan and Ping Long

Red-rumped Swallow - 2 (rare in Lam Tsuen)

Daurian Redstart - 2 (+ 2 at Ping Long)
Grey Bushchat  - 1 (long-staying female at Ping Long)
Stejneger's Stonechat - 2
Siberian Rubythroat - 2h
Red-flanked Bluetail - 2
Rufous-tailed Robin - 1
Lesser Shortwing - 4h

Grey-backed Thrush - 2
Chinese Blackbird - 2

Pallas' Leaf Warbler - 2
Yellow-browed Warbler - 3
Radde's Warbler - 1
Dusky Warbler - 1
Asian Stubtail - 4
Russet Bush Warbler - 1
Japanese Bush Warbler (2 at She Shan in the afternoon)

Asian Brown Flycatcher - 1

Little Bunting - 1
Black-faced Bunting - 1 (= 4 at Kau Liu ha in the afternoon)
Yellow-breasted Bunting - 1 male at Ping Long

Author: subbuteo    Time: 2/12/2012 12:49

Saturday 1 December Pak Tin Kong

Black-winged Cuckoo Shrike
Ashy Drongo
Hair-crested Drongo
Red-rumped Swallow

Sunday 2 December Pak Tin Kong to Lin Au- a good day!

Raddes Warbler
Dusky Warbler
Yellow-browed Warbler
Asian Stubtail
Japanese Bush Warbler 3
Russet Bush Warbler
Common Tailorbird
Mountain Tailorbird
Daurian Redstart 3
Siberian Rubythroat 2
Pale Thrush 2
Necklaced Laughing Thrush
White-cheeked Laughing Thrush
Lesser Coucal
Crested Bunting 2- at the back of Lin Au
Chestnut Bunting- well over 100! Big dispersed flocks in Lam Tsuen and Lin Au
Author: kmike    Time: 2/12/2012 23:27

I birded the other end of Lam Tsuen - Kadoorie Farm, the grasslands above, and Ng Tung Chai today:

Asian House Martin - 11

Rufous-tailed Robin - 2
Red-flanked Bluetail - 2
Daurian Redstart - 1

Asian Stubtail - 4
Mountain Bush Warbler - 4
Pallas's Leaf Warbler - 6
YBW - 4
Goodson's Leaf Warbler - 2
Fokhiensis -type Blyth's Leaf Warbler - 1

Mugimaki Flycatcher - 2 (woods opposite entrance to KFBG)

Chinese Grassbird - 2
Striated Yuhina - 40

Author: brendank    Time: 3/12/2012 19:24

3 December 2012

A rather stunning trip to Lin Au. Thanks, Dylan for getting the word out on this spot!!

2 Crested Bunting (I saw them fly into dense grass about 5 times but didn't get any photographs. Graham had one perched out in the open)
2 Japanese Yellow Bunting
3 Yellow-breasted Bunting
130 Chestnut Bunting (I was counting them in groups of 10 as the flushed out of a field)
10 Little Bunting

1 Mugimaki Flycatcher

6 Asian House Martin

1 Eurasian Curlew (flyover)

with so many buntings around in a huge flock this might be a good place to look for a mega rarity like an Ortolon, Grey-necked or Meadow Bunting!!

[ Last edited by brendank at 3/12/2012 19:43 ]

Image Attachment: japanese_yellow.JPG (3/12/2012 19:24, 37.89 KB) / Download count 473

Image Attachment: little.JPG (3/12/2012 19:24, 40.38 KB) / Download count 475

Image Attachment: chestnut_buntings.JPG (3/12/2012 19:24, 78.35 KB) / Download count 476

Author: kmike    Time: 8/12/2012 17:51

Another good day in Lam Tsuen - at Kadoorie Farm

Great Barbet - 1

Scarlet Minivet - 2
Grey-chinned Minivet - 1
Asian House Martin - 2

Orange-bellied Leafbird - 1 f

Grey-backed Thrush - 12
Japanese Thrush - 3
Pale Thrush - 2
Eye-browed Thrush - 3
Blue Whistling Thrush -3

Red-flanked Bluetail - 5
Rufous-tailed Robin - 1
Daurian Redstart - 2 (+2 at Ping Long)
Grey Bushchat - long-staying female still present
Stejneger' Stonechat - 1

Bianchi's Warbler - 1
Sulphur-breasted Warbler - 1
Blyth's Leaf Warbler - 1 (creamy tinge to underparts)
Greenish Warbler - 1
Palas' Leaf Warbler - 12
Yellow-browed Warbler - 12
Asian Stubtail - 8

Striated Yuhina - 40


[ Last edited by kmike at 8/12/2012 21:14 ]
Author: lpaul    Time: 8/12/2012 19:16

Sulphur-bellied Warbler, nice one and a first for Hong Kong, where exactly was that.  Unless of course you mean Sulphur-breasted Warbler..
Author: kmike    Time: 8/12/2012 21:11

Sulphur-breasted Warbler indeed (now corrected). Nice to get it in the same bird wave as the Bianchi's and a rather creamy-bellied Blyth's.


[ Last edited by kmike at 8/12/2012 21:16 ]
Author: brendank    Time: 8/12/2012 22:43

A very nice flock! Where specifically were these at Kadoorie?
Author: kmike    Time: 9/12/2012 01:13

Thanks Brendan

The thrushes were near the three big water tanks at the top of the farm - where the bus turns round near the Brothers Pavilion, and the warblers were on the Jackfruit Jaunt trail just below the helipad.

Author: subbuteo    Time: 12/12/2012 20:30

There seem to be lots of birds around just now, so much more to see than last year.  Around home, I have had hair-crested and ashy drongo, daurian redstart, S stonechat, Pallas's and yellow-browed warbler, black-faced, little and chestnut bunting.

The mystery bird is still calling, a of the call recorded from my phone is downloadable from here- the high pitched five/six note call.  It has called every day consistently like this for the past week.  I hear it between 6.50 and 7.20 am.  I would like to hear any ideas for i.d.  I have listened to many recordings on xeno-canto with no joy.  The bird is calling from about 40 metres away, it is a loud call. ... warber%20full-1.mp3

Author: kmike    Time: 15/12/2012 18:35

KFBG 0940 - 1215

Female Small Niltava

The bird was found by the bridge just below the butterfly garden at about 1015.

Other birds included:

Rufous-tailed Robin - 2
Mountain Bulbul - 2
Red-flanked Bluetail - 1
Blue Rock Thrush - 1

Please note that KFBG will be closed until 2pm tomorrow.

Author: wgeoff    Time: 16/12/2012 06:32

Hi Dylan

I don't know what your calling bird is but here are some copies that may help someone else identify

A shorter recording filtered to remove some of the lower pitch noise

and a sonogram

I think the call you are referring to is the 4-5 note one which appears four times in this recording at a pitch of about 5 kHz. It is preceded by a single note at a slightly lower pitch

Can anyone identify? - and put Dylan out of his misery

There is also a ticking call at about 6 kHz which starts just after the second of your bird calls - don't know what this is either - an insect? You can hear it and just see it in the sonogram

[ Last edited by wgeoff at 16/12/2012 06:38 ]
Author: subbuteo    Time: 17/12/2012 10:08

Thanks for that, Geoff!

What software are you using to produce the sonograms?  Can you compare the call to a Russet Bush Warbler sonogram (if you have one)?  It would be interesting to see if the call is in the same range, as that is still my best guess.

I don't have much to report from this weekend, Ashy Drongo, Russet and Japanese/Manchurian Bush Warbler, buntings (black-faced only ones seen clearly), Siberian Rubythroat... and the usual birds.

Attached is a photo of my morning walk, I only go a few hundred metres each morning but there's always something to see or more often hear.  It's is a fairly unusual habitat in the valley and unfortunately there will be some work going on.  A plot of land on the edge was fenced last week and several large trees felled.  I am keeping a close eye.


Image Attachment: PTK.jpg (17/12/2012 10:08, 52.9 KB) / Download count 434

Author: kmike    Time: 25/12/2012 20:05

A few birds in Lam Tsuen  (Hong Lok Yuen Roundabout - She Shan) this morning:

Great Egret - 1

Oriental Honey Buzzard - 1 dark phase

Green Sandpiper - 2

Grey Bushchat - 1
Daurian Redstart - 3
Grey-backed Thrush - 2
Chinese Blackbird - 2

Little Bunting - 4
Black-faced Bunting - 2

Common Myna - 2 (new high count for Lam Tsuen)

Cheers & Merry Christmas!

Mike K
Author: kmike    Time: 26/12/2012 19:04

At Ng Tung Chai this morning between 0830 and 1140:

Blue Rock Thrush - 1
Blue Whistling Thrush - 1
Pale Thrush - 2
Chinese Blackbird - 1

Red-flanked Bluetail - 1
Lesser Shortwing - 1 seen + 3 more heard

Asian Stubtail - 2
YBW - 5
Pallas' Leaf Warbler - 1

Chinese Blue Magpie - 1

Mike K
Author: kmike    Time: 30/12/2012 21:04

A quieter weekend in Lam Tsuen at Ng Tung Chai/ Tin Liu Ha

Moorhen - 1
Woodcock - 1
GreenSandpiper - 1

Black-winged Cuckooshrike - 1
Mountain Bulbul - 2

Grey Bushchat - 1
Stejneger's Stonechat - 1
Daurian Redstart - 1

Pale Thrush - 1
Grey-backed Thrush - 4
Chinese Blackbird - 4

Mike K
Author: subbuteo    Time: 31/12/2012 20:42

Tai Om Shan.

A very cold morning!  Fifty-five species, and a quite a few common birds not seen.

Pallas's Leaf Warbler  5
Yellow-browed Warbler  7
? Greenish Warbler- best fit, a very plain leaf warbler, big supercilium, one wing bar, dull, almost brownish plumage, yellow/orange legs
Asian Stubtail

Taiga Flycatcher 4
Mugimaki Flycathcer 1
Red-flanked Bluetail 4
Daurian Redstart  2
Siberian Stonechat 2
Siberian Rubythroat
Grey-backed Thrush 2
Japanese Thrush 1
Blackbird 3
Blue Whistling Thrush
Plumbeous Redstart F

Tristram's Bunting 6
Black-faced Bunting 3


PS I should add, 30+ siskins, White's Thrush and black-winged cuckoo-shrike over the weekend.

[ Last edited by subbuteo at 31/12/2012 20:44 ]
Author: subbuteo    Time: 4/01/2013 19:26

An eventful short walk this morning got extended due to too many good birds.  At Lung A Pai, there was Grey-backed Thrush, Daurian Redstart, S Stonechat.  A large mixed flock came through with Grey-chinned and Scarlet Minivets, two Black-winged Cuckoo Shrikes, and a Verditer.  I flushed a woodcock from a swale under a bamboo grove.

On the way back home on the edge of Pak Tin Kong, I heard a red-breasted/taiga flycatcher.  It only called a couple of times but it was very conspicuous.  I got a very good look at it, mostly from below.  The lower mandible was wide, orange from the base and the front third or so was dark.  I saw the tail white flashes but didn't get a good look at the tail.  I went back later and heard the call properly, a slower, quiet drawl compared to Taiga Flycatcher.

So I am confident, red-breasted flycatcher- a Lam Tsuen first!  The bird was still there this evening, there is a tree in flower which is bringing in insects and it is fly-catching around the tree.  Hopefully, it'll still be there in the morning.

Author: brendank    Time: 4/01/2013 19:43

Congratulations, Dylan! I think that one was overdue for Lam Tsuen.
Author: subbuteo    Time: 5/01/2013 13:30

Thanks, Brendan- the red-breasted flycatcher is still in the same location.  Also seen this morning (5.1.13) in Mike's company:

ashy drongo
hair-crested drongo
black-winged cuckoo shrike
Hainan blue flycatcher M (unusual winter record)
russet bush warbler
Siberian rubythroat
Pallas's warbler
yellow-browed warbler
Besra x2
Scarlet and grey-chinned minivet

Mike got a couple of good photos, it's a very well behaved flycatcher.  


[ Last edited by subbuteo at 5/01/2013 13:31 ]
Author: wgeoff    Time: 5/01/2013 14:49

Is it still autumn in Lam Tsuen?

It feels b. cold down here in the south
Author: subbuteo    Time: 5/01/2013 20:03

We don't call it winter until the first frost.  

A snap of the red-breasted flycatcher.  It was around the same tree all day.


Image Attachment: red-breasted.jpg (5/01/2013 20:03, 68.33 KB) / Download count 385

Author: ajohn    Time: 6/01/2013 08:53

Not wanting to rain on anyone's parade, but that photo looks like Asian Brown Flycatcher to me. Are there more photos showing the upperparts?
Author: kmike    Time: 6/01/2013 09:58

Looking at my own pix I came to the same inescapable conclusion last night, John and have just got back from confirming my fears this morning. It is indeed an Asian Brown.

Author: subbuteo    Time: 6/01/2013 10:00

John, unfortunately, I have a feeling you may well be very right.  I was thinking about the behaviour- no wing flicking or tail cocking.  
I don't have pictures of the white tail flashes but I am wondering if the white I saw was just rump/vent feathers....

I was sitting looking at my books last night with the photos having a very hard time being definitive.  I'm off out to look again!

Author: subbuteo    Time: 6/01/2013 11:23

I've just been down to the tree, and the Asian Brown is there- as is a red-throated flycatcher.  I haven't managed to see them both at the same time so,  I think I have managed to combine the features of the two into a bird I wanted to see.  On this basis, I think there may be many more good birds coming your way soon.

Author: ajohn    Time: 6/01/2013 12:29

I'm sure it's only a matter of time before a Red-breasted does turn up in Lam Tsuen. There's lots of good habitat!
Author: brendank    Time: 6/01/2013 22:11

I am a little surprised it hasn't turned up yet. I would say on Hong Kong Island and Po Toi Red-breasted is more common than Red-throated in late autumn. Two Red-breasted Flycatchers were seen (not by me) today on Mount Davis and look to be wintering at this location.
Author: kmike    Time: 13/01/2013 23:44

Yesterday at KFBG

Red-flanked Bluetail - 8
Daurian Redstart - 2
Rufous-tailed Robin - 2
Pale Thrush - 5

Leopard Cat - 1


Image Attachment: DSCN3052 Leopard cat 1.jpg (13/01/2013 23:44, 161.1 KB) / Download count 382

Image Attachment: DSCN3060 Leopard Cat 2.jpg (13/01/2013 23:44, 166.84 KB) / Download count 353

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